The 2008 financial crisis

Whose fault was it?
>Rating agencies
>Fannie and Freddie
>Mortgage originators

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Debt based Monetary system which has spun into a machine of debt creation and consumption.


Jews, niggers, spics, and other various types offshit skin.


bis implemented basal II which forced banks to hold a higher percentage of their assets in mortgages than the free market could justify. This capital requirement supported the sub prime mortgage bubble of 2008. banks shorted themselves because they're not fucking stupid.

the movie the big short is a very good depiction of what happened but is ultimately propaganda because it tries to blame wall st when it was once again central bankers responsible

jews scamming boomers and niggers scamming jews scamming boomers and niggers scamming jews scamming...

Closer-Piven, CRAP, Clinton. All lead to “Mortgage Backed Securities” that were frauds. Which precipitated Derivatives to hedge loss.

All of those elements contributed plus others led to the conditions that lit the fuse -- but ultimately it was Fannie and Freddie which allowed the boom of subprime mortgages and subsequent investments into hedge funds on said garbage mortgages that they knew were destined to fail.

Far, far more bankers, investors and politicians should have been locked away in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for colluding and creating a bubble they knew was going to violently burst.

Cloward Piven. Goddam spellchecker.

>Whose fault was it?

George Soros.

Greed. When the middle man agents decided to mix bad risk loans with good risk loans to create 'A' grade lending portfolios to sell to banks which were really more 'C' grade.

Subprime and their fluctuant rate were the cause but the fault was onto banks first and stupid people in second

watch this movie

I was told that by zeitgeist addendum too.. but analysis showed that isnt the case. A debt based money supply is sustainable as long as the banks spend their interest income on non-debt goods n services.

Obama's fault, obviously.

politicians trying to be nice by making housing more affordable because "muh feels" which lead to poor people buying stuff they couldn't afford which blew in everyone's face when the interest rate went up

>Whose fault was it?
No-ones. Free market has always produced debt cycles, it's an inevitable part of the system. We're nearing the end of a long term debt cycle, so buckle up buckaroos, next crash could be big

For reference see

It does a decent job of explaining how the real economy works.

absolutely the fault of dems who took over congress in 2006. It was plotted and purposeful and it payed massive dividends to the dnc

It's coming again, this time in the form of cars

Also whites

More the secondary credit default swap being allowed to go forward, instruments of death that wiped the big banks profit down.
Personally have no problem with it, but after 9-11 a d Enron you think burgers would learn . ( Remember Enron did 9-11)

Alan Greenspan
Lawrence Summers
Lloyd Blankfein
Richard Fuld
Alan Schwartz
Maurice Greenberg
Sandy Weill

very interesting people!

>Republican House
>Republican Senate
>Republican President

Blames a heavily regulated free market for being a constant failure. Not like the regulation does anything

Also, if anybody here has actually read the report whose cover is the OP image: Which explanation do you prefer?
>Democratic report
>Republican dissent
>Libertarian dissent

Free market has always done this. Debt cycles are a part of the system, with or without regulation. Or are you going to go the commie route of "REAL free market has never been tried!!!"

Obamaleaf, is that you?

Banks for being retarded with lending money
Government (particularly the Bush Admin) for allowing the banks to do what they did.

Not Bush
Not Bush
Not Bush
Not Bush

you are proof of greatest.con.ever.

Banks/lack of regulation.
You had almost exponential debt growth prior to 2008 which obviously had to end sometime.
Repealing glass steagall was a mistake, even though it probably wouldn't have stopped 2008 from happening completely it could have alleviated the problem.

what happens though when in reality the banks spend their interest income on yachts, drugs, and hookers for their CEOs?

It didn't matter if it was mortgages or not. It was a debt bubble similar to what japan had in the 1990s, if it wasn't housing it would have been something else.

Clearly it is Drunfts fault. What else could you expect when you illegally end the Obama economy by hyperinflating the scoop market %50?

Found the Jew! GASSSSSS

Except that in most cases they end up buying more assets with the money, which leads to inflated asset prices and less money for the actual economy.
Look at what happened to M1 and M2 past 2008, even though a lot of M1 was "printed" by the Fed, M2 growth and inflation stayed constant.

Government forced banks to lend to blacks and hispanics when they never could've paid back those loans

Remember, when something goes wrong in America, it usually has to do with "something being done for blacks, at the behest of jews".

Short answer:
Long answer:
It's always the Jews.