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Hey agree desu
Why do you consider Free to be bad?
By being insecurity about his sexuality.
Chuunibyou was decent. Season 2 was garbage though
Anyone rating Amagi isn't a Kyoani brother.
Only ones I'd consider good would be K-On, Nichijou and Koe no Katachi.
image is almost 1mb and still manages to look like shit wth
Have to agree with you OP, but Knk and Phantom World were enjoyable enough for me.
This bait is strong enough to make me reply.
HAY HAY HAY!, Clannad was actually pretty good now... I can agree with air and Kanon and the rest of that list but keep clannad clear of that son!
I don't get the hate for KnK, it wasn't special but neither awfully bad. Movie was the worst thing Kyoani has ever produced though.
I agree mostly except switch Phantom World over to good
chuuni wasn't bad for the first season, only the second season was shit
Move Tamako market to the middle between the two and I'd agree.
It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. It was just bland with only the dad episode being memorable at all.
TV Haruhi is crap
MCPW is pure shit
GOAT tier: everything but Munto and Free
Shit: Munto and Free
>Not liking Free
You gay son?
Replace Free with Phantom World
>Koe no Forced Drama
That's some shit taste you got there, senpai.
>koe no katachi on "good"
>chuunbyou on "bad"
You don't have the smallest idea of what are you talking about, aren't you?
>ever good
Phantom world wasn't bad. It had a rough start and pissed away a lot of potential, but it was ok
Key works just don't adapt to anime very well. That includes Clannad.
The routes of a VN are not supposed to divided into arcs like that. They are supposed to be alternate retellings.
Clannad is objectively bad as well. Not sure if that's Key's fault or Kyoani's, but there was some unforgivable shit in it.
It was not ok
Yes, it was. The animation and character design were top notch, and after the cat house episode the writing improved.
It was still boring EVERY single episode.
It was like Hyouka before the festival src except it never got interesting throughout the show.
The worst kyoani MC ever, literally nothing likable about that bland fuck.
Tamako Market is an underrated masterpiece.
No, it didn't. The writing was consistently trash. Then again, you are a kyoanifag, so your standards must be low.
imagine having this shit taste
The only thing it did right was the high quality animation that's Kyoani bread and butter
And Mai's body of work
>people who don't like moetrash must be from Sup Forums
Pathetic Kyoani drone
Move TSR, Munto, Chuu2, Free, Kyoukai and PW over to the left and its perfect.
Phantom World had decent episodes.
Your low standards are showing!
.... oh dear
How can this be true if best girl doesn't appear until season 2?
shounencunt back to Sup Forums you go
Nah, I'm just an huge, unabashed Yamadafag. Aside from K-On!, there is literally nothing like Tamako Market in the entire medium to me. I fucking love it.
In fact, I'm probably the biggest Yamadafag on this board and I will fight ANYONE who dares say otherwise.
>disliking moe
go back to your boruto containment general
Phantom World is severely underrated and Maid Dragon is overrated. Fight me.
PW was kind of fun, but it didn't really accomplish anything.
maidragon isnt overrated
FMP and Haruhi Suzumiya GOOD!
FUCK YOU Kyoto Animation! FUCK YOU SHIT!
They are both overrated
>maid dragon
Don't treat us kyoani fags so lowly. We currently rule the market. We are your gods, and we show no pity to non-moe fans. Make way, self-centered faggot, the age of lolis are upon you, and we will rule for millennia!!
I liked when he dressed as a girl.
Koito's body was better.
I don't fight mentally challenged people.
>Maid dragon
Ironic weeb spotted
>using a KyoAni reaction image
Also, Mitsuki was literally the only good character in Kyoukai no Kanata.
>disliking moe makes you a shounenfag
Maid Dragon, Munto and Chuu2 S2 can go in the bad side. Tamako Market (not including TLS), KnK, and Amagi go in the middle, and the rest are good. Except Kanon and Air, I haven't watched those.
Disliking moe means you don't know what moe means.
Mitsuki was a weak character, very underdeveloped compared to Mirai and Akkey. Hot though.
Unlike you kyoani plebs I actually read and watch good shit only by studios who don't make in house LN garbage.
I genuinely enjoyed it without being one of the Facebook meme-spouters. Some of the jokes were repeated too much and the ending was rushed but I thought it was funny, comfy, and heartwarming overall. Also had great art/animation/direction/sound as usual.
>Getting way too worked up over animated television shows
>watercolor BGs were just a Maidragon thing
Damn it, I thought they were practicing for VEG
>reaction images can only be used if you watched the show
What kind of newfaggotry is this? I have a whole reaction folder of this slut and didn't know her name until you mentioned it.
Doesn't change anything, everything kyoani makes except fmp is garbage
>more projecting
I know exactly what moe means
And I have good reason to avoid shows that use it
fuck your old animes with non cute and dumb looking girls, i only watch animes with cuties.
>avoid shows that use it
Are you a fujoshi?
But it also didn't mess anything up too badly. The dialogue wasn't as good, but the characterization was ok (specially for Mai, and excluding that piece of shit Koito). The story itself wasn't anything new, but the episodic stories ranged from ok to good (again, excluding the parts focusing on Koito). They messed up the ending by having Haruhiko forgive his mom, but the subplot with Enigma being a better mom than his actual mom and how they agreed that they had a good time together despite it being all fake was pretty neat and I think the ending was satisfying and it gave closure. All in all, I think the pros and the cons balanced out, script-wise, but the animation and music push it a bit towards the "better than average" side.
Lucky Star and K-On! are on the wrong side.
Chu2 is the only thing where i do not agree
Hibike Euphonium is probably KyoAni's most overrated work. Not even Yamada's direction could save the LN melodrama the show was dripping in.
Low IQ poster detected.
Fuck off phoneposter
Objectively as in the writing is contradictory or flat out false at times, in a way that is not my opinion.
Attain knowledge on how to describe shows you like properly dummy. You won't get anywhere in life writing like a 10 year old.
No, you shitter, I'm a storyfag
I actually care about complex plot, character development and worldbuilding
>Maid Dragon
>Koe no Garbage
Here's your (you) nice bait
shounenfag fedoralord spotted
Go away Rugg.
None of that is incompatible with moe.
Alright. Maidragon works well as an iyashikei. You fucking happy?
Show me a moe anime with such
FMP was low-tier KyoAni.
>actually arguing in a shitposting thread
I want to agree with this but...
>mostly watches anime dubbed because japanese sucks
>new anime doesn't interest him
This is kinda stupid, user.
Cardcaptor Sakura
the climax is kind of rushed but that just means it should have been 2 cour
>Clannad and Chuunibyou on bad
>Lucky Star and Hyouka on good
Neck yourself
Free is literally gay shit
How can anyone like gay fanservice?
I mean liking slutty fanservice on chick is fine but people on this board actually like gay shit? You getta get out. This is a heterosexual board where female sluts are only appreciated
>Muh-muh deep story and plot
You are watching Vietnamese cartoons for muh complex plot and character development. That should be the first indicator that you should neck yourself.
Why do "muh deep" fags think anime is actually deep? All of you have severe autism. Go read some literature you manchild.
>the writing is contradictory or flat out false at times
And when exactly does that happen in Clannad?
non non biyori
This show just melt moe and cgdct with soldiers and war. The world and lore was interesting, but watching a stupid girl in the army playing trumpet and having fun was really tough. Hopefully the last episode was good.
Opinion discarded.
Kobayashi is good but clannad is bad!???? u really are a greaaaaaaaaaaaaat Fagoooooooooooot!!!
if you want reality you can stop watching korean cartoons
>but watching a stupid girl in the army playing trumpet and having fun was really tough.
Holy shit dude. What do you think soldiers do when they're not in combat or training (which is most of the time)?