White Genocide

What did she mean by this?

>Brown Eyes

This is the part that triggers me for some reason.

race reassignment surgery cant be that expensive.
if she loved her grandson she would help release him from his flesh prison and let him become the race he was supposed to be.

because its poo colored.

It's so easy to trigger Sup Forums

Kill yourself now

nuke us

Sounds like the plot to 'Get Out'

This is how the race war starts.

The kid's classmates are all brown spics so of couse he feels like a freak. It sucks to be a minority. But minority children used to be told "be proud of who you are" not "sorry Johnny, they are the future of this country, you are the past."

I'd bet all the gold in the world he never said that and she's just a lying cunt making up shit to get more nigger votes

Pic related is what the her version of the 'future' looks like.
I'm not trying to live with Zombies.



What the fuck, I thought this was fake, but no, she actually said this. I will live to see the race war *sheds tear*

Better than blue tbqh

How much of a shallow, materialistic, suicidal, self hating, degradation-loving white person do you have to be to wish you not only hate different hair, eye and skin color, but to also want different parents to make it happen?
How could anyone look at Nancy Pelosi's Grandson and not say he's clearly mentally ill?

They're objectively worse looking than green or blue eyes. Dark brown eyes are basically physical evidence a woman somewhere in your family tree fucked a nigger which is why mutts get so defensive about them as seen here

Democrats are kill. They've gone off the deep end. Enjoy the circus, lads. The 2018 primaries are gonna produce some of the comfyiest threads in Sup Forums history.

hope her grandson fucking necks himself

>What did she mean?

You know what she meant.

Day of the Rope?

Because the eyes of 'Spics are not even brown: they're black. Anti-whites like her are so silly.


Brown eyes are shit, there's nothing to see in them. It's like looking at a blank wall instead of a painting.

Brown eyes = Civilization
White eyes = Good on girls to pump and dump

Men with blue eyes look like babies. Women want dominant genetics

girls love my brown eyes you mad bluefag?


Same here.

>implying 'spic eyes are brown rather than black

I'm not a spic, faggot

>using sodomite language while being the actual sodomite
Hell is for ever!

The real fun begins when all the white Cops and White National Guardsmen realize that they have been supporting white displacement by forcing integration. There is no muscle in the anti white movement without White State Enforcers to do its bidding.

Holy shit TJ

Ayy lmao. It's like reverse Argentina.

Are you calling me a faggot, faggot?

Hell is for ever!

dark brown eyes seem really bland, not to call them soulless. Light brown look nice though.

>insecure mutt rationalizing having nig eyes
Every time.

>Democrats are kill
i wish i could believe it, but if there's anything good happening the rnc has the ability to fuck it up

Hell is an illusion, so yes it could last as long as you think it's real

Thanks, man.

Hell is for ever!

Hell is for ever!

bitches. love. brown. eyes.

Newfag here, do white people in America whole heartedly believe that they aren’t going to be a minority in the upcoming generations? White bitches basically throw pussy at Jamals for little to no effort. Pretty much all of gen z sees that Jamals are the new chads.

>my grandson wants to be a nigger


Most of them don't think about it -- the ones that do know that being a minority is apparently going to be necessary to develop racial consciousness and tribal retaliation.


Also stop spamming Sup Forums with 100000000 of the same fucking threads

>What did she mean by this?
it means child abuse, they teach their children to hate themselves because of skin and eye color

I feel bad user... I really do we live in a world where black roosties want either jamals or chads/Stacie’s want a Tyrone or.... anything not white.

nice enough

I really hope that guy was exaggerating. That sounds insane

>bourgeois liberal whites actually think brown eyes are exotic because they never leave their white enclaves

What would the medias response be it was a black child that wanted to be white?


There is nothing more disgusting in the entire world than a liar.


did she really die? i get upset when we spend thousands in medical bills to idiots


>bringing facts is bad
Present your accomplishments.

>thread spirals into chaos about blue eye worship

You're not helping, faggots.

what the fuck did I just read

Sick trick bro.

8 hours. spoke for 8 hours.





This shit's really going to go down isn't it Sup Forums? How many years left until we wake up as a race? 5 years?

Screencap from this thread last night
I couldn't stop laughing at the first post for some reason


How many kids do you think it would it take for nigger bucks at 6% of the population. in total, to replace the White majority? It hasn't happened for hundreds of years. What would make you think that niggers are who americans would be replaced with?

im a spic with brown eyes but my adopted cousin has literal black eyes, asian tier

Its missing "...and heres why that's a bad thing."


It really is going to be the future face of our country unless these snakes are stopped.

Why aren't conservatives cutting welfare down to zero? It's letting brown people multiply and grow into democrat voters where they otherwise wouldn't be able to.

That's Paul Ryan's dream so it might happen.

It's something lots of conservatives seem to miss when it should be at the forefront. I have never consented to being taxed to feed people who vote for me to be taxed more so they can have more stuff. Live within your means.

>Live within your means.
The problem is nigger and spics buying Nissans and Hondas along with shiny new chrome rims on pure credit at some ridiculous rate of interest is good for the economy right up until they default and no one wants to take that hit to consumer spending.