Rules say we're allowed to have one of these threads going.
How do me make Sup Forums better?
I think I speak on behalf of everyone but the talmud/retarded when I say the option to choose a memeflag was a mistake
Rules say we're allowed to have one of these threads going.
How do me make Sup Forums better?
I think I speak on behalf of everyone but the talmud/retarded when I say the option to choose a memeflag was a mistake
All the meme flag did was change
And we still have to deal with leafs.
90% of the problems with Sup Forums would go away if faggots would just sage and report shit, use the catalog, and not reply to fucking obvious as hell bait.
problem fucking solved.
but this will never happen without a fucking infographic that every newfags has to read because newfags are fucking stupid as dirt
We must base our decisions in accordance with Q user's predictions.
The board has been under major attack since the memos and the FBI texts. All of this garbage is from people trying to silence the board. Because when we get our hands on shit, we find shit not everybody sees, connect the dots, and we're very loud about it.
>Rules say we're allowed to have one of these threads going.
They actually don't anymore.
Too many shills and CIAniggers
>How do me make Sup Forums better?
we need a good, short, clear copy pasta for newfags that basically says this:
and we need to start posting it in slide threads and saging
the end of the copy pasta should say "please post this and sage if you see a slide thread"
maybe the copy pasta could be stored in a pastebin, and it could refer to itself with a link
that way it's easy to find again and the copy pasta will never change, because the link will always contain the correct version
Have 2 catalogs
1 for faggot shit
1 for everything else
Moving the black dick and tranny threads would make my Sup Forums experience better 72% of the time.
imagine that Sup Forums is still on Sup Forums. imagine being such a newfag and so fucking clueless that you don't even realize 90% of posts and threads are from automated algorithms. Imagine being so fucking dumb and retarded that you think these are the people that make magic happen like trump getting elected etc.
All of the reall Sup Forums sters have moved to an unnamed geocities forum board and will remain there. We only weaponise the boomers and magapedes here when we need cannon fodder.
haha fucking dumbasses.
>Sup Forums improvement
>name thread /PIG/
There was/is a torrential storm of shill slide threads. Mods evidently just ignoring dozens of silly, patently non-political threads?
Brock and Shareblue are trying to wreck Sup Forums with this shit. If the mods lie continue to lie back passively, the rape of Sup Forums will continue.
Bravo. You should use a name so more people can read your wisdom to MPGA.
they said the cancer would leave after the election cycle.
I really hate you anti-memeflag newfags. It's an element of old Sup Forums.
The real problems are that:
1. Oldfags aren't in the mood for another meme war anymore.
2. Newfags are bluepilled as fuck normies. Even if they get redpilled, they're still too normal for this site. They don't belong here.
3. Combining 1 and 2, normies don't want to get involved in foreign elections. This leaves a lot of potential meme war fronts completely vacant, resulting in defeats and underwhelming victories like what we recently saw in France, New Zealand, Austria, etc.
4. Bluepilled normies are literally retarded enough to think Macron is a based magapede when even Le Pen was very moderate.
5. We basically need people who will go hype-train every meme war--and considering people do this for fun, not as a job, that's not only impossible but it's fucking retarded.
$18B from Soros goes a long way. Probably bought Sup Forums hence every other thread being about black cock worship or letting a trap fuck shit down your throat like we have been seeing.
Generals are basically just ways to insulate ourselves from the normies t b h.
But we really need a /pig/ (Politically Incorrect Generals) or something at this point.
What we need is a bot that posts the same/similar post in every single thread.
a copypasta and infographic that details:
>what is bait?
>what is shilling?
>the existence of generals and their purpose as containment threads
>how to sage & report and why
>how to use the catalog
>how to spot shills, bots,etc
>how to use archives for links
>lurk moar
and finally
basically just a list of critical information that a newfags needs to know before posting.
/r9k/ and /x/ have taken over this board. not even the good /x/ like we used to have years ago.
No, generals are for circle jerking and namefagging, they are a cancer.
generals have a valid purpose as a containment thread for a long-running topic i.e. /ptg/. the issue is that faggots have taken a liking to calling their thread /MY THREAD GENERAL/ to get attention. what really needs to happen is to have a few of the perpetual ones stickied so they stop remaking them and faggots quit making new threads
delete flags (and meme flags too)
I honestly think most of the replies are the shills, not the newfags. Newfags are still a problem.
it might be best to make an extremely short message with only the most critical info
and then have a link to a copy pasta for more details (or another post with more details)
people have short attention spans and find walls of text scary
I agree. Also /ptg/ should be terminated with extreme prejudice and all regular posters banned for life.
when the fuck did everyone stop archiving?
no I will not click your links, faggot
This is a Trump board, you faggot bong
Maybe we could add Facebook and Instagram invite buttons to certain threads that way we can get more quality people to certain threads.
maybe a short copypasta with a link to a pastbin and a infographic accompanying it? with information density increasing:
plus everybody loves a knee jerk reaction, hard to change that.
>90% of the problems with Sup Forums would go away if faggots would just sage and report shit, use the catalog, and not reply to fucking obvious as hell bait.
This. I think 90% of anons ignore and don't bother reporting spam. eceleb and alt-right redditfags need to leave as well
>How do me make Sup Forums better?
Ban anyone who says "meme flags" as they are probably underage newfags.
Ban all Turkish IPs
Get the r/the_donald IP logs and blacklist all of them from the website or at the very least Sup Forums
The best thing would be to get the mods to shut down all the threads that have nothing to do with politics.
Don't forget to use filters on race b8 threads
>Sup Forums is full of y u no have asian gf
>I make anti-asian-gf thread
Hm, where's the problem
i'd even be fine with them staying if there was ONE eceleb thread and ONE alt-right thread. its when the catalog is full of nothing but faggotry that I get annoyed. FFS JUST STAY IN A SINGLE GODDAMN THREAD.
also this. but we all know that will never happen
That's only Brit/pol/. The rest don't have as many trip/namefags, but people figure out who's who really easily so it doesn't mean as much.
/r9k/ and /x/ are better than reddit.
> quality people
How to fix it
This. 10% threads and im being generous, are proper Sup Forums any given night. I love laughing my ass off at the over the moon autist brilliance that is here, and it takes effort on a shitty phone and sliding threads that will disappear. I havent been here for two years yet and i find myself digging up historic threads that makes me pee my pants in laughter and entertainment for generations. Would love more to have top autists posts and rid of bot shareblue faggot tranny black fattie and more shit
>ONE eceleb thread and ONE alt-right thread
no, just no. both are cancerous and they shit up the board. the alt-right LARPers have never been welcome here. They need to go back to their own site
>Dynamic IP changing auto-shillbot
We have this same fucking auto-bot shill shit 20-30 times a day. I've seen this >topic related< same dumb shit for several days now spamming Sup Forums. These auto-kikes need to be dealt with.
Can Sup Forums not dynamically ban the same topic for 2 days after the 5th post? Sup Forums can recognize posting the same image twice in a row as a potential spam after-all.
Sage doesn't even work anymore when the auto-kikes are auto-kiking responses to their auto-kike topics. Fuck.
>$18B from Soros goes a long way.
Indeed it does.
and I would agree with you. but the problem with a tumor is that once it exists its virtually impossible to completely remove. thus, them have ONE thread and tell them that all conversations relation to that topic MUST STAY IN THAT THREAD. they get what they want, we get a clean board. win/win.
>Sage doesn't even work anymore when the auto-kikes are auto-kiking responses to their auto-kike topics.
it's blatant but there's not much we can do
Good point. Just sage and report the others if there's 4 at a time
Sure there is. The software that runs this board needs to record topics like it records images. I'm not saying it's the same process or even easy for that matter, but if it can be done, record the topic text and count how many times the same or similar topic pops up. After an arbitrary amount of similar posts during an arbitrary amount of time, the board simply rejects any new posts on that topic for an arbitrary amount of time.
Whatever happened to the expectation that you'd LURK MOAR FAGGOT before posting?
there became so many newfags and shills that unaided lurking could result in greater retardation
>sage and report
There was someone on Sup Forums the other day that hacked several IP's posting this shill shit and found out they were dynamically changing constantly through a central hub. Basically, he came to the conclusion it isn't mostly newfags bumping this shit, rather it is bots posting and then replying to bot topics. Since the IP's constantly change there is no way to ban and since they auto-reply with the same insults only related to the topic in a general sense, these shills constantly get bumped so sage and red pill doesn't work.
>This is a Trump board
Go back to your containment thread trumpnigger.
Excuse me but WHAT THE FUCK did u sAY BITCH
>Get the r/the_donald IP logs and blacklist all of them from the website or at the very least Sup Forums
sounds great user but i'm afraid i'm of no help
nah Ahmed
shouldn't you be raping a child?
Remove flags (like old Sup Forums)
Keep memeflags and bring back the JIDF memeflag (like old Sup Forums)
Forced user (tripfaggot circlejerking is reaching obnoxious levels)
Newfaggots haven't done that since Chanology. That will never come back.
what is /bant
Shouldn't you be worshiping your Jew loving father proxy?
/ptg/ is fucking cancer it should have finished the day after he was elected, it's just stale memes being flogged to death by numale plebbitards. It's embarrassing anyone would actually try to defend it outside of it. GO BACK.
Sup Forums is dead and the election killed it, this place is no better than Sup Forums at this point.
>gold chain
>all his money in one place ~$58,000
>fb instagram
>t. nigger
We have the GEOTUS, you have Theresa May. Get your own house in order, you faggot bong.
You might have a "great" president but that doesn't make /ptg/ any less cancerous, it's still full of numale faggots and stale memes. There is just no need to have an 24/7 trump dicksucking thread, it just encourages the worst kind of servile brain-dead posters, posters exactly like you.
ALL shills are newfags which makes them incredibly easy to spot, yet they remain oblivious because "I'M ANONYMOUS"
>There is just no need to have an 24/7 trump dicksucking thread
Are we going to run out of threads? Do you have a problem with Syria generals? How do you think he got elected? Why does Coca-Cola advertise when everyone in the world knows it?
kys brainlet
flags for all 50 states
thanks just bought 100k
I'm personally tired of all the purity spiraling and lack of actual dialogue.
Say a thing some nazi LARPer doesn't agree with and you're immediately attacked and dismissed, there's no conversation where anyone tries to improve themselves. Its the spam mail of internet at this point.
I just come here for the news.
>there's no conversation where anyone tries to improve themselves
>Say a thing some nazi LARPer doesn't agree with and you're immediately attacked and dismissed
this isn't plebbit, you can argue back without being banned
*sniff sniff*
Look at this post - and this one - Also there is a finite number of threads in the catalogue at any one time so 15~20 threads a day devoted to redditors stroking trump dick and posting awoo memes is in fact a waste of real estate.
Also look at pic related, top post in the current /ptg/. You are cancer, cancer people said would leave after the election but hang around like a tramp at a bus stop. Fuck your plebbit colony and fuck you.
/ptg/ is absolute cancer but it's as you say, it's fine as containment. Some generals are absolutely fine and are necessary to promote good shill antibodies like the Syrian war generals and the old Ukraine generals, otherwise shills like that tripfag cunt that used to post those neocon approved walls of text.
>Also there is a finite number of threads in the catalogue at any one time so 15~20 threads a day devoted to redditors stroking trump dick and posting awoo memes is in fact a waste of real estate.
Considering 75% of them are shill threads, I'll take my /ptg/ over shit threads any day. I like brit/pol/ too, do you want to get rid of that?
>top post
You have to go back, faggot
We should be allowed to post cock pics
>you can argue back
Against what?
"Shut up nigger/burger/leaf/Bleddit?!"
They never addressed my point, They just dismissed an anonymous wordposter based on an irrelevant assumption.
THE ABSOLUTE STATE of Sup Forums discourse right now is driving me nuts
>You have to go back, faggot
You're like a fucking African muslim immigrant living illegally in France saying he's french and has always been. Why are you out of containment anyway? This is the problem with plebbitards, they enter via an open wound like /ptg/ and then proceed to infect other threads with their redditfaggotry. Fucking nigger.
Also /britpol/ is just namefags and is now totally worthless.
As for "we have tons of shill threads so what's wrong with /ptgay/", it's like saying why don't you want AIDS if you already have cancer. A typically stupid argument from typically stupid poster. Go back to your containment thread and have the decency to fucking stay there.
I've been here far longer than you, bong. /ptg/ isn't going anywhere. What's your next move, faggot?
>I've been here far longer than you
I know you don't know what it's like to have a leader you support, but that's not Trump's fault nor is it mine.
You don't need to sage anything if you just DON'T FUCKING REPLY AT ALL. Just report and hide garbage. Don't fucking reply for ANYTHING. People who make those shit threads thrive on ALL attention that they receive good or bad.
M8 you sound insecure. Maybe that's why you feel the need to circlejerk so hard about how great trump is and to try and convince yourself it's true. Truth is he's actually not and deep down you know it.
Eventually after the novelty of triggering libtards wears off you'll realise he's just another kike puppet funneling american tax dollars to Israel. You'll probably never admit this even to yourself though because you are a nu-male and lack the constitution to be honest with yourself. Trump is a cuck for Israel and you're a cuck for trump. Shut up and fuck off.
>Truth is he's actually not and deep down you know it.
And there it is. The obvious shill faggotry. I was waiting for it, because I knew you were a liar. You're not smart enough to be here, Ahmed. Back to the goat with you.
Anyway, time for tendies - and you're boring, take too long to reply, and offer no challenge.
kys famalam
Calls me a shill then runs off, faggot pussy. I'm not a shill I'm just not an American so I'm far enough away to look at the situation objectively. Why would are shill shit on Israel anyway? Amerikike.
Also not one argrument was detected in either of your posts.
Obvious slide threads need to be curtailed. Horse girl threads, Peterson threads, "comic cringe" threads, etc. aren't productive.
where can I get that transmog?
Looks like lava patterns in t12 plate
I agree. It's pretty shit on Sup Forums these days. We've been invaded by kekfags, shillfags, newfags and larpfags. You'd have more success conversing with an earthworm. Might as well just post an overused meme and speak in simple, one syllable words like the rest of the neckbeards.
I'm an American and I am far enough away to look at your situation objectively as well. It looks shit, and you are far more fucked than we.
Copypasta kills the shill I say. We need copy and paste responses to dumb bait, it is the only way. For example the latest one that appeared
>hur the ancient brits were black
There is a nice copypasta response to this
>Fake news alert: there are a few fake science articles going around with a new reconstruction of a WHG skull from England known as Ceddar man. I have stated that WHG had darker skin than modern Europeans and that they also all had blue eyes. We cannot tell exact pigmentation but to call them “black” is incredibly dishonest because it not only describes a complexion we cannot confirm but also a specific genetic racial category that WHG did NOT fall into. The closest living relatives to WHG are modern Europeans such as Estonians who have a lot of WHG dna and are not African! The reconstruction not only makes the man very dark, but also beardless like many Africans and lacking the distinct brow ridges that those with significant Neanderthal admixture have (Africans do not have this and WHG did). Facial reconstruction leaves a lot of room for the “imagination” of the reconstructor.
Another misleading headline describes the ceddar man as a “briton” which makes no sense because as i have explained, a 2017 study showed that over 90% of the DNA of the British isles was replaced in the late neolithic by an invasion of bell beaker people from Holland who were themselves descended in part from steppe peoples. All celtic and germanic people in Britain are descended from these people, so 10,000 years ago most of our ancestors were living in Russia and were not in any way black! Those people are the ancient britons since they are the progenitors of our people.
Media twist scientific facts for an obvious agenda. Please be aware that all science is heavily politicised these days.