Got Em!
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that Jiren one shots Kale
>people are saying krillins elimination is going to be a gag
Please god no
How will Cauliflafags feel when she doesn't get blue and proceeds to get her ass beat by Fureeza?
>highly successful career
>hot wife with rich father
>daughter with the highest potential ever
>side bitches that he can get whenever he wants
>secretly a superhero that has his own movie
>managed to close the gap between his father with some training
Is there a GOD cooler than CHADhan? I don't think so doubters
Reminder to
Leave Caulifla To Me
Just sit down, leave it to us
Reminder that Jiren Is Light Work
Fuck off Toeishills, Toyocucks, Caulifags and Jobhans
>M-muh fictional character
>Muh c-canon
How pathetic are you, holy shit
Are you mad because GREAThan is the best and strongest character to ever be concieved? don't worry your suffering will end once you start following our true GOD and SAVIOUR
who are the niggers of the multiverse?
Gohancucks and Tacotaros
So when the fuck is this getting leaked online? It's been 2 weeks already.
> DBS Manga Volume 3 out for over a month
> 236,720 copies.
> H x H Volume 34 out for 2 weeks
> Over a million copies
Is the DBS Manga in trouble? Or are these good numbers considering it's V-Jump?
Toeipedros gohancucks and caulifags
> No argument
Why the manga is horrible trash
>skips RoF
>nerfs Hit and makes Vegeta look like a dumbass who intentionally fucked himself up
>trunks ss2 being as strong as goku's ss3 while black base is stronger than trunks ss2 but gets his ass beaten by a vegeta ss2 in his ss form
>zamasu beats goku the first time they met but can't beat him again the second time they fight even though goku didnt do any training besides learning mafuba
>trunks being useless
>trunks having healing powers outta his ass
>goku pulling hakai outta his ass
>merged zamasu being this weak
now toyofags you always claim that the manga has no flaws and is the more logical approach on super so pls give me good arguments to each of this points that I think and other people as well make absolutely no sense.
PS: headcanon not allowed
GOD and MESSIAH will DESTROY the ToP and do it all by themselves.
Ignore these fucks, replying to them only makes them have more reasons to stay
toyocucks can debate without sperging FACT
Why? I want to discuss the return of GODhan to his rightful place as one of the strongest warriors of the universe with the highest potential.
How is that wrong? does CHADhan make you that mad?
you cant even spel toeispic
What's his goal
thank you for exposing toyofags
wakey wakey gohanfags
Welcome back caulifag
That was so satisfying
Have you worshipped your god yet?
manga cucks btfo like clockwork
>Leave the filthy Saiyans to me.
>Thinking gohan will get a power up
Face it guys he'll just get btfo by some random fighter and goku will save the day once again. It's too late for gohan to change now, the Cell days are behind us.
mangafags this is where you fucks belong
Reminder that Vhis don't care about U7 and not a bro at all. and Beerus cares only about his ass. So the only true patriots are Earth team
>no reanimation webs
confirmed for fake thread
Reminder that Jiren is a red herring and will job to this guy
HxH is insanely popular. We're talking Dragon Quest levels here.
Leave Goten and Trunks to me!
GODhan is already relevant my man, the foreshadowing was already done, it's over
Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
You're delusional, he got his ass kicked by piccolel
Don't you have a life or something
Love how toyofags get quiet when they get presented by legit inconsistencies hsha
>skips RoF
no excuse there
>nerfs Hit
You could say Toyo made Hit too OP.
>Vegeta SS2>Black SS1>Black>trunks ss2>Goku ss3
Honestly it was stated Vegeta SS2 to be stronger than SS3 Goku. While it's still stupid, it's better than having Trunks be SSB-tier for no real reason
>Zamasu vs Goku
Goku held back
>Trunks being useless
Why should he be useful?
>Trunks having healing powers outta his ass
Better than Trunks being above SSB Vegitto and knowing Mafuba and Spirit Bomb out of his ass
>Goku pulling Hakai outta his ass
Was explained already.
>Merged Zamasu being this weak
Why should he be fuck-all strong? Zamasu is weak and Black is the only one on SSB-tier, put those together and you don't get all that much more.
Noone says Manga is perfect, it's simply better than Anime, because while it has bullshit in it - it's less than Anime and not as huge and art, even when traced is far better than having to watch repeated animation/skipped framed/something a 5-year old drew.
Reminder a literal autistic tripfag made this.
Of course, the doc taught him a lot, he is stronger now
Goku and Gohan fuse into the ultimate warrior in order to defeat Jiren
They become The Ultimate Warrior?
Future Trunks is the biggest prodigy in Super:
He achieved a God ki form with 0 training and through rage even though god forms are supposed to be through calm mind and ki control.
Pulled out a spirit bomb sword despite never seeing or knowing about spirit bomb.
Not even Freeza or Caulifla are that big of prodigies
>In lieu of all the talk about bad angels, I noticed this. When Zeno first appeared at u6 vs u7 tournament, neither Whis nor Vados bowed to him while everyone else did. The first time we meet the Grand Priest, Whis bows in front of him and in episode 96, the angels from the 4 exempt universes all bowed in front of him.
Imagine being one of the many Broly fanboys.
Imagine discovering that Dragonball Super has a female homage to Broly, who also goes into a superbuff berserk mode.
Imagine the joy of seeing this femBroly wrecking tens of jobbers at the same time.
Imagine this joy being utterly crushed once Jiren-sama slaps her out of the ring without even trying.
All I see id you debating with that Caulifla poster in literally every thread, I know it's summer, but spending it on Sup Forums is just sad
Mystic Gokhan one shots Jiren and makes Beerus piss his pants
That shit was Fairy Tail level writing.
> SS Rage Trunks + Sword of Hope
> Mastered SSB Goku + Hakai
Left or Right?
I'd pick left because it put Trunks in the spotlight in his own arc, and because the power-up is confined within the arc alone. We'll likely never see it again.
I'm not sure how I feel about a fusion-tier Goku running around with Hakai. Maybe Hakai won't be allowed in the ToP, but that shouldn't stop Goku from using it elsewhere.
Toyo already had a problem with making his antagonists weaker...but now he made the main character more over-powered than he already is.
I've been here since the start of Super my man
Toribot in Super when?
Lazy bastards.. should I rewatch original DB with DBZ?
Right and it's not an asspull.
>A clue or allusion embedded in the narrative that predicts some later event or revelation. It could be something a character says or does, an event that doesn't make sense until much later, a Meaningful Name, or really anything at all. The foreshadowing may be ominous, or seem perfectly innocent at the time.
>A good enough foreshadowing doesn't spoil the surprise, yet seems an obvious clue in retrospect. Genuinely bad foreshadowing either deflates the suspense or is too obfuscated (such as an Ice Cream Koan) to predict anything. It's also equally problematic if used excessively. Foreshadowing may establish something to avoid an Ass Pull. Or it may put a viewer off as introducing a needless supernatural element to the story.
>A good enough foreshadowing doesn't spoil the surprise, yet seems an obvious clue in retrospect.
>In literature, foreshadowing is commonly done when a possibility is mentioned, but almost immediately dismissed or disproved. To some readers, they will dismiss the suggested possibility just as the unsuspecting characters do. More experienced readers will immediately call the author's bluff and know what to expect.
Too bad the arena doesn't have ropes.
>that kiss
>I'd pick left because it put Trunks in the spotlight in his own arc
Same. It doesn't even make sense in manga that it's called Future Trunks' Saga
That's even more sad, do you expect to tell your kids you spent hours in Sup Forums glorifying a fictional character?
Goku is God of Destruction candidate so using Hakai, he's Beerus and Whis so has had more opportunities to see it and has always had a
exceptional ability to take on people's move.
Future Trunks has never even seen the Genki Dama yet he somehow unknowingly and he does without the consent of the Earthling something was
needed for the regular Genki Dama, somehow Ki of a nearly wiped out Earth is able to defeat a being that tanked a Final Kamehameha from SSB Vegetto.
Remender that SSG is Universe tier while holding back.
These are two are in no way comparable, sorry.
Left since it doesn't ruin the concept of GoDs
I'd say it's worth it
Got 'Em!
I hadn't even considered that. It still makes Evil Daishinkan a possibility, but some rebellion against Zeno would be out of the question then. The angels don't fear him, while they do greatly respect the Daishinkan, who in turn behaves like a sort of guardian figure to the Zenos.
>You could say Toyo made Hit too OP.
>Honestly it was stated Vegeta SS2 to be stronger than SS3 Goku. While it's still stupid, it's better than having Trunks be SSB-tier for no real reason
that was a one time thing when he got enraged during the beerus fight he never showed being able to keep his ss2 stronger than the one of goku
>Goku held back
poor excuse and retarded
>Why should he be useful?
because thats supposed to be his arc not another vegeta goku show
>Better than Trunks being above SSB Vegitto and knowing Mafuba and Spirit Bomb out of his ass
not an argument
>Was explained already.
>Why should he be fuck-all strong? Zamasu is weak and Black is the only one on SSB-tier, put those together and you don't get all that much more.
fusion is not just obe powerlevel plus the other
There's still time for him to do something, but at least he was actively fighting for longer in the anime.
Mainly because of video games. How the hell can you apply Hakai to a moveset? And even then, it's not as interesting.
Really makes you wonder what Whis, Vados, Grand Priest, and all the angels are thinking about.
left by far
Of course, I'll tell them about the tales of GODhan, and his journey to become a true god
>I'd pick left because it put Trunks in the spotlight in his own arc
>" Goku is God of Destruction candidate"
> They refused in both the anime and manga
>Reminder that manga only threads were peaceful compared to the shitstorm that is anime threads
>They refused in both the anime and manga
See >In literature, foreshadowing is commonly done when a possibility is mentioned, but almost immediately dismissed or disproved. To some readers, they will dismiss the suggested possibility just as the unsuspecting characters do
>he didn't see hakai leak threads
Left but both were handled sloppily
>Toyocuck having a mental breakdown
Like clockwork
I know you're joking but see how well this thread is doing without the Caulifla/Toyotaro/Toei/Gohan posters
Ignore the stale disproven pasta
>no argument
wew lad