Does the government watch us through our cellphone and laptop cameras or is this just the new nigger meme
Does the government watch us through our cellphone and laptop cameras or is this just the new nigger meme
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I love how niggers think they are important enough to be watched by the FBI. Like anyone gives a shit about their little weed dealing asses. They are so irrelevant im sleep
Right, but Sup Forumstards go on a list somewhere for posting gore
Also it's NSA n sheeeit, not FBI
>itt: FBIIDF
Who cares how ridiculous it is? Normies getting paranoid and distrustful of the FBI is a good thing, it's about time people quit meming the 1st and 2nd amendments all the time and finally started giving a shit about the 4th
Because niggers are too dumb to plan mass murders and shit. Whites and Muslims on the other hand excel at it
Read what I said above
>Implying anyone is going to waste resources on watching you do hiring boring shit all day
>Be me
>Don't use any social media
>Don't use Windows
>Don't use Goolag
>Don't have webcam
>Don't have smart phone
>Have separate offline PC set up for work and printing documents etc
>Use Tor and VPN's
>Never ever worry about being hacked or spied on
Joke is they do waste their time spying on you doing boring shit all day.
They probably can if they want to, but don't have any real reason to spy on 99.9% of the population. They'd likely just see people talking about random bullshit and jacking off.
>uses Sup Forums
>muh behind 9000 proxies
You're on the list with the rest of us pal.
i'm at the GF's flat user, I do all my shit posting from here
>waste their time
You mean waste taxpayer dollars.
And does she go through all the same measures you do? They can see you through her phone/smart tv/blender whatever the fuck and use face recognition with your government/school ID. They can put two and two together.
>buy $1400 (literally one thousand four hundred dollars) iphone X
>make fun of androids that are 1/4th the price (LG G5 @ 400 dollars now) and have better quality cameras
i know we joke around a lot about genocides and race wars
But apple fanboys need to be shot. Now.
02/ The CIA has AI that can analyse hundreds of thousands of cameras at once. They have AI that can make realistic posts on any forum, including this one. Soon they will be rolling out AI that can realistically simulate human voice conversation. 70% of the posts on Sup Forums are from AI. 40% of the posts on Reddit are from AI.
I'm on her sofa with an old laptop I bought for this very purpose, she knows better than to point her fucking iPhone at me, she just went to do it lol, she's a good girl, she understands why I value my privacy.
Sure they could listen in on her phone, but I don't talk shop with her so what can they possibly learn?
and before you ask I'm on her neighbours wifi
It's fine to not go out the the way to constantly post on social media and feed them your life on a silver platter, but don't think you can be off the watch list unless you go 100% off the grid. Even then with surveillance planes/drones/satellites it's really not feasible anymore.
So basically, if we all tried to run for public office, we would get black mailed
Gores illegal?
>talk shop
what exactly is it that you do that you can't talk to your significant other about, user
>400$ Android
Being this retarded. You can get an Android for 100$.
This is either a shill thread or this boats is absolutely flooded with naive tween faggots. The NSA and other intelligence agencies absolutely spot on people through webcams and phone cameras. Snowden went into this in detail. The NSA staff trade nudes of random people collected from webcams all day. FBI Comey even said in an interview that you'd have to be stupid not to put tape over your webcam.
Boats = board
Spot = spy
Phone posting like a tard
Its not humans sifting through the surveillance, it's ai. And we have no idea the scale of the weapon that this thing will become once it becomes impossible to kill by embedding its intelligence in a blockchain.
>70% of the posts on Sup Forums are from AI. 40% of the posts on Reddit are from AI.
At first blush I thought you were schizophrenic but that actually would explain a lot.
Sauce it up?
Yes and they are recording you too. It's not a person watching you, but it's AI.
The question is why are they gathering and analyzing this data? It's not crime prevention so why?
Its not exactly being watched like it is in Britain or China. The data however is all being collected in a massive memory bank.
yes they do or they have the power too, literally every computer is able to be monitored, intel actually made this possible by forgoing security for speed and is now "correcting" it
what they mouth do?
They can but there's no way to process that much data in any meaningful way let alone any useful reason to.
But if you have good reason to think you're being surveiled take the batter out of you phone and only plug in cameras and mics to your computer when you're using them
this is fake and gay, but even if this Bobby wasn't larping, the simple fact that you're around your girlfriends phone means they have a profile on you. they've recorded your conversations and tracked your location when you're with her.
>Doesn't know the hardware has backdoors.
It's probably an elaborate algorithm that collects info on people and puts people into different subcategories by the way you think and what makes you tick. They use this info to find ways to socially engineer us by placing ads or by having AIs post shit that slowly manipulates us at subconscious level. Not only that, but if you ever go into the public spot light, the government will know you better than you know yourself and will be ready to deal with you.
whoa smart af
>They can but there's no way to process that much data in any meaningful way let alone any useful reason to.
I dunno, Pornhub can tell you the favorite fap materials of midget biracial homos in Pocatello, Idaho. I suspect Uncle Sam can do quite a bit more than that.
I've seen my own posts reposted in full, as well as my OPs and they were long pretty involved pieces, so not just reposted "haha great meme" comments.
This is weeks and then months after posting them. And the thing is they weren't really on any particular political angle, just in depth arguing points. It makes no real sense, but then when you start seeing repeat comments and check the archives it's clear people or bots are respamming the same OPs and comments.
I thought they just used their own for whatever reason, but it's other people's too. Sometimes it seems like the same bait OPs have the same posts in thread too.
>I've seen my own posts reposted in full, as well as my OPs
sure is proof in here
The results of several previous research projects in this area have yielded a strong, flexible mandatory access control architecture called Flask. A reference implementation of this architecture was first integrated into a security-enhanced Linux® prototype system in order to
demonstrate the value of flexible mandatory access controls and how such controls could be added to an operating system.
The architecture has been subsequently mainstreamed into Linux and ported to several other systems, including the Solaris™ operating system, the FreeBSD® operating system, and the Darwin kernel, spawning a wide range of related work.
How would I prove it? I didn't screenshot my own posts, but I sure as shit recognize them when I see them.
It's an anecdote and you can believe it or not. Or you'll have it happen to you if you post enough and browse enough.
The point I'm stressing is that it doesn't make much sense to me because they weren't really bait OPs or responses. I've seriously scratched my head over this for a year. One guess I had was that it was to inflate Sup Forums activity by taking certain posts and marking them for reposting, that's trivial if you control the database.
But Sup Forums is already popular so that makes little sense.
The father of Linus Torvalds, Nils Torvalds, is a Member of the European Parliament for Finland. This week, Nils Torvalds took part in the European Parliament’s hearing on the ongoing mass surveillance, and brought a revelation:
The United States security service NSA has contacted Linus Torvalds with a request to add backdoors into the free and open operating system GNU/Linux.
The entire inquiry is available here on YouTube
>Or you'll have it happen to you if you post enough and browse enough.
i've been making many lengthy posts and OPs since Sup Forums was created, user. never once has this happened to me.
>inb4 you're posts weren't worth botting XD
>>Use Tor
do you have any idea who the main developers of Tor were???
hint: DARPA is not your friend
Samsung and Sony have got the best cameras in the market. And iPhones are literally nigger phones.
Of course they have a profile on me, however it is extremely limited in scope, the trick is to limit the amount of data you offer up.
Only let them have what you don't mind them having, but give them nothing they could ever use against you.
lol the NSA developed SELinux? wtf?
I don't that on any of the Linux computers that I work with, but fuck that spook shit
>Sometimes it seems like the same bait OPs have the same posts in thread too.
I always chalked that up to lazy trolls but I imagine a sophisticated enough bot or an unsophisticated enough AI could engage in that sort of behavior.
There is no safe space on the internet. If you are considered a "thought leader" on Sup Forums then they are logging you're activity and occasionally a human will scan the log.
The F.B.I. doesn't care about dope-slinging, loud mouthed niggers or spics. They watch people like us; people that spread the truth.
Ironically, the majority of the F.B.I. Are white. We as a people damn near conquered this world. We are our own worst enemy. White people don't think like a herd like colored people do. We think individually. It explains the blatant masochism perpetrated by white liberals. They hate their own kind.
All the Chinese mid-range droids fucking destroy the X in side by side testing.
Apple's quality is in a nosedive right now. They're headed back to obscurity very soon.
Every call you make, every photo, every message, is backed up onto a server in this country or another, and despite what they say, the NSA never gets rid of them. Oh and don't believe the "metadata" bullshit meme. And before someone says source? Believe it or not, couldn't care less lol
No doubt
>never once has this happened to me.
>inb4 you're posts weren't worth botting XD
Well de facto I know it happens so maybe you don't write the kind of posts they want? Or you lie about your browsing habits, or you're not observant enough or you're not on enough threads.. it seems pretty clear this is rare because I've seen about 10 of my own posts recycled, but those 10 pop up every now and then.
It can't be too frequent or more than a handful of people would have stories about it.
>I always chalked that up to lazy trolls
It's certainly possible it's just dedicated shitposters with their own personal lists of posts that they use to bump their own threads using IP jumping. That's old school Sup Forums really.
But then what about those threads that get spammed absolutely ridiculous amounts?
Take the leaf Maker Movement poster. I've seen his shit and his use of recycled replies for more than a year now. Check for yourselves at the archive. It's so repetitive and pointless and the subject is just retarded.
And it's the same points every time. What possible fucking reason could there be other than developing and testing botting or opinion manipulation?
Same guy last year. He posts the entire year by the way. Pages and pages on archive and that's just assuming he never changed the subject line.
Another (same?) leaf with more recycling.
called it.
what does that user autistically trying to force his thread all the time have to do with you? are you implying that that is actually your post that he started spamming constantly?
Duct tape and Cardboard bitches
>i don't care that you want to know sources
well maybe i don't care about your post
>i don't care about you not caring!
i don't care.
fbi is closet pervert
>are you implying that that is actually your post
No, but I know he recycles replies to his threads, and he's been doing these for at least a year. It's not ONE thread compadre, it's a host of them.
Again and again, same replies, reposts regularly, tries different attention grabbing images. He has a motive. It's not insane tinfoil speculation to suggest it's part of trying to game Sup Forums or commenting in general - this is the perfect venue to test that out (no accounts, no post history, no barrier to posting).
>he actually covers his cameras
This is gonna sound really mean dude but this is the truth... NO ONE GIVES A FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOU. YOU ARE IRRELEVANT, A SPEC OF DUST ON THIS ROCK.
Fucking dumb normies
This one also goes back to summer last year. Dozens and dozens.
If you get cute and try to create a linux without a back door...
Mysterious death of software pioneer Ian Murdock ruled suicide
Yeah they only spy on high profile people,ex convicts, and Muslims
They really don’t have the time or resources to be spying on every single normalfag posting gore on Sup Forums
as someone with signs of schizophrenia, it may or may not come as a surprise to you that there are several mentally ill people on the Sup Forums that do things like incessantly repost things for no apparent motive.
see the ramblings of most of /x/ for further examples.
The government has an ai that's doing a mass surveillance on everyone at all times. We aren't irrelevant on a massive scale
i think it's the FBI who should be worried about being watched
>What possible fucking reason could there be other than developing and testing botting or opinion manipulation?
I have no doubt propaganda is being thrown all over the net: Sup Forums, faceberg, plebbit, et. al. Hell, multiple governments have admitted to it. And given that the MSM (at least here in the states, I haven't bothered to check elsewhere) has crashing ratings, it makes sense that governments and corporations would try to influence opinions on the internet. I'd like to think that most of this is done by keyboard warriors, either in or out of uniform, if only for the comfort that my shitposting is being read by humans and not a fucking machine.
>tl;dr we're all shitposting with Agent Smith from the matrix.
yup, and you nazis are going to prison eventually
james comey and mark cuckerberg cover their cameras. thats enough for me to do it
They are high profile people
You are nothing.
Could be because they are high profile people
>Talk shop
Who do you think you are, pretending to be some kinda spy.
It is unironically a meme to make constant surveillance of every aspect of our daily lives normal, lighthearted, and not something that should concern us
It gives us funny memes, dude!
>there are several mentally ill people on the Sup Forums that do things like incessantly repost things for no apparent motive.
Okay, it's certainly possible. Usually the /x/ fags have a theme to their insane ramblings, this doesn't make much sense to me, combining the maker movement with women pegging men and then adding pedophilia on top. Does it make sense to you?
I've seen plenty schitzos, hell Terry is the patron schitzo of Sup Forums and Sup Forums but he has a fucking twisted logic to what he does and he's not shy about telling you.
>I have no doubt propaganda is being thrown all over the net: Sup Forums, faceberg, plebbit, et. al. Hell, multiple governments have admitted to it
I think there's ongoing testing of influencing people happening across all platforms. Take the Mariya Takeuchi song "Plastic Love" Youtube "accidentally" spammed to a shit ton of people who had never clicked on anything city pop related in their lives a while back.
Pure coincidence.
Then just a few days ago they "accidentally" send a bunch of Logan Paul video updates to people who aren't subscribed. Logan Paul being a major cash cow for Youtube and also having the money to ask for "innovative marketing".
Sounds conspiratorial? Well just go look at SEO discussion forums and the discussions about predictive ads (the reason companies want and sell your browsing data), influencing people is the entire economic backbone of every social media.
Maybe but then they'd have to admit they spy on literally every single fucking person. As long as you didnt eat children or deal/use black tar heroin you should be ok.
>Does it make sense to you?
Does potentially retarded (as in by people with mental issues) postings and posters make sense to me? No. Then again, neither does your claim of people recycling your posts.
I agree with your thought that influencing people on a large scale for nefarious reasons is a real thing, that's not a stretch of imagination.
>Does the government watch us through our cellphone and laptop cameras or is this just the new nigger meme
Pic very related.
You didn't see Snowden did you? If you're hot woman I'd be more concerned. The NSA's analysts have collection and trade photos and cams addresses discovered from their 'investigations'.
They check out their gf's email and snapchat to see if she's fucking around. They'll data snoop their hot neighbor MILF. They abuse the fuck out of the tools they have been given.
>neither does your claim of people recycling your posts
If I was making a reply bot with the purpose of either baiting people to reply, or to make it seem like organic replies were happening to a thread I wanted bumped, a dumb way of doing it that doesn't require any real AI is to pick generic enough replies from the posts people make to my test thread, and then seed them into my IP switching bot.
Then you could easily see if people reacted normally to your attempt to fake an ongoing discussion in the thread.
I can't convince you it happened, I just know it did and these are my best guesses for why. You /should/ be able to spot the threads that recycle replies however - just go to the archive for Leaf Spam Man and look at the threads. He's reposting the same replies in thread, replying to himself. It seems the intent is to make it look like people are still falling for it and to hook more people into the "ongoing discussion".
>>If I was making a reply bot with the purpose of either baiting people to reply, or to make it seem like organic replies were happening to a thread I wanted bumped, a dumb way of doing it that doesn't require any real AI is to pick generic enough replies from the posts people make to my test thread, and then seed them into my IP switching bot.
>>Then you could easily see if people reacted normally to your attempt to fake an ongoing discussion in the thread.
okay, i follow, i agree.
i guess i misunderstood what your real point here was, i thought you were suggesting someone(s) was making an effort to impersonate or discredit you or your posts, directly, by reposting.
bots harvesting and reusing posts is 100% believable. i can't say that i think it's only a certain org that does it, nor can i say what the purpose of any of harvesting and reusing is. you can whip up a bot to do what we're talking about relatively easily and do it for laughs, no motive needed.
>inb4 i'm one of Them now
Can they? Yes. Do they? It is debatable.
Only if you're a really special boy :3
Its part of our greater empathy being used against us. "Oh no Im a good person I like other peoples as well haha see im putting down someone of my own race for other people haha". I cant think of another race that has this much empathy. I mean asians are as smart or smarter than us but they generally dont have souls.
Wtf I want to work in an intelligence agency now
But around here they prob only have tranny cams
>i guess i misunderstood what your real point here was, i thought you were suggesting someone(s) was making an effort to impersonate or discredit you or your posts, directly, by reposting.
Oh. Well fair enough. No, there's nothing about this that I think targets me, just to be clear. I think I happened to get some posts pulled for whatever this is, if it's not just some random madman doing it manually.
>you can whip up a bot to do what we're talking about relatively easily and do it for laughs, no motive needed.
Right, it's not really complex. The part that activates the almonds is really just in the ongoing research we know they're doing - I mean we even have articles of former or current Google/Facebook/Twitter people, business and engineers, saying the emotional baiting to use and keep using the apps are getting too good. They're addictive on purpose to the point of affecting those who said it should be done personally, and it's making them rethink it. They were also complaining about the echo chambers they created by linking people with more of the same shit they already look at, both left and right.
We already know the official explanation for why everything seems to be spying on you is just that the overall metadata on you is so good now it can start recommending diaper ads to a woman who doesn't even know she's pregnant yet.
The only bridge missing to politics is the ability to seed ideas to a group, or to shift consensus forming by injecting certain posters or posts. Sup Forums would be the perfect venue to test that on. I mean honestly I'm starting to convince myself just typing this up. It's so obvious even an idiot like me can cook up the basic formula, it'd be strange if they WEREN'T doing something like this.
I'm too spooked. Time for a break.
Vault 7 are you fucking retarded? Pic related, it is you.
>Does the government watch us through our cellphone and laptop cameras
they can, I can, can't you? you can't use someone's phone number to track them with their GPS?
I can do that, you guys want inforgraphix?
I've seen enough proof to convince me that voice calls are now routed through AI that is controlling swaths of social media to ensure deep state agenda.
its a subversive meme
they are convincing people that they are crazy to think the three letter agencies spy through your camera and that its absurd so its all just a big joke
it means they are either currently accessing as many cameras as they can or are preparing to
the computing power of three letter agencies is massive kiddo
CIA just bought a fuckton of server space with amazon
if they want they can just record all cameras that are unsecure or have the attention of the agencies and keep the video for later
you really dont understand just how badly they want to blur the line between privacy and public surveillance
Yeah, nice try shill
that prepared response you keep copy and pasting really convinces me
I'm just pretending to be retarded.
I found it interesting that two posters used the term "high profile people" within 5 seconds of each other.
>this brainlet can't understand that many insignificant data points can add up to other significant data points
The misconception with mass surveillance is that it's actual human beings monitoring your every says. That would simply be impossible.
It's possible to highlight "keywords" (like googling for bombs let's say) with AI to do the initial filtering until you appear on a high enough list. Meanwhile all your information is stored for marketing companies to target you with custom ads anyway.
So make no mistake, we are always being watched, but mostly by machines collecting data. If the data they see triggers a warning, you will be on a list, and then you might eventually have a real secret police agent looking at you. In the future though, with more advanced AI, you won't even need to be that high on the list to be actively watched though. They can just spare watching everyone at once with a powerful enough AI, no human limitation.