What is the politics of the Black Sun and why?

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Bump cause brah

The shadow cast on the white race's heart and the death of the white man's burden.

Hey Bohdi, stop asking questions you already know the answer to

Does it really matter you imbecile

I'm just urking do your thing, my time for teaching is over, show everyone what you learned

This, we need to rid ourselves of the idea that we exist to enlighten the World

this si new bread btw from here and ignore this cunt smells like a kike or he is a complete spazz either ignore him

sorry from here I meant

Ausbro here, you may remember me from some months ago. I haven't followed your threads recently, so forgive my ignorance. Is the black sun representative of the All, or is it used by (((those))) we fight against? or both?

Something created by Hitler.
Its a symbol of white supremacy and it symbolizes the genocide of minorities

They do not use it no it is all ours this is a very small piece but it should help you but I am only lurking and nice to see you again ausbro

Hang yourself.

Oh look! It's Dunning-Kruger user! What's it like having the mental capacity of a 13 year old girl? :^)

You are philistine, brain-damaged scum. There is no great mystical force behind your political objectives.

Black supremacy what else? Only cuckolds follow the black sun

ignore him I am pretty positive he unironically has terets and autism he does nothing but sperg violently

That's not me, faggot. Obviously, you are brain-damaged beyond belief if you thought that was me. Of course, I have to come back here and smack some sense into you.

You have shitty artistic sensibilities and distort every religious tradition you touch. You lack solitary contemplation time and you'd rather coopt religion to feel more motivated about political endeavors --- rather than sincerely follow the Way.

>sperg violently
You're the idiots who are coopting mysticism for your political objectives. You do this in a haphazard manner and you lose the nuance in each path.

It's fun to push his buttons, look how much effort he wastes on his shitposts

Oh no, I can tell by your meme flag and use of the word "philistine" that you're the same faggot I called out in the last thread. Though, you're the one making all these assumptions about me-- my artistic ability, my faith, my politics, etc. I'll ask again, how does it feel to have the mental capacity of a 13 year old girl?

kek I know I have lol'd a few times, I don't know why he is so excited and sperging so hard


>There is no great mystical force behind your political objectives

That is where (((you))) are mistaken, shlomo. But (((you))) know it, don't (((you)))? The fact that we can spot (((you))) a mile off must make (((you))) a little bit mad, no?

>I can tell by your meme flag
Someone else posted with the same flag.

>my artistic ability,
Your tastes were quite shitty.

>my faith, my politics
Haven't you disclosed most of it?

>mental capacity of a 13 year old girl?
I doubt you could even sit through a Tarkovsky film.

He's probably a teenager

So close to quints, but your post doesn't deserve them. I'm and you're so quick to jump down people's throats and proclaim your intellect but really you're just conveying the opposite. The fact that you genuinely don't seem to realize this is amusing to me and many other Anons. This is cringe, you have to stop

>but your post doesn't deserve them.
You can take imageboard subculture and shove it up your ass, you ADHD-ridden teenage scum.

>This is cringe, you have to stop
I can do whatever the fuck I want while you seep your shit mind in vapid, shallow entertainment. It's time you get onto my level and actually learn how to be contemplative.

Listen, most of you lack contemplative depth and any real insight because, 1) you do not get frequent solitude within natural scenery, 2) you read and consume shit

I have something to tell you Boddhi.
Recently, in my life and in the sport I play, I have achieved a new level of success. I dropped and broke the equipment I normally use, and had no choice but to use something else that puts me at an obvious disadvantage. The moment this happened, it was a lightning bolt of destiny. Since then I have played some elite players, including state and international players, and beat them. I have not lost a game since that time, despite not always playing my best. All fortune has seemed to go my way. Something triggered in my mind when the incident occurred, I lost all confidence in my abilities and knew I had no chance to do well anymore. I surrendered myself to defeat, and have seen been unbeatable. I have played my way into a very important regional final, which would mark my greatest achievement should I succeed. Given who I am playing, I am expected to win, and I can't help but also feel confident. This troubles me, as I haven't felt confident at all during my success. Could you point me in the direction of wisdom/reaffirm what I already know to be true?

He seems to be under the impression that because he read about some of this he is some expert when it could not be more obvious to the truly enlightened he has no understanding of any of it he only knows the words not their meanings

>He's probably a teenager
You're the philistine idiots that list vapid entertainment in your top films and books. You don't know what real contemplative artwork is because you're all brain-damaged buffoons. Get onto my level and actually learn to watch and read high-art and get frequent solitude within nature.

I have been doing Shikantaza and Soto Zen for many years now, and I am angry because I am tired of New Agey brain-dead faggots like reducing everything into simple-minded memes. Zen does not mean to be brain-dead, lobotomized idiot. It's about contemplative depth, and you entirely lack it.

I know the meanings, such as suchness, Dharmakaya, mindfulness, Buddha mind, anicca, anatta, shunyata, and much more. It doesn't mean anything to understand the meanings on a conceptual level.

This. We have no obligation except that to our own.

jesus christ i'm legit interested in the black sun after reading but the amount of reddit spacing and retards in this thread are really putting me off

I like how you selectively respond to me
>You can take imageboard subculture and shove it up your ass,
When in Rome, faggot
>you ADHD-ridden teenage scum.
Accuse your opponent what you're guilty of, that's an old trick user, much older than you are
>I can do whatever the fuck I want while you seep your shit mind in vapid, shallow entertainment. It's time you get onto my level and actually learn how to be contemplative.
Your Reddit spacing is starting to get under my skin. If we're such uncultured swine then why not fuck back off to wherever you crawled out of? Preferably back up your mother's snatch because clearly you're not in touch with reality and in need of a do-over
>Listen, most of you lack contemplative depth and any real insight because, 1) you do not get frequent solitude within natural scenery, 2) you read and consume shit
I like these assumptions, really, they're amusing. Enlighten me, oh pimple-faced master; tell me how to walk down the boulevard of broken dreams; edgy little fuck

You're the retard yourself, getting pulled into New Agey bullshit.

hmmm just meditate desu try this

the biggest problem you will have to overcome is doubt and nervousness about timing, winning/losing, you won because you did not think about it you simply did it. Don't start overthinking it now, you have muscle memory and training to handle the task do not screw this up by thinking about it. Just stay loose, it is only a game anyway if you attach yourself to winning or fight to avoid losing you begin messing with forces you cannot control and put the out of alignment. Just relax when the time comes the best thing you can do is formless like water, loose, joyful. The game is what is where the enjoyment should come from not the outcome of it. What dies it really matter in the end? Only your own enjoyment

anyone have a sauce on this gif? aparently from 1960's britain?

>When in Rome, faggot
So you care more for conformity rather than real wisdom, which is not about appeasing others?

>you're not in touch with reality and in need of a do-over
Everything in this stupid thread is out of touch with reality. Do you think there is some kind of external mystical force that justifies your ethnonationalist goals? You are a fucking idiot if you really think so.

I do Soto Zen as well, and I feel the same way about New Age culty types.

But what are you doing here? Far right, hateful shit seems pretty antithetical to Zen values. I go on here to laugh at the Nazi faggots, but I always feel dirty and terrible about myself afterwards.

Also, what are your opinions on Brad Warner, Shunryu Suzuki, DT Suzuki, and Thich Nhat Hanh?

start with this desu

everything you are looking for is on that channel when you finish it. The kieks flood these threads the last thing they want is for you to find the Black Sun

Just do what you initially did. Let go of the resistance.

More New Agey BS. There is no "Aryan consciousness", you stupid faggot. That's not what Zen, Buddhism, or most real mystical paths are about.

It is just your mind, and trying to liberate it by pointing to external forces will simply perpetuate delusion.

also the black sun is staurn, esoteric saturnalia worship

>nazi faggots
>has no idea what the Reich was really about
>Has no idea Tibetan monks were "Nazis"

perhaps you should find the black sun and know what you are actually talking about before making such ignorant assumptions no? Because everything you said is completely wrong

>Far right, hateful shit seems pretty antithetical to Zen values
They are.

>Also, what are your opinions on Brad Warner, Shunryu Suzuki, DT Suzuki, and Thich Nhat Hanh?
Brad Warner and Nishijima were enlightened. Shunryu and DT Suzukis were not enlightened. Thich Nhat Hanh is not enlightened but his stuff is good for people from health angle -- it's just MBSR, not Zen.

One way to tell if someone is enlightened is to read accounts of their kensho in relation to natural scenery OR see their creative works. I can tell Brad Warner is because in Hardcore Zen, the experience he described beside the river was kensho.

You are a teenager, I never gave you a list; learn to read
You call others out for a lack of nuance but show it yourself by blatantly violating the subculture. Not to be unique, but because you're genuinely incapable of picking up on subtlety. Like I said before, crawl back up your mother's puss, 'cause she fucked up. If you want to contribute to the thread then do so by not being a derisive little faggot

Jupiter is the white-pill

No desu no one worships Saturn in the Black Sun or ever has, if you worship anything you are a cuck, you can pray to and commune with the architect but worship is for niggers desu

Then tell me your top 5 favorite films and 3 favorite writers. I bet it's all vapid, mainstream shit, just like your uninspired mind. Come on, be a man and tell me.

oh, (((you)))

>Come on, be a man and tell me.
>Thinking I'm going to play by your little faggot rules
I'll repeat what I said in the last thread. I'm not going to give you a list because I have nothing to prove to a loser like you

lol if you actually think that, you're so fucking stupid it hurts

new age bullshit just pulls its ideas from different sources and makes itself look funny but its still not bad to look into for a lot of similar esoteric ideas put in a single bundle

Please, prove it to a loser like me.

Is this the power of /leftypol/? Go back to your 8ch circlejerk

I'm not Jewish, but Toni Packer was Jewish and enlightened. Enlightenment has nothing to do with your racial background. In fact, even cats and dogs express their Buddha nature.

Every being and bead of grass has Buddha nature, but you icchantikas claim only some beings and some beads of grass possess Buddha nature. For this reason, you can never apprehend your unfathomable Buddha nature.

Do you want to see how you are the Universe, or do you want to continue being swept by dust, hungry ghost?

I have to echo his concerns. Silly mystical bullshit taints Asian traditions in the west, because westerner's misunderstandings of it interfere with real philosophical insights in traditions like Buddhism and Taoism.

A lot of this mysticism is built on stuff like theosophy, which were literally victorian-era misunderstandings of Chinese philosophical concepts. It's all meaningless bullshit.

Everything becomes about division and conflict with the other with you people, but on a deeper level self and other, real and unreal, and plenty of other oppositions are indeterminate and blur within the processual nature of reality.

Do you want tacitly apprehend your Buddha nature, do you want to see how you are the Universe, or do you want to just coopt and distort religions for your political agendas?

I'm not /leftypol/ - I despise Soviet types. Not quite as much as Nazis or fascists, but way, way more than libertarians. I'm fine with libertarians.

I lol'd I can prove it, but hey your ignorance is bliss is it not? You cannot show people something they do not want to see, you prob should not be on this thread

ignore these kikes

I'm not a Jew. I'm simply pointing out how in the Absolute there no You or Jew.

>Do you want to see how you are the Universe
I already have
>or do you want to continue being swept by dust, hungry ghost?
>Implying I'm doing anything more than reciprocating your condescending insults
I like your tactic shift though
Pardon me for thinking you're a shill, since you present your arguments in a very shill-esque manner
You can never be too sure these days, I wish Sup Forums could hard reset to 2014. At least Stormfags were funny

Only a Jew can out-Jew the Jew

the part that I am struggling with is my newfound confidence/arrogance. Attempting to diminish it or forcing it out of the mind is not working. I don't know whether to accept it and roll with it, or work harder to purify it. This wrestling is draining, I know I have to let it go, I can feel it pulling in one way and then the other. I don't know in which direction is the wisest, I am not well disciplined and do this shit instinctively, sometimes ending up in the wrong direction. I don't want to accept the direction I am being pulled, as my instinct is fluctuating and I don't fully trust it

You can't prove shit, because your very statement is fucking meaningless. The only connections I can see between fascism and Buddhism are:
1) Evola tried (and failed) to understand Buddhism, then wrote some goofy shit based on his misunderstandings,
2) Tibet was run as a brutal theocracy. But that doesn't become okay just because it's Buddhist. They were nasty fucking pricks, regardless of their religion.
3) The Buddhist establishment in WW2 supported the Japanese imperialists, much the same way the Catholic Church supported the Nazis and fascists. But again, not excusable.

That's about it. I can also think of a number of anarchists, socialists, and liberals who were Buddhists, far more than right wingers.

So is anyone close to Christ consciousness? What are your experiences since you have gone searching for the Black Sun? Are you burning away your impurities crystallizing?

>I already have
It's only your hubris speaking. All you have seen is your own delusion.

>I like your tactic shift though
I don't give a shit if you're condescending, but all you care about is feeling hurt and validating your political agenda.

>since you present your arguments in a very shill-esque manner
It's fine if you don't like Zen, but I'm simply saying it cannot be used to justify your political agenda.

black sun is deeply occult knowledge and ultimately anti Jewish-demonic, pro humanity agenda hidden behind your typical veil of le gas them all xddd shallow bullshit

it goes insanely deep into the occult but its 1am and I work tomorrow

you may not be Jewish, but you are (((Jewish))).
And we see it as plain as the nose on your face

If you study Ch'an's patriarchs, Dogen, and much more, then you'll see Zen (in general) seems to indicate bettering this world is insufficient or futile. In that sense, one does not try to grasp at the attempt of bettering this world external for his or her mind. It's about opening the hand of thought.


As a wrestler you work out exercise right? What is the most healthy "mindless" thing you do (no tv)? Where do you lose ego and just be Zen? What teaches you humility? How can you let go of this idea "this body is me, this mind is me"? You do realize you are pure light and that this is all an illusion right? You seem to have pretty good insight into the problem, but you seem to let your mind dwell on it, then you become it and it becomes you

Now I thought Saturn worship represented evil?

Not everything in this world can be coopted by you people to justify your political agenda. There is no metaphysical force that justifies political agendas and provides it cosmic meaning.

Honestly, unless you are a Hegelian, good luck trying to find that mystical force that gives your political views cosmic meaning.

Objects are not evil desu only men do you know why Saturn represents God perfection? Find the number 6 and stop worshiping things

>external for his or her mind
external from his or her mind*

It takes a certain level of ego-death to humble yourself down from the mental pedestal people like to put themselves on
>I am not well disciplined
One thing I'll do to discipline myself is delay physical and mental rewards. It's hard to do at first, but eventually the urge to receive that reward subsides. For instance, when I need to use the restroom I'll wait a certain amount of time until I've completed whatever it is I want to do in that moment

>Talking about hubris
Don't throw rocks in a glass castle, user— it's unbecoming. I've only been giving back to you what you've been giving to these Anons, I've never made any assertions political or otherwise

I am not interested in a dick-measuring contest. I'm simply exposing your delusions and how you're all disingenuous and lacking nuance in thought.

I disagree. Soto Zen obviously takes a lot of normally spiritual Buddhist ideas metaphorically, and one of those is karma - it seems vaguely similar to the categorical imperative, but more about mental states. If you focus on doing good things and having positive relationships, then that's what comes back to you, not because of any cosmic force but just because you're focusing on being positive and effective, so that's the mental state you're in. Of course, zazen would also make you clear minded enough to see through that biased perspective, but it also makes you more effective at it. When you see things clearly for how they are, then you can more effectively change or affect them (the zen interpretation of right action).

>What is the politics of the Black Sun and why?

Its a fucking centuries/millenias old symbol with very little information about it left from its original users

>I am not interested in a dick-measuring contest
Interesting that that's what you got from what I said
>I'm simply exposing your delusions and how you're all disingenuous and lacking nuance in thought.
You're the one who's lumping people's opinions together in order to produce a strawman. I think it's because you fail to take an individualist approach to life, but that's your issue not mine

Hye kike you and the other nigger make a thread and go blow each other there no one cares about your faggotry

The most enlightening thing I do is this sport, mentioning it may identify me though. Suffice to say, it is a target sport that requires a Mushin state to be truly great at. It is also a highly competitive and serious sport that brings out the worst in most people, something I am able to exploit often. As I have insight into the Mushin state, I have been able to rocket up the ranks very quickly. It is both my practice AND my work. You are right though, because of this I am very divided at times; on the one hand, the wisdom and instinctual understanding that allows me to enter into a state of being that allows me to perform/practice spirituality, and on the other hand an egoic desire to win and the extreme anxiety that comes with this. Not that I follow/understand astrology well, but typical pisces

You say that, but this entire thread is about nonsensical pseudo-mystical bullshit made by Europeans in the late 1800s who didn't understand Buddhism, Taoism, or Hinduism, but thought that by making stuff up loosely based on those Asian religions, they'd get magical powers. It's cringe worthy nonsense.

But I thought 6 represented man and the physical world and its limitations. Wouldn't the pursuit be to reach above it? So to speak regarding existence.

Have you ever tried ormus? This is bit off topic but I have started taking it recently and wow, laser focus it helps your electromagnetism flow through your chakras fwiw is your sport requires this kinda thing you might check into it. Anyhow so your problem is you know what to do but not how to do it is this what you are telling me?

desu it has millions of meanings and interpretations all based on your understanding of this reality, don't worry about what it means to someone else, what it does it mean to you? Perhaps nothing forget about it then , but perhaps it a mystery to be solved, if so learn everything there is to learn about it, problem solved no?


I suppose so. I'm just asking questions. Not after a debate.

The distance between 6 and 7 is infinitely long; I don't think we have the capacity to reach true enlightenment. "Perfection" is a mindset, not an actual tangible goal

Well, what you are saying is more reasonable than these surrounding idiots. However, what I feel Hui Neng was pointing at is how it's about letting one's mind flow freely, without dwelling on anything, so that way the hubris, abuse, and etc. from "others" is not taken as external from one's own mind. You simply do not cling or dwell on it and find a "centeredness" to oneself in the midst of the impermanence, which is paradoxically emptiness as Dogen made clear.

I feel this whole debate between Yogachara and Madhymaka can be resolved by accepting epistemological solipsism as given but also saying there is NO bottom ground to the processual nature of reality -- that is no underlying essence (Shunyata). Oppositions are constantly upended, overturned, and more, and all we are left with is the topsy-turvy and destabilizing effects of impermanence. True peace comes with coming to terms with impermanence and the flux that is indifferent to your well-being.

Suchness cannot really be experienced in this context, however. I prefer strolls and reveries in the forests, and I feel Bashos and Ryokan and Chōmei's poetry get that.

There is a very individualist aspect to Zen that's hard to convey. It is also related to creativity and its spontaneous expressions. Wanting fairness in this world simply leads to more pain, so it's best to just focus on your own contentment.

Having connection issues?

I know what to do, and roughly how to do it, but I have never been in such a position before where the desire to win has been so strong. This would be a life changing moment for me, on top of some of the things I have done already this year, and may be the final hurdle I need to jump before making the state team and cementing a future for myself. I am a certified sperg lor and unemployed, this may be the thing that changes my life and justifies the many hours I've sunk into this pursuit. The big payoff, if you will. Normally, my monkey mind is under pretty good control, and I can rise above my insecurities/anxiety. This moment feels like destiny manifest, I can already taste the victory. I know how to surrender, but the temptation to count my chickens before they hatch feels irresistible. I have been in this exact situation once before, last year, and I chocked. The moment overcame me and I couldn't let go of the anxiety. This time I feel more prepared, more certain, less phased. And this is why I'm scared. I can't seem to grant myself permission to feel this way

and no, I haven't tried ormus

I keep editing it because I notice some typos I make.

right on always good to ask questions but what you should be asking (and this is just my opinion) is what is significant about Saturn if you want to learn about it, not why does x death cult worship it, what does this Jew think about it. Most of them are clueless as well. Why trust someone else's interpretation of information? This is your game the only thing that matters is what does it mean to you, what can you learn about it? If you do this you can probably figure out what they do what they do and what they think, and most times you will figure out they are wrong or clueless

Wew, this is an anonymous imageboard; there's no need to be so neurotic

Well you have the answer it seems to me, again it seems you are forming attachment to this win and what it means this is not advisable but understandable and natural. You have to let go of this attachment and it's power over you to truly be in a state where you can do your best and not succumb to these anxieties and thoughts (monkey mind). This is only one minuscule piece of the game, does this really matter? Only if you believe it :), I am not nervous about it and don't think anyone else here is how come only you are?

>monkey mind
I thought it was the lizard brain? I've always found the Reptilian conspiracy theory to be one of great interest. If only because I see "Reptilian" as a stand in for someone who capitalizes on and perpetuates the lizard brain aspect of humanity, thus keeping us down

"Losing is satori. Winning is illusion."
-- Kodo Sawaki

Monkey mind is the inner monologue when it can't be quiet.

And when it's quiet, is there someone?