This is now considered art, how does it feel that oil paintings and watercolour paintings are now a thing of the past, from now one we will only accentuate stretch marks and paint with period blood, get prepared you patriarchial shitlords!



You laugh now, but wait until she is earning over a million a year for finger painting with her body fluids!

Im currently in an art class, that was required, and its pure propaganda. It focuses on feminism, subjectivism, and oppressed people of color and how puritan colonist america killed them all.

>implying it won't be the kikes using her work for money laundering raking in the cash

i legit read ‘shit stains’ from the thumbnail

>Implying kikes are responsible for everything and not simply admitting letting women into art was a mistake

I didn't imply that you dumb cunt.

I thought we’d have flying cars by now. Not this.

Why do women empower themselves by being disgusting?

>women make 'art' with menstrual blood
Oh look, this again, do women know know to make any other sort of art ? pic related is art made by a man for comparison.

Women were a mistake

You know, I could understand decorating stretchmarks.
But blood stains?.. Can't you just wash that off?

One day women are going to run out of things to do with their stinky meat gash.

>cultural marxist trash
They really have infiltrated almost every aspect of the education system haven't they.

They've done everything but wash it

Checked. Maybe one day, user... one day...

>This is now considered art

No it isn't. They call it art, but nobody considers it art.

Going to university once meant enlightening yourself and challenging your own ideals through provocative thoughts and ideas, now it is about virtue signalling and painting with your menstrual blood as far as I can tell.

actually that's pretty cool

not exactly arts about turning pain into beauty.

i wish hitler would have won so bad right now

The dissonance in this picture is what's truly astounding and disgusting. This silly bitch is posing like she's some sort of work of art or a great statue, when really she's just a narcissistic leaky cunt who's fucking up her kids.

Social media "likes" give her more dopamine than her children ever could.




and this is why only males that pay taxes should be allowed to vote

So liberating. I'm finally able to breath a little.

Every slice of $10000 in taxes you pay, you get one vote. That's how I would setup my elections.

Lies about painting with blood to prove a point? Or maybe it's Hollywood blood.