


It's infinite dimension chess

Not really, since none of them ever talk about Israel. It's so obvious that any new e-celeb that comes out is a controlled opposition for that issue alone


YouTuber shills sounds like the worst, most ineffective psyop idea ever.

They literally think that this is the best option

>decentralized competitor.
Who do you think they're talking about?

Well anarchism is degenerate so there has to be SOME control.

You're flooding the internet with these e-celebs and especially Sup Forums because kikes can't handle free thought and questioning everything. You guys are trying to constrain people's opinions within a very small frame because that way jews come out on top.

>being so triggered over some fanboys jerking it some guys/gals on YouTube
If you can't take it anymore why not just filter+ hide or stealth report/sage?

It's not about me tripfag. It's about the lurkers.

>worried about the lurkers
uhhh? That's why they lurk, zero risk, some reward.

I'm sure lurkers can think for themselves or draw conclusions without anyone having to constantly spam e-celeb or anti-e-celeb stuff everywhere

Why do you care so much about this thread? I care about the people you kikes are trying to indoctrinate? Is that a bad thing you hook nosed piece of shit?

reddit! surely they mean reddit!




I agree. I understand the need for modern day heros to exist, advocate and inspire the people to action, but these are not the people we need in these positions. Until those better and more deserving rise up then the "alt right" will continue to be a scandal ridden group of shit posters who will remain a mostly online phenomenon.

The problem is that none of them are authentic at all and you can FEEL IT when they talk or do anything. They don't believe what their saying in their heart. That's what makes people like Trump, Rand Paul, etc so great. They're authentic.

trying to sneak in anti-JBP threads in the backdoor, faggot?
e-celebs are cancer, but Peterson is /ourguy/

No. Stop collectivizing Sup Forums you faggot.

We need e-celebs not afraid of the jewish question. Preferably with tits.

it is true, its all over, when trump won, Sup Forums became the jew

we really are the jews now

Fuck the (((JEWISH QUESTION)))


I wouldn't go so far as to say they're not authentic, very flawed though and many are not changing for the better. I think they do care, the issue is the thought leaders, like the majority of the people they have attracted into their ranks, have gotten too comfy in their techniques and echo chambers. The argument a lot of them put out is that online is the public sphere right now, so they must keep on putting their messages out through the internet. The issue is that the internet is solidly under white control already, the time to make a transition into the irl sphere needed to be done yesterday. Everyday they wait is a day they lose momentum and people willing to actually make a difference in the political arena.

>thought leaders
THAT IS THE PROBLEM. Nobody wants thought leaders. That's why Sup Forums is so powerful is because it's decentalized. The Jews are putting up controlled opposition to restrict the scope of argument.

If you want the kikes to GTFO of your homelands, you have to give them a place to go. Even better than a place for them to go is a place for them to go that's carved out by killing sandniggers. Then we back off and let Iran take care of any infestations in its backyard.


screencaps of headlines and tweets aren't arguments
you need links and sources

I would donate $100/month to any pretty young thing brave enough to do this.

yeah except they stay in first world countries to siphon off the money and power into jizzrael

kill yourself.

its called gatekeepers man
thats what your referring to. they pretend they know what people are talking abou tand try to becmoe the main source of information for the shit. then they sell out the topic, and whore their shit out, pretending off their own fake audience, popularity that was made up, that everybody agrees with them

It's crazy. I feel like jews literally only have 1 playbook and just double down over and over.

Obviously some people want them, hence why they have an audience and are making money off their streams/podcasts/videos. They are filling a niche, but they give themselves too much credit for the whole "cultural change" that is going on right now. My main issue with the thought leaders is the scandals and the inactivity besides online, Charlottesville and a handful of other marches being the slight exception.

did you not read what i said?
theres this gate see for infomration and they just turn everythign into a carnival show a circus again and again while acting like everybody is fighting one another over cosmetic SHIT

yup. I can't believe how many people fall for it :/

i dont fucking care. people shouldlnt listen to pelple who have nothing to add to an already brough tup subject. theyure wasting their time but their dumb. fuck them. there dying bread anyway. in this internet communication progressing evolving world. if you dont think its this, then your stupid and also will be ran over. the world is pretty much communication and people learning from each other. if people become done, by world RIGHT ANYWAY? so we all just fucking go on learning and shit thats what we do

are you using google translator?

what ohj yea your jew boss was calling you when you got outted right shill
we learn by commincatting with each other. theres no purpose to think about censoring anything in anyway, the gatekeeper i was talking about subject example. now YOUR doing it, as an example.

we can only keep on going and never censor shit. there is no harm in speech. only morons like you who think there some thing nefarious in plain speech. and its necessary. so no sense in thikjng shit needs to be censored is my fucking point. so, my point here is shutup nobody cares what you think, its gatekeepers i said it no wfuck you
i gave an example of a gatekeeper, now shutup. you didnt add to teh conversation, i didnt point you out directly i just gave examples but now you attempt to gatekeep my information, acting like your some fuckign authority over something in charge. their fukcing same playbooks. nigger shut the fuck up. nobody cares, its not the same its a different time now, thats all they care about, and clamiing its differnt, as in YOU doing that exactly. the playbook dont work on thinking white men, like me. you fucking nigger

Never give up hope

Preferably with out. Politics is the domain of men. Women are unloyal breeders.

nonwhite assmad thread again
kys shitskin


Nice try shitskin, trying to make white people ignore their heritage on Sup Forums is like trying to tell jews to stop undermining the host nations

American heritage. Not white heritage you fucking retard

"im not white, and i dont want whites to make an ethnostate because im not invited to live there"