Why was the Demon King Piccolo saga so fucking good? >Piccolo killing the eternal dragon >Goku blasting through Piccolo and the following "I DID IT!" >The first REAL threat in the franchise
I'm still early in the DB franchise (About to start the Namek saga), but I can't possibly see how anything could top pic related.
It was really good but it was still worse than every arc that came after it.
James Stewart
>Worse than the Piccolo Jr saga
No way people actually believe this
Jacob Richardson
Ethan Edwards
>ultra sacred water
Jaxon Morgan
probably could have done without Krillin dying.
Brandon Campbell
Christian Parker
King Piccolo is THE dragonball villain, the biggest bad of the whole series, and the only reason Jr is such an important and interesting character is the backstory of his father.
Nolan Phillips
That arc is the beginning of modern Dragon Ball aka "Dragon Ball Z".
Jace Long
The 23rd Budokai was the first time characters other than Goku were allowed to be impressive. Tenshinhan vs Drum was just pathetic.