the original Britons were black
The first British man was black
late to the party
Well shit I guess we better open the borders and let in millions and millions of people now, right?
Funny thing is that's how you britons and amerimutts will loook in 2100
i always wondered why people from the british isles had pug noses and potato faces.. it all makes ense
ooga booga innit
Then we'll finally have common ancestry with Italians.
I think they discovered the "metoo" movement founders daddy .
that means all the achivements of classical greece and rome came from black skinned europeans
bix nood muh nigga
Yes, modern humans evolved from primitive ape men, your point is ?
Just a darker version of...
He looks like a cunt.
The article is aload of bullshit. British people started of white, we crawled out of the thames 50k years ago our ancestors were called white water amphibious monkeys. That was just some slave we brought back to do our hard labour etc we used them niggas to build stone henge while us native white water amphibious monkeys sipped on apple tea.
By the logic this runs on we're all neanderthals.
...and that's the fourth time I've seen someone try and cause a shitstorm with this info without it getting any traction. You gonna give up at some point?
Honestly its an article that is forcing poltical correctness down upon the british public, and people should be aware of that. Etc the bbc made william the conquer a nigga. For horrible historys.
This dude could literally have washed up on British soil, to say that 100% of Britain is related to this guy is so fucking retarded. I guess 100% of America is Swedish because the oldest Skeleton in the US is some viking or some shit.
Real niggers of europe.
I got the image of the first europeans from dna studies as greeneyed blonde blacks heading north after copulating with the neanderthals.
Something like pic shows. Its also predicted that we will look the same in a thousand years from now.
the first briton
the first
>irish are niggers
tbqh famalam
>Dynamic IP changing auto-shillbot
We have this same fucking auto-bot shill shit 20-30 times a day. I've seen this >topic related< same dumb shit for several days now spamming Sup Forums. These auto-kikes need to be dealt with.
Can Sup Forums not dynamically ban the same topic for 2 days after the 5th post? Sup Forums can recognize posting the same image twice in a row as a potential spam after-all.
Sage doesn't even work anymore when the auto-kikes are auto-kiking responses to their auto-kike topics. Fuck.
There were people in Britain 700,000 years before him and his people were wiped out by Neolithic farmers who were wiped out/raped by Yamaya people who were wiped out celts who were sent into enclaves by angles and other Germanic tribes who were conquered and ruled by Norman’s
Neanderthals were the first Europeans.
Modern day Europeans are Homo Sapien/Neanderthal hybrids, hence the light hair and eyes. Neanderthals had larger brains because they had to plan for the long winters, and today modern Europeans test higher on IQ scores than the rest of the developed world.
You guys realise this is probably bullshit right? All his features are white but his skin. Have ever seen a black person that looks like that? His eyes are blue for fuck sake hahahaha The university probably just changed his skin to black because PC
This is better...
Why are you picking on Norm :(
The neanderthals made us survive in cold of the north in the absence of sunlight.
After plenty of millennias the skin and hair got fairer and eyes blueish to absorb even more d vitamins from a cold black sky.
Myself i am a forest greeneyed fairskin packed with more muscles than i need but i never freeze and see very well in the dark.
doesn't surprise me english/anglos are a mutt race compared to pure Europeans, why the jew likes anglos
English are the only people on these isles who arent British you subhuman brittonic paddy
>Now let me tell you about the problem with mammoths
>I mean as you can guess it's right in their name... MAMMOTH
>Here you've got this huge creature and we have to kill it to eat dinner
Why didn't you just eat vegetables?
>This was ancient times you see! We didn't have vegetables the mammoths ate the grass we ate the mammoths see?
>So anyways I'm trying to kill this 5 ton mammoth with my stone spear
I want a Norm Caveman Comedy Special Now.
Are we honourary niggers now pol?
I luv Norm! I Just hope Cheddar Dude was even half as funny.
I wouldn't trust anything (((science))) has said since 2000. Do your own research.
looks like rachel on friends
Black Africans did not become White Europeans.
(((Yoan Dickmann))) and his team of (((scientists))) would have you believe that a BLACK AFRICAN could survive in the last great ICE AGE!
They would DIE OUT before they could reproduce and somehow become fair-skinned and fair-haired because of vitamin D deficiency.
These KIKES think we are stupid.
Fucking Picts. Conan was right all along.
There is actually a fair bit of evidence for Wewuz in the case of the Celts. They migrated from Iberia through Europe and could have mixed with Caucasoids all along the way. The Roman and Anglo-Saxon invasion would be the last step in this. But you can see even in the modern day how they have slightly African features, and a slightly lower IQ.
10 000 years in the past everyone was black, some of the people had the brain cells to evolve, because who the fuck actualy wants to be black
I wouldn't go around telling everyone and bragging about being a nigger.
another reason to support the idea that niggers haven't evolved from our apelike ancestors.
I don't tend to believe pop-science articles at face value.
someone plz update
>modern Europeans
>he really just means "Ashkenazi Jews"