What was the point of showing AYYLMAOOSS ?

What was the point of showing AYYLMAOOSS ?

literally served no purpose to the story

Pointless plotpoints in anime i guess

Watch it again

Present dayy

It's called atmosphere. The fact that it made such an impression on you that you remember a "pointless" scene is a testament to its visual strength.

what? the only explanation i have it's it was actually a part of Lain's mainfestation in the real world or they showed them as the entity who implanted the idea of becoming a God in Eiri's mind?

they could have shown Lain naked or a gigantic deformed penis in it

The aliens werent real, they became "real" because people thought they were. In the show it's the consciousness what defines reality.

is ths dragon ball supr?

They wanted to copy X-Files (the whole purpose of this series)

The point was to make me crap my pants, fucking gray ayys crept the shit outta me when I was a kid

It's called a red herring

It was a metaphor for how legend becomes truth.

nice dubs
holy fuck nice trips

lol looks like the ippo version of jiren

Present time.



The point is that my wife Lain is cute.

This shit is spooky as fuck.
Fuck you.

You see, my dear user—for I presume you lack the erudition requisite to understanding the presence of the "ayy lmao" (henceforth "A.L.") in Serial Experiments Lain—the answer to your question ("What was the point of showing AYYLMAOOSS ?" [sic.])—a question which is one ensconced in the Great Mystery of Anischerality, that swirling vortex of enigma that circles and circles round its central point like the gyrefalcon, yet unlike that bird of Yeatsian reference, never dives, never swoops to pluck its quarry—the Meaning—from the primeval waters of the unconscious—though it cannot be learned through simple (better, say "mere") cogitation and logic (these two domains being constructs of the Mind Mechanical, and thus bound by the fetters of the flesh—the weakest Aspect of the triumvirate Man, second only, of course, to the Mind—to the Rondo Infernal, rather than that Supernal Inspiration to which all should be audience, if they are not already blinded, not by excess of light, but of shadow, like prisoners shackled to Plato's chair and made to watch the dancing shadows—indeed, not an inelegant metaphor for the consumers of the medium of anime [which amusingly draws its name from the "anima" of old, yet could not be farther from "soul", and thus is called a false pretender to the Lux Sophiae]), may yet, ere the close of the Day of Man in the great churn of the Celestial Gyre (one Day of Man equating to the Great Day spoken of by Scipio Africanus to his nominal heir, Scipio Aemilianus, in the well known Somnium Scipionis, in which time all the Spheres [seven by Scipio's numbering; others say eight or nine] shall return to the Original Order whence they were first moved by the Primum Mobile, the unmoved mover which, from the space beyond space in time beyond time, bids in silence move what be, what was, and what with fatal certainty shall come to pass) to you or to any other who dwells upon the Mysteries (some of which already I have expounded upo


They are the key to all of this.

how new?


it's okay if you didn't get it, they make anime for children too
how do I downvote this????

>implying you're smart
Nice ego you got their user.

>all these different answers
That should make it clear enough, not even the fans know what the fuck it was

Real fans know that anime compliments the game for PS1 since it anime was made just as a part of multimedia project that wasn't even first.

Why don't we get shows like this anymore?

girl on left was an anime the studio of lain was making, it was supposed to be a steampunk themed show. But for some reason it was canceld

Aliens helped build the Wired or something.

>everyone seems to like this thing I dislike
>they must all be pretending to be smart and deep
>for some reason

I thought it was just information trash that manifested itself in the real world because people were talking about it.

Just you wait user! It will come soon...right? T-they can't cancel it forever...

IIRC the director (same who did Lain if i'm not mistaken) who'd been working on this show have passed away so the production was on hiatus, but later during some panel in 2014 Yoshitoshi ABe confirmed that they started working on it again with the new director. Then again the info is at least 3 years old maybe something changed. Project is called Despera btw.

And you don't seem to understand

The anime is dead. Abe's working on Project D now.

girl with hyperactive imagination reads about them online.
That's pretty much it.

Well, they ended up doing something better i must say

Do you have a sauce on that, not the project D part, the despera being dead part? I couldn't find any info on it's status since the new director announcement in 2014-2015.