Israelis are basically trash

I live and work on a tourism island. Fair amount of Israeli backpackers come here. Some get jobs for extra cash. Low energy. Zero work ethic. No problem solving. Zero philosophical or political thinking. Think of the most basic people you went to school with and then lobotomize them and you should have an idea.

Having met quite a few I dont understand how they havent been completely BTFO by saladins horde yet.

Other urls found in this thread:


REMINDER! There is NO DIFFERENCE between the diaspora and Israel.

I've actually been to Israel, and all the people I met there are incredibly discourteous. Service people are rude, the men are lazy and undisciplined, all the women I met seemed incredibly whorish (and not attractive to make up for it).
The country also has no cultural exportation. All their food is Arab and all their entertainment and literature is American and Western European. The Jews there don't even take their own religion that seriously. If it weren't for the Muslims and the Orthodox Christians, that country would be even more secular than America is.

0/10 would not recommend, except for maybe the religious and historical sites.



jews are sandniggers

>saying Israeli women are whorish
did you truly been here, it's so hard here. in a weekeurope/usa I get the same amount of pussy as 6 monthes in Israel.
we are rude, but we are direct we are not playing games. and there almost no orthodox christians here.I doubt you ever been here.

You are full of shit, jews always have personalities with a spark, like I can tell when someone is a jew by talking to them for 5 minutes becasue they have personality quirks that normal whites don't.

This is the case everywhere, in europe and israel. In israel they know about world geopolitics and you can talk to 10 year olds about right wing politics, they are the most redpilled nation on earth.

lol not every jew has a spark

Well, if not for Americans we'd have finished the job decades ago.

Tel Aviv is the most degenerate city in the Middle East.

Sad to see Christian Americans supporting turning the holy land into a big LGBT parade.

Your women are psychopaths.

that some crazy russians most likely not even jewish

Registrant Name: AHSANUL KABIR
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: UNIT-22, 299 LAKEMBA ST
Registrant City: NSW
Registrant State/Province: NSW
Registrant Postal Code: 2195
Registrant Country: AU


you have internet there?

lmao, there are almost zero orthodox christians in israel, nice larp faggot

israel is a shit hole

results for Ahsanul Kabir

There are 44 domains that matched this search query

>"you have internet there?"
>le comeback

>not even jewish.

Said the "jew".

Thanks for that schlomo


Try the elite/1%
Are there any Indian-American billionaires? Name one

Stinkdu the stinkdian from stinkdia

You listen, I tracked these scammy bastards down, they are all over the fucking place.

Even new york, take a look.
3772 Redbud Drive ny

and another here
200 Park Avenue, Suite 1700

That is just the tip of the ice berg, they got partners all over running botnet components.

They may not be billionaires, but they cause more trouble than they are worth I can assure you of it.

google ceo

Israel is a very fucked up place where everyone is on drugs.

Thats a great documentary mental illness and the IDF

T. American Ashkenazi

nah we do that in india.

once a photo found on fb, guys shirt on the back said," im from israel so fuck you"

charming, chattin to him the guy was shit too, might makes right was him summed up

>jews always have personalities with a spark

Have you gotten sterilized yet like they do to black Jews in Israel.

Same. They would all ask me "Are you hebrew?" and when I said no, treated me like shit.

As it should be.

No, but you all have a gas.