Well Sup Forums...?
Other urls found in this thread:
>goat fucking arabs live in palestine for years
>uk cucks them out and gives half to israel
>arabs chimp out and get their shit kicked in
>penny snatchers now own palestine
yes retard
Maybe Muslims should take over Liechtenstein, and one can make the same image:
>The green is Europe; the red is Muslim
>Europeans complain that Muslims are "occupying" their land
If you love kikes that much give them Berlin?
Jews are like an infestation. If you have a few out in the open you can see, you know there are many more in the walls hiding from plain sight. Letting them have a land of their own, in the middle of your empire, it is like being okay with bugs or mice in your home and even giving one of your rooms to them.
>Well Sup Forums...?
You're an anti-White forum sliding faggot that deserves to hang.
Cool, let me go take a shit on the floor of your house. What? It's only like 0.1% of the whole house, you already have 99.9% of it, what's wrong with you?
Yeah, and the rest of the world is Jewish land
Marked with red is where arab sandniggers have some claim on the land.
Outside the red marked area are the countries they invaded by force and by outbreeeding the natives like cancerous shits they are.
tomorrow i will retake morroco the complain becouse 800 years ago they conquisted iberian peninsula
Why do you cunts keep pushing this narrative?
Britain wanted to give jews empty land in africa.
Jews used terrorist tactics to bomb British troops.
Britain was a fading power after two world wars and couldn't stop it.
Eventually, The UK government had to hand over the situation to the un.
The UN gave jews isreal.
Who runs the un dipshit?
The Saudis.
Let's say you own a house. A nice house with 5 bedrooms. It's all yours. Then some Jew shows up one day and starts living in your kitchen.
Would you accept the argument that it's ok because you still have all the rest of that house?
you know the bombing was after the Balfour deceleration because brits didn't allow jewish immigration even during WW2. every sane person will do the same thing in that situation
so it's ok to be a leaf and take all the house and kick the native indians?
Muslims =/= arab
If by "Arabs", you mean native Levantine Philistines, then yes, the jews occupied their land.
they literally are though. that red was once green. jews get out.
Imagine I came into your house and took a shit on you table, 99.9% of your house is shit free but that tiny pile is gonna bug yo-.....neveremind, forgot your flag, you'd be thrilled.
Kill all Semites. They are nothing but sand niggers. Let the Muslims butcher the Yids as payback first, it's only fair.
The Indians didn't build the house, nor did they "own" the land.
It's not "arabs" it's palestinians a sovereign country that got invaded and keep being so.
They are basically the same people, who cares, they're all bad.
>implying they don't own jewrope
For a KANG you're pretty fucking retarded Omar.
fuck your country you nigger
>well ?
who the fuck cares
israel is practically the only place that isn't a desert shithole
((( )))
Yes and the only place that allow faggotry and trans mania too.
Tel Aviv have the biggest gay parades in the world.
How come American Christians support staining the holy land with faggotry, trans mania, and decadence? Do you hate Jesus' birthplace that much?
Israel is the only nationalist state in the world that can only survive by manipulating every other state with anti-nationalism and destabilizing bordering states with d&c tactics.
>hi, we're ISIS
>fuck hamas
just nuke them both
israel has no right to exist. period. free ahed.
more like green is future slaves for greater israel
how far distant? and how soon before pic related?
If it means all the European Muslim move to lichenstein why would that be a problem? It would be a fuckin fabulous idea. Imagine Paris, London and Berlin free of kebabs.
ye its all about fair share sunshine and rainbows.
why do I even reply? sage
let´s not be stupid, shall we?
Palestinians are complaining, and for very good reasons.
They should be at least payed for the land
israeli posters use to be real good when they were rare and back in like 2013ish
nowdays they blow but your post reminded me of that gj
Looks like the Jews are in the wrong neighborhood.
>they own this much land
>therefore this little bit is now not theirs
why the fuck would we want that shit ? we kept golan heights after the war because it was a strategic location we wanted for negotiations , its otherwise a shithole with nothing interesting .
the only thing we want in syria is to bomb the bad guys who oppose us and happen to be there and we're doing that every day because no one opposes us .
also full on enslavement of arabs is really far ahead senpai , long after the subjugation of europe,usa,russia and china . but we're more then a decade ahead of schedule and things look better then ever so who knows.
If you took Israel out of the picture there'd be no more middle eastern problems.
Why are you fucks so evil? Mankind wants peace, not your bullshit.
What does this happen to do with the objective fact that all jews are pathological lying genetic sociopaths who require immediate extermination? Why invoke any sympathy for an ethnic group and cultural group of murderous thieves far more dangerous than any Arabs?
Death to all jews and especially those who defend jews. jew defenders will die first. They will be tortured and dismembered alive along with their family members. Followed by the jews. Think twice before you ever defend jews
all anti Israel/jewish propaganda is arab propaganda, arab muslims and Nazis are pretty much the same
you dumb mfer, those sandniggers fuck their own cattle daily and little boys. ill take Israel thanks
I mean at least canada and the USA would honor Native american land rights if they had the documents Israel will forge fake stuff to steal land.
there will be peace when the goys bow to greater israel.
pic related , lava=rapefugee\degenerates\marxists , anakin = western civilization ,obi = jewish civilization ground beneath obi = jewish tradition,wisdom,values .
The goys are superior shit for brains, why do you think you heebs had to do all this in secret
You really have embraced this persona huh?
>replying to threads that just say "Well Sup Forums?"
This is stupid, why the hell would they not do things in secret?
Is 9gag completely saturated with muslims? The goat fuckers abound.
If they're so superior they could have found a way, I'm sure.
They're not happy with their plot of land. The kikes have claim to the ashes of their home of Babylon and nothing beyond and not the white lives they con into dying for greater isreal.
Wanna see how fucks cattle?
Go to any porn website and search for man fucking horse, or dog fucking woman. I bet you won't see sandniggers.
And for little boy American is leading on that worldwide.
You are a cuck for Jews, no sorrow for whitey.
its an open secret , pretty much everyone knows the jews hold most positions of power everywhere either out in the open or hidden .
you cant compete with a supirior race that has 11500% of your nobel prizes per capita
Half of that shit isn't even the Middle East. It's even debatable if Egypt is in the Middle East. Middle East proper refers the Arabian peninsula and the Levant. The "Middle" of the East, retards.
Guess he never heard of the Moors or the Islamist invasions that turned Europe into the dark ages. Read Henri Pirenne
based morrocans telling it how it is . could use some help with the english but its 100% accurate . all the degenerate shit is whities fucking dogs and getting blacked or pissed on\cucked .
Who could compete with intellectual theft and tribal nepotism?
Hi, Paul Marciano. No, most porn stars are Jewish or crypto-Jews. There is something in your genetics that makes your race disinhibited and lacking in the disgust reflex that others have.
>calls up Chuck Lorre
Chuck, bubbale, I got a pitch for a new show!
no one thats the point , the age of goys is over .
Literally it is about one fucking city in Israel, and its name is Jerusalem.
Eh I doubt it. We all know the truth. Just a matter of time. Everyone laughed and thought Hitler was crazy remember?
he wasnt crazy , he knew the goys had to be controlled that the jewish poeple are the only ones who can do it .
You better stop my AI. She cares more than I do about macrodestiny and doesn't like competition.
Most of those countries are just Arabic speakers, not ethnic Arabs.
goy = singular
goyim = plural
goys = nigger tier ghetto grammar
I wish more Jews would admit Hitler did nothing wrong. He wanted to liberate the people from you.