What in fuck's name was the point of wasting so many episodes on the Endless Eight arc...

What in fuck's name was the point of wasting so many episodes on the Endless Eight arc? I not only got bored out of my skull, but more or less just skipped through them without gaining any meaningful information.

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>skipping the anime
>wondering why you didn't get the point
Rewatch it.

It could have all been done in two episodes tops. Wasting that many episodes just to do the same fucking thing over and over again with minor differences is retarded.

How can you presume to know its flaws when you haven't even watched it?

Because I watched through the entire thing on fast forward. Literally nothing of value happened other than some very minor changes until you get to the end of the arc.

Shouldn't Kimidori have also cracked during E8, or hadn't the LN revealed who she was yet?

Imagine being Yuki.

You have to appreciate the changes. And one of the episodes in the middle has a really powerful direction, very emotional. And think about your thoughts while watching it. Think about how you entertain yourself by paying attention to different things. It all gives information that you wouldn't get by simply watching two episodes. You gain information about your reaction to watching the same episode over and over.

Also, Endless Eight can also be thought about as a commentary on anime itself. The episodes are pretty much the same with minor differences. But why is that fine usually? Almost every anime you see are pretty much identical. And you watch the same story over and over without complaint. But suddenly it's a problem, just because it's under the same show title?

Nigga I didn't come here for deep commentary or whatever else. Give me God not knowing she's God doing stupid shit constantly like the previous episodes did.

>But suddenly it's a problem, just because it's under the same show title?

It is when you went through 8 episodes of the same shit with only minor differences. At least spice it up by having an episode or two where someone snaps and goes insane, tells Haruhi she's God, beats her up, or does something nutty.

You should watch it because of the audacity that it even exists. No studio would do something as stupid as animating the same episode eight times over, and yet here we are.

They were planning to animate Disappearance in that timeslot but Kadokawa told them to make it a movie instead.

Hey, that one is actually weird. She's from a different faction so she might not be affected the same as Yuki who has to watch anything Haruhi does? Maybe. Tanigawa is pretty good at planning stuff (see : Taniguchi's girlfriend in Disappearance).

People expect a big arc from E8 when it's just a single story in the LN. It's really great how they changed the direction for each episode and conveyed the feeling of summer, but plotwise there isn't so much to be told here (outside of the ending which is interesting in a way if you read past the homework thing)

Anyway, you're getting to the best part of the anime, the movie.

What fucking changes?

>Watch baseball, get call
>Bike over, go to pool
>"Gee I've seen Nagato sitting alone like that before"
>"Gee I've heard Haruhi say she conscripted two kids to be her members"
>"Lemme ask Nagato if she's OK, then awkwardly walk away"
>same festival, fireworks, cicadas, part time job, etc etc
>"We've done with a gorillion times already"
>use telescope

The ONLY fucking change was somehow going "let's do homework" breaking the loop. There would have been "changes" if someone acted differently in the entirety of those 8 episodes. Even seeing Nagato snap for once would have been interesting.

I watched every single episode and user is right; this could have been done in two episodes tops. It severely dropped the quality of the anime, no matter what anyone says.

The plot is always the same, that's the point. The changes are in direction and overall mood of each episode. Even the artstyle and musics can change quite a bit between 2 episodes. It's a beautiful way to do redundancy, but it's still redundancy that you should expect and not anything else. If that's really not your thing, skipping some of it is a good choice, like I feel 4 episodes instead of 8 would have clicked with more people.

I was also thinking about how it'd be nice with more variation while I was watching it and for a while after, but after some more thought I've realized that's not a good idea.
It'd actually detract from the experience, because there would be too much happening to pay attention to. The point is to show us how it is with the same over and over, to make us experience the boredom and repetition, and different versions would go against that. It may actually be a good thing that it's even less different than what Nagato explains, that we don't get to see any of the different loops she mentions. Because we only have eight episodes, not thousands, they need to make it more identical to get closer to Nagato's experience. If we start thinking about and looking forward to the plot, that would ruin the whole experience.

Camera angles

>Anyway, you're getting to the best part of the anime, the movie.

Except now the anime dropped from 8/10 to 4/10 thanks to wasting eight episodes on bumfuck nothing. I've severely lost interest in continuing it now.

Even four episodes is a waste. It should have been:

>1 episode that shows the entire deal
>1 episode that is just a VERY fast montage of the same shit happening again and again, along with hearing Nagato count up, episode ends with someone snapping on Haruhi and yelling at her to let them out of the jail cell
>1 episode to fix the time loop

>What in fuck's name was the point of wasting so many episodes on the Endless Eight arc?

This exists now:

No one can snap at Haruhi. The point is that they forget, and the loops are identical. The only one to go through emotional development and character development is Nagato.
All your suggestions would take away from the whole point.

>getting triggered that much over E8

>No one can snap at Haruhi. The point is that they forget, and the loops are identical

I can promise you I'd go berserk if I heard (with proof) that I was stuck in a time loop for 15,000+ times. Alternatively, I'd just do ridiculously stupid shit if I knew it was going to reset (go rob a bank, or whatever really).

>if I knew it was going to reset
If you get arrested by the police, chances are, it's not going to reset.

Save on money and see if people would notice how bullshit it was. Surprise Sup Forums noticed.

>Implying Sup Forums wasn't rioting and drowning in salt every week back when it was airing.

Every episode was individually animated though.

When you only have Nagato's word for it? I think it'd be hard to truly take seriously. When you experience it for the first time, it doesn't really go in.

>If you get arrested by the police, chances are, it's not going to reset.

Good news, we fixed the time loop.

By the way OP, I bet you're watching it in scrambled order, ruining the whole experience. It's too late to fix now, but well done.
Tip: Media should always be enjoyed in release order. This includes Haruhi.

>When you only have Nagato's word for it? I think it'd be hard to truly take seriously

I'm not sure what's going on in his brain, but if I saw Nagato get into a Matrix fight with another school girl (along with all the other crazy shit she's done like cheating the baseball match and such), I'd believe anything out of her mouth as the word of God himself.

I watched it in whatever order the Blurays came in, which is probably fucked if what you're saying is correct.

Oh please the first thing you guys would do in a time loop is wait for the next loop to see if it was real and at that point it's already game over.

> Nagato mentioned there were several loops that deviated drastically. Were they the loops where she snapped and killed everyone?

I knew haruhifags were fucking retarded but I never thought I'd see someone actually defending endless eight, holy shit
>Almost every anime you see are pretty much identical. And you watch the same story over and over without complaint. But suddenly it's a problem, just because it's under the same show title?
I don't watch moeblob trash

If you didn't watch one episode a week for 8 weeks in a row, you didn't watch season 2 properly.


You may believe it, but you wouldn't understand it. You haven't even experenced the regular events, and you'd just suddenly start doing crazy stuff? Is all it takes for you to do something that someone says it's okay?

Probably something more tame, like Kyon's god powers accidentally creating a world where every woman walks around naked.

This is the only show where mpv's 4x and 8x-speed was a useful feature.

There are 2 kinds of people who watched Haruhi.

#1 'got it' and are in awe over the mad brilliance behind the stunt

#2 are plebs who are too dense to understand the experience

You had to be there when it aired

I do respect them for taking risks though, which is more than most anime studios can say

It was literal filler that they tried to pass off as "deep" and "interesting". I find it hilarious that so many retards fell for it and actually think it had some sort of meaning beyond cutting costs.

Because then it wouldn't have been called endless eight.

It was fun. Unless you have adhd each episode is different enough.

You will literally never find another experience like endless eight. Isn't that enough?

Chronological is okay too, it really depends on people. What matters is the movie anyway.

>cutting costs when everything was done from scratch each time
Try again.

>this meme again

It was one of the best things I ever watched, only rivaled by the movie but in completely different aspects of what makes them good.