Tune into CNN Rand Paul is absolutely BTFOing the (((American government)))

Tune into CNN Rand Paul is absolutely BTFOing the (((American government)))

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>Tune into CNN

u can't even stray from your talking point


Obama reduced the budget deficit by 2/3 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

and was the slowest spender in 80 years (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

so explain in your own words why did the debt go up


Obama cut the deficit by 2/3.

Why is Trump exploding it?

Why do u always dodge like a fucking bitch?

Analysis: Government set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year

oops my bad

just meant to post

Analysis: Government set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year

Yes. We should've voted for him, feelsbadman.

You have to go back

The leader the US need and dont deserve.

>You have to go back
go back where? cant understand flags amerimutt?

Rand is spelling out all the government waste, based

KIKE book. com/FoxNews/videos/10156622504546336/

Ok use CSPAN then.

I kekd when he talked about all the wasted money on studies like spending millions studying drunk fish vs. sober fish KEK.

ignore that retard

Thank you user, i like cspan better


bipartisan looting of the treasury, based Rand

Nothing Rand is saying is wrong. However, this is shitty timing. Basically, Rand is cucking out. I would love to discuss shitty govt. spending, but those are concerns of white people who have the luxury of not being invaded. SHIT TIMING.

Nigga, I'm in the military basically working poor, and 100% support this move by Rand.






Do you enjoy getting paid to do something that is unnecessary?

based #standwithrand

> implying we could actually balance the budget and pay off the debt.


Doesn't Trump support the deal and would sign it? Why is rand betraying trump

Zero notes, zero friends, and he just promised to go until 3am. Fucking based.

Still my guy

Oh my goodness! Is this shopped? I hope not. He's adorably Putin sized.

Faggot. What does he want to do? We will take in about 3.5 trillion this year. Even if we cut everything it would take years to pay it off. We cant cut 5$ or some grandma gets raped and murdered by a republican. Any massive cutting would also tank the economy causing less tax revenue. Being a fsggot on this one deal doesnt help anything but keep us from fixing some of the more important problems we have right now.

the senate still has to vote on the budget deal. why is the chamber empty?

ameriburger tax dollars hard at work

>it's the dinner hour in DC, 7pm EST



>muh government over reach!
>Muh evil government!
>Muh libertarianism!

>Violates neighbors NAP and cries for the police to arrest the neighbor after getting ass beaten

How can anyone side with this cucked hypocrite?


Is the wall in the budget?

I stand with Rand

Give me a quick rand-down, cuz I ain't clicking that shit nigga


After the ballistic missile threat, Hawaii just got a bomb threat at some school, sent all the kids home with a letter about the bomb threat, then told the news it was all just a preplanned drill. Jesus Christ.

Shit might be seriously going down behind the scenes. If that missile was real, Vegas triggered the Saudi Royal coup, the crash is the globalists or seized assets, and there's a war starting in Turkey while gwb says Russia totally hacked the election, where does this even go from here?

Germany will invade Poland with the EU Army to stop the >polish death camps.

his neighbor violated the NAP you stupid fuckin commie retard

>look at all this tax money spent on quail sex study
>look at quarter mil spent on afghan kids field trip
>look at quarter mil spent on selfie pic study
>congress is retarded
>people don't know about all this bullshit waste spending
>wake up sheeple, hold the government accountable

>Violates neighbors NAP

i don't think you know what any of those words mean

this is very important

Rands too establishment now

No, faggots. Rand was dumping his lawn clippings on his neighbor's property.

Fuck. Seriously.

accordin to who you naive fag

I caught his speech while making dinner for my daughter and I. Sounded like good stuff, good for him.

He isn't his father, but I think he is far better than most.

All of his neighbors

>secret cabal rubbing their hands
what did he mean by this?

all of them? all 2 of them? including the attacker?

Blame OBAMA He added more debt to this country than every president combined.

>Obama reduced the budget deficit by 2/3 → (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
>and was the slowest spender in 80 years → (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

False, Obama added more debt than every single president combined.

You can't complain about liberals wasting money then turn around and waste money when your party gets in power.

And what do you do that’s necessary?

Rand was redpilled on the Jews by Ron.

Because fuck Trump.
He's an idiot that can't keep a casino open.

It all depends on what a person considers waste.


>cut taxes
>economy grows by 5%
>pay off the debt
why can't Rand see this?

>Get stuck with the bill from your predecessor
>Get blamed for it
Truly infallible logic

why didnt you fuckers meme rand into the presidency? he'll be as old as ron by the time he ever gets another shot.

he said somethings that might make the tribe alittle worried. I didn't think Dr Ron paul cared about the joos.

He's back

Because that isn't going to happen?

Lindsey Graham might be the biggest faggot in Washington DC.

and rabbi borat tried to rape him

>double the dept so (((their))) banks stay in business
>muh too big to fail
>its Bush's fault
>also anything Trump does good is residual from me
>everything bad though, thats all him

Like when he said that he would take the unprecedented step to treat any attack upon Israel as an attack upon the United States?

You're just a kool-aid drinker, you have no idea who says what, you just feel your little feels.


Rand will run for president I think. Or maybe after Drumpf wins in 2020. Would be cool. Drumpfs sons will eventually run. Drumpf is based.

checked and keked

Oops, forgot the video. youtube.com/watch?v=h48GpZ3b23g

So it starts out with Rand Paul saying that he dislikes sending aid to Israel, because then Israel has to answer for its foreign policy.

But then he goes on to make the pledge to treat any attack on Israel as an attack upon the United States, which is a pledge that promises far more expenditure then what it currently gets in aid.

He basically wants a completely unaccountable Israel able to pull the USA and its allies into war at any time.
Even the most rapid pro-Isreal shill usually never comes close to speaking of such things even as fantasy, but there's Paul Jr, making that pledge when he absolutely did not have to.

So don't bother trying to spin it as Paul supporting Israel because he has to, there have been thousands of representatives since Israel became a nation and as far as I know, only Paul Jr has pledges this level of support of complete protection with completely no obligations for Israel.

Wow he's really good.

He got BTFO by his liberal neighbor.
>Rand manlet

>Oh know he's not autistic!
He's a politician, his career would be destroyed and everything else he advocates for along with it if he answered the Israel question wrong.

>openly saying you'd help our allies
>means prioritizing them over the US

I heard alex jones mention that too him on infowars and I was like deh fuck.

Where can i find such ebin maymays? what site do you use?


Oh look, a little AntiFag. Have you considered the health benefits of bleach user?


Like I said, there have been thousands of reps since Israel was formed, and NONE of them promised such slavish devotion with absolutely no strings attached.

Feel free to prove me wrong with videos of Rands colleagues promising to treat any attack upon Israel as an attack upon the United States though. Proceed.


you are a failure and your life is meaningless

Oh? And which allies does America treat as their own for the purposes of defense, without even requiring so much as a treaty?

Go ahead and show me, smart guy.

Based manlet rand getting that prime intern pussy while triggering pelosi and gang

Don't get me wrong is real is a parasite but just like Saudi Arabia ,who funds terrorists that threatens america, we protect them because believe it or not america is a psuedo empire and the more footholds we have the more our military complex is happy which means they pay our politicians who approve giving countries like is real 38 billion dollars in defense aid....

I don't have time to keep btfo the shills tonight, just remember that if they don't/won't (can't) show proof of Rands colleagues making the exact same pledges to Israel, then he very fucking obviously didn't HAVE to pledge the entire US military to them without a single caveat.

Rand is not his father. He is just a neocon and therefore a slave to the jews.
And like all kike puppets, his facade crumbles with the slightest examination.
Just like the arguments of the retards I've obliterated itt.

Dude took a few hard knocks to the noggin during his floggin'. (((They))) must have gotten to him.


>Veteran user here
You are not "the working poor"
Civilians would kill to have the benefits package you have.
Your rent and utilities taken care of by daddy government.
You don't HAVE to buy good because that is also provided for you.
On top of ALL that, even an E-1 makes $1500/month, that is almost $20k/year annual salary with all needs taken care of.

>inb4 some weak ass excuse
Quit bitching
Learn some financial discipline
Quit spending so much on whores and booze
Even in shitty accommodations that the Marine Corps provides you have it made even if you have to put up with some faggot squad leader overstepping their authority.

*food, not good

