why do so many people on POL have so much hate towards women? is it closet homosexuality? abusive parents?
Pretty much
it is not due to women at all
there are a lot of good reasons to hate women, jews, blacks, whites, mexicans, chinese, etc.
my hypothesis proves correct
post more mommies so you can win the debate
believe me, I wish I was gay. I have tried so hard to jack off to pictures of cocks but it doesn't work, they're always just gross to me no matter how long I stare at them and try to like them. why must I be attracted to whores?
>why do you hate literally demonic succubi roasties?
The faggotry is strong in this board. Bunch of return of the kangz beta cucks.
Mainly agitprop shill threads I suspect, a bit like this one? How's about you make another thread asking about politics out there rather than on here
hey tahts fake
good argument
I'm almost convinced
Going full mgtow is retarded. But bowing to the institution of marriage is also pretty retarded nowadays.For men anyways. Pretty sad.
post more mummy you faggot
Cost/benefit analysis.
I wouldn't take it too seriously.
Post more 2D mummy.
Good angle, for my perspective
>(((alt right)))
>Sup Forums is one poster
>i wonder who could be behind this post
Check out my pic.
yes for....perspective of course
>is it closet homosexuality?
Why would they give a fuck about women then and spend so much time and energy on hating them? Men are just sick of female nature and the gynocentric society.
no an*me
MGTOWs are homossex, now I see, HOW COULD THEY HATE THIS?
That's only true of 3DPD women though.
Artificial wombs will be able to save the white race much more efficiently than white roasties with sub-replacement fertility rates.
no that's GAY
mummy a qt
Women are fucking scum.
Anyone who doesn't think so has never met one in real life, or is some virgin faggot who puts pussy on a pedestal.
>3DPD problems
bois what means dis?
idk some place in Ukraine
Mummy issues.
And no, I didn't say that because you posted Natalia.
We are social animals and need friends, family, and people outside of our immediate family who can give us advice and understanding. But now Everyone is stuck on the internet instead of having meaningful relationships with other human beings.
Men have always been told to man up and figure it out. The difference is, now we are less likely to have relationships with women who would love and support us. This, of course, creates an animosity within men, much like the growing feminist animosity among women towards men.
this bitch is a 4 in ukraine.
dumbfuck americans worship her like a goddess.
Gib me
evil single mother
No, it's more simple than any of that. It's just that women are shit and many men notice it.
Having an 100% rejection rate makes you kinda not like them after a while.
Love women, they're essential and they rarely are able to supplement male faculties required for navigating life.
It's your duty to nurture and protect ladies*.
Unable to accept the fact they are below average men so they blame the women.
You do realize that Natalia is a one in a million woman, right? That`s why MGTOW is a rational ideology.
Most MGTOWs are like this guy tho.
man, fuck grapes. bullshit fruit to be honest.
Yes we must protect them at all cost.
Why do you care? Faggot.
Maybe the fact the last 5 i loved and gave everything to cheated on me?
Hoes chase money, then when they realize i wont buy them a $300 Gucci bag for no reason in the midde of the year, i get cheated on.
They could Start by not being sluts.
>Most of pol is men
>Most of pol is heterosexual men
>Most of pol are men whom are not mentally disabled
>Most of pol are men who aren't summerfags and or literal children under the age of 20
>Most of pol are men whom lived life in ways that them wise in regards to certain situations
>Most of pol is comprised of information via memes that stereotype the bad decisions people make and provide evidence and rationale with it.
Having said that,
>Most of pol are men whom have at least either fucked 1-2 women and or not fucked any at all for the sake of their sanity simply because they're intelligent enough to use 2nd hand wisdom and situational awareness given to them by either God, or their superiority of their biological gender.
Cyka blyat!
MGTOW is just selfish. They don't want the responsibilities of being a father or a husband. Those types of people claim they have more time to focus on their careers when in reality they just want to collect their 15/20$ an hour on Friday then play videogames all weekend. They're not fags, just lonely depressed men.Closet gays are anyone who supports the gay agenda.
I love women, hate feminists though.
Entitlement attitude is a huge turn-off as well as their promiscuity. Men should not fuck around either.
why did you delete user?
Ladies must be protected. Girls are being poisoned into whores.
You're correct in your assertion about MGTOW being selfish, but being partnered is a choice. To think that being altruistic is a good idea in a era of retarded psychopathic women and retarded governmental policies is a good idea to fix the problem that can only be corrected with a cultural reset. will inevitably lead to a war of some sort, that will just kill humanity entirely.
I'm not a social animal. I can be satisfied being by myself for many hours. My imagination satisfies me more than other people. I sometimes want to get to the point of becoming a hermit.
None of the above. Had good parents. Have a good wife.
Work in a professional field where women are flooding in (most office jobs) and you will learn to hate the average woman. I hate that they think they belong there. I hate that other men would immediately attack me for physically disciplining a mouthy cunt. Live long enough to realize that women hold all the legal and social power and you get pol.
Now kindly go die.
(((who))) are making these threads
>ywn be this guy
>not knowing how to use whom correctly
opinion discarded
It's not hate, it's a lack of tolerance for degeneracy. We hold people to high standards, no matter who they are. We respect virtue over superficiality. When decent women return, so will Men willing to allow them into our lives.
Because they suck in general. Society has been too nice to women and it has ruined a few generations of them now. They need to be oppressed by men for the world to work. That being said I do enjoy the constant supply sluts the modern world has given me. I would still trade it for the social norms of the 1950s though.
>hes holding the camera
>she's holding his dick
>ywn be that dolphin
>We are social animals
the entire point of being human is to separate oneself apart from animals, hence civilization
What did she mean by this?
We don't hate women. We are just done tolerating their bullshit.
yeaa more like your issues with your mom are the beginning of problems with other women. Your mom hits you more than any person.
but that's not the issue, she is also responsiible for your socialization, an if you were singlemommed like me, you know she told you lies about how women respond to men.
your mom is on the side of other females and her goal is to raise yo into her ideal man. Not into your own man.
and don't get me started on the shaming.
just because shee's your mother only entitles her to your love, that doesn't make her less of a gynocentrist
hate implies you care. Being indifferent towards women doesn't mean you hate them
you can enjoy the company of a woman without trying to fuck them
>Gets involved in all 100 threads about them.
Well, there is some truth to that, however, most people are not intellectuals who thrive inside their heads. Most people need human interaction.
lol no
Could be the first, but mostly we're pretty easily bored. Sup Forums pretty much treats everyone else like our parents, we just like pissing them off. It's our form of intellectual discourse.
Links a Sup Forums post.
This is a pretty good accounting; but there's more to it:
> Society defaults to the woman's side in any dispute.
> The laws have codified this, and it is aggressively enforced.
> (E.G. The fallout that occurs in a false-rape accusation.)
> Society further tends to exempt women from personal accountability/responsibility.
> Thus the risks are very high for a man to get married; especially when his wife can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and divorce him (via No Fault Divorce) and use the law to take half of what they owned and often continuing support in the form of alimony.
And, to top things off, the Church has surrendered its moral authority on the subject by being so accepting of divorce. (And so even a "church girl" cannot be relied upon *not* to abuse her husband via divorce.)
Seen in this light, where the deck is stacked so much against the man, "rigged" in gaming terms, there is little incentive to "play the game".
You're right. Original thinking won again. Great victory for mankind.
recognizes a symbol I ripped from another user, thinks I'm that user
>MGTOW is just selfish. They don't want the responsibilities of being a father or a husband.
oh boo hoo men aren't taking out mortgages and indebting themselves to support a woman
>Those types of people claim they have more time to focus on their careers
they do. women eat tme
>when in reality they just want to collect their 15/20$ an hour on Friday then play videogames all weekend.
projecting, also if this were the case nothing is wrong with it, substitue ideo games with sailing or mountain climbing and you'll make the same case. The fact is more males enjoy video games and don't need women to do soo, so you try to demonize it.
>lonely depressed men
implying you can't be depressed and alone in a relationship with a woman
again trying to project a negative mage to support your argument with no facts
>hurr durr Sup Forums is all furry loving foot fetishists with gapped teeth.
I think the word you're struggling to find that will explain your brain vacuum is 'reciprocity'.
Blame men for your problems some more, and we can capitalize that word, even underline it.
Maybe even show you how a dictionary works.
But only with witnesses nearby so you don't scream rape accident.
I don't think you're "that user", I'm generalizing.