JK Rowling confirms that there were Jewish wizards at Hogwarts

>JK Rowling confirms that there were Jewish wizards at Hogwarts

Has this bitch lost her mind or was she always under their control?

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Voldemort did nothing wrong.

She’s got to be on drugs, so many that her brains dissolved.

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality > vanilla Harry Potter


>"Ms Rowling! were there Jewish wizards in Hogwards! :O"
>"yea sure whatever kid"

Here's a fun fact about Rowling.

She played on the ugly, phonetic sound of the word Nigger when she created the word Muggle. It's all in the double GG. She did this openly and knowing that the word creates a deep emotional response.

What about muslim wizards?

It's just PR so she can get richer. She is British after all.

Harry Potter was originally black but the evil white man in editing put a change to that. WAKE UP

She keeps changing this shit whenever anyone asks but remember: there weren't when she wrote it.

You already know the answer user
We all do

>reading fanfiction
>reading Harry Potter fanfiction
>reading Harry Potter fanfiction with a fedorable name

Lost her mind. The jews got their claws in too late and now she's trying to corrupt her original work.
Tumblr "wizards" are pathetic compared to Sup Forums wizards. The bitch would probably retcon Slytherin or make it so they go back in time and kill him a la the hitler meme if she had a chance

what about muslims? does she hate diversity?

they've already been shown in the movies

There was a character named Anthony Goldstein. This

just your typical shabbos goyim female virtue signaller

Tote that barge!
Lift that bale!
Get a little drunk
An' you land in jail...

Ol' man river
Dat' ol' man river...

Literally written by an autistic jew
Get out of here


It's true. Have you seen Cheddar man? All Britons are African Americans.

if you were truly a wizard you'd have godly powers thus no need for ((God))

>tfw no jk rowling mommy gf to degrade me and call me a virgin

>deep emotional response
Who are you people and why did you come here

she serves the kike satanists. her book is riddle'd with occult references to cultures not belonging to her own. biggest case is the egypt/jew/zodiac morning star Sirius and Harrys Godfather. However this was not this cunts star to give to harry or anyone else. Blaspheming the oldest of religious elements in the NWO attempts to erase/revise history to serve her masters agenda of brainwashing the most vulnerable group of society. The naive and innocent youth. Real life witches such as JK deserves to burn at the stake for the evil they manifest. "he who must not be named" is in fact Jesus Christ, because any mention of his name would send the walls of occult symbolism crashing down on the illusion (((she))) has built up.

What am I looking at here? Images search returns nothing.

ofc there are , how the fuck you didn t notice ??? there is think bank in harry potter , full of big noosed kikes

Atheists are so eternally fucking butthurt they have to make everything about their fucking daddy issues.



When you see it...

harry potter was a goverment plot since the beginnng

While she did come up with Goldstein at the time, it's weird how much information she releases after the fact, enshrining character traits in canon willy-nilly. I don't know of another author to suffocate the life of their series like this.

Holy shit I missed that. I've watched the Rifftrax version multiple times.

didn't she recently make Dumbledore gay too?

I thought they were pic related

Literally the worst tier of fanfiction.

There is great fanfiction out there but written a shitload better than JK's which actually attempts more world building and fixing blaring holes.

That said bitch has lost her mind the past 5 years and is destroying her legacy.

>believing in JHVH when they have magic

They replaced her with a clone. They do this all the time.

Ho ho ho.

Agreed. To maximize political correctness, Dumbledore will be gay in the next film.

But it's true.


"Warren Jeffs wives"
He's some Mormon cultist who marries kids

harry potter is pure faggotry.

any adult who is into that shit should be sterilized.

How the fuck would magic make God less real?
Wouldn’t the ability to defy the laws of physics confirm rather than deny that we live in a created universe, not a natural one?

What the fuck is with this brainlet atheist invasion today?

I think that was probably the intention, but that the Jews were not happy about being depicted in such an accurate way.

I imagine all you would learn at jewish hogwarts is how to raise interest rates through telekinesis, make money pop in and out of existence.

>Want to go to Hogwarts
>"Sorry mate, your' re a muggle."

Hogwarts is nazi germany. I wonder why so many libfucks like it.

>"shutting down the THREAT-PROCESSING centre of the brain"
>"change attitudes to immigrants"

Liker pottery!

Just increasingly desperate to stay relevant since she has no real ideas any more. She knows she'll never, ever produce another universe like Harry Potter, and she's already milked it for all its worth. She can only ride on the glory of her past writings, she will never come up with another original idea and knows it. So she'll continue to say increasingly outlandish and strange things to try and re-capture the public's eye because she realizes her star is waning, and she doesn't like that. She misses the attention as she wanders around a largely empty mansion. The worst thing you could ever do to a dumb cunt like this is just ignore her.


Jews made the movie, retard. This is them bragging and ngaf

>deep emotional response
What can I even say. If you get any emotional response from that stupid word or those trash books you literally need TRT

Okay, dumbass, deep breaths. Why believe in a God when it requires you to do all this shit when you can just conjure up some ghost pussy or something? How would magic fit in with kike religion? They'd be home kiking as am imperative of God and Israel. Or do wizard Jews cast spells on Palestinians when school is out?

I think it has been collectively written.
It is part of a pattern with other "serial-movies". They all started at the beginning of the millenium.

>Why believe in a God when it requires you to do all this shit when you can just conjure up some ghost pussy or something?

Ignoring for the moment how baffling this logical leap is, It’s like you are almost self-aware enough to realize you chose to ignore God because you don’t want to follow his rules.

were there any british people?

Uh, Harry Potter is Marxist propaganda

>Voldemort wants wizardry to continue, sees wizards mating with non-wizards a disgrace, they produce mongrels who are inapable of magic
>Voldemort wants to seize hogwarts before it's too late in order to keep the line of wizards pure
>harry potter wins, bringing an end to wizardry for future generations

>Okay, dumbass, deep breaths.
Is your name Rajesh

uncle Adolf knows her dialectic

This is the true question

This. Harry himself is directly responsible for the death of magic.

her success speaks for huge emotional response.
you fucking retarded leaf.

Yep, all because of 'muh feels'

>>JK Rowling confirms that there were Jewish wizards at Hogwarts
Aren't jews already wizards? They do control finance.

Speaks for huge emotional response? It's a children's book you stupid faggot

Have you read The Wastelands of Time? Hpmor is basically a rip-off of this vastly superior fanfic.

The bankers in Harry Potter are 'goblins' that are Jewish.
>the Star of David on the floor of their bank

This is also what the bankers look like in the movies.

>b-b-but Hermione is a mudblood and she's the best student in our YEAR!

and? namecalling doesn't work if you don't present at least a semblance of an argument, you drooling mongoloid.

This but unironically. All throughout these retarded wizard wars they never actually bother to investigate who is right. Instead we get a "might makes right" type of story which leaves the fate of the world undecided.

What I ment was IRL jews are wizards so its only logical she'll put them in there among "Hogwarts" and the (((goblins)))

>Implying Slytherin aren't the main characters
They say the main character is the one who learns the most at the end of the story. What did Harry Hermoine and Ginger learn? Abo fucking utely nothing. This was Draco Malfoy's story all along of how these gay kikes bullied him all his life yet he still spared Dumbledore at the end.

Fuck vid related

She's been under their control from the start. After all, she followed their generic blueprints when creating the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.


here are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone, in fact I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape, but even after admitting this there is no catharsis, my punishment continues to elude me and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself; no new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.

She's trying to be relevant but she ain't

Tom Felton was such a cutie back then. Who knew he'd grow into a god?

I had never heard of Sup Forums or cared about Jews when I read the books and saw the movies and that's what I always assumed. Aren't they like greedy too? And sneaky? I'm pretty sure they're sneaky at Gringots right? Don't they like try and steal Harry or his ginger friends Dads deposit or something?

So liberals are literally brainlets with shut down brains?

>the writing is terrible
Fuck you, it’s pure pottery

she didn't even write the books

They are, scientifically speaking, mentally disabled.

>glow in the dark

This is a shitty post. The books are full of archetypal characters, which is why they're bestsellers in every country they've ever been published in. Children's brains are hardwired to relate to stories like hers. She didn't write them for """"intellectuals"""" like you. She wrote them for children. Of course the writing is simplistic at times. This is like an 7 year old saying that Tolstoy is stupid because none of his words make sense. You aren't the target audience, dumbass.

You must be a nigger

>sneaking his ancuck bible up there
lmao @ the attempt.

He was originally Black, but he used a bleaching spell to become White.

She also claimed she never specified Hermiones race, to defend hermione being a nigger in some play or something recently,
when theres actually at least one sentence in one book literally saying "hermiones white face stuck out through the dark forest" or something to that effect

dont you get it OP this means jesus is just a sorcerer . and going by harry potter standards hes the guy who flunked all the classes and was expelled because all he could do was turn water into wine and feed some people fish sandwiches. didnt turn nobody into a frog or fly. he claimed he could walk on water but he lived in a desert so nobody ever got to see him do it

this is a temple os / god thread now

>got to get them monies from generation z
>goys you love jews right? guess what my books are full of them now buy them allll >;)

Ehhh, it's not a hollywood movie so I'm not that sure, but mb you're right.

Are you saying she’s not the author? I’d believe that.

Why would fucking wizards worship muggle fucking gods? Everything about their plane of existence defies the normie world. It's like if someone from real life worshipped Big Bird from sesame street.

I'm applying logic to women again arnt I?
