Say what you want about Jews, Mark Levin is /ourguy/
Say what you want about Jews, Mark Levin is /ourguy/
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I agree
Honerary bad goy
Michael Savage too.
Absolutely. He is redpilled as fuck on immigration and nationality.
hypertrad natsoc-sympathiser Catholic. soon to be seminarian.
and yes, to this.
savage honorary goy.
Mr. LEVIN is the one who broke open the FISA abuse. He was the only one. This mofo knows what is up and has americans at the forefront of his thoughts 24/7. He is an american hero. I urge ALL of you fags to go download his radio show now. No one beats him
Hes ok, Levin is better.
Honored be thy name
They're both book-peddling kikes. At least Savage has mildly entertaining anecdotes and supports Trump. I dont see how anyone could like Levin and whiney jew rat voice.
He was a never-trumper for a while and trashed Ron Paul while co-opting his Constitutionalist messaging to sell his shitty jew-poisoned books. He's a pure rat.
all jews are shit you are pathetic civic niggers
Reminds me of that line from Reservoir Dogs:
"Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy? Or are you going to bite?"
I don’t know much about his views because his voice is too unbearable I can’t listen.
Was a neverTrumper and is a globalist. What again?
He's talked about the 1965 hart-seller act on his show. Shapiro wouldn't even dare touch that.
What about Nathanael Kapner?
I like Jews. They're fucking winners. They don't care what it takes, how long, they don't care about rules, or how much they have to sacrifice. They fucking win over and over again. No matter what.
In contrast white men care more about:
>Muh honor
>Muh ancestors / architecture / music
>Muh procedures
>Muh codes of conduct
...than actually winning. And it shows. The Jews are stronger than ever and the white race is going extinct. Really if you stop crying and LARPing long enough you know that this is the real redpill and it's true. You're just childish and effiminate and as a result you can't conduct yourself like a man.
(I'm not a Jew, I'm just intelligent)
Mark Levin is awesome.
He should convert to something.
Mark Levin is a Zionist shill. Any Jew who supports Israel is not our friend at all. This goes for Milo, Shapiro and, yes, Levin.
We don't need kike mouthpieces speaking for our political movements. That ALWAYS ends badly for us. Especially if they're rabid Zionists.
the state of pol
I like him, I don't trust anything he says about the Middle East though.
Fuck you, stormfaggot.
>((("(I'm not a Jew, I'm just intelligent)")))
Nice try kike.
75 IQ detected
nah, he's going full boar on this FISA shit. /ourguy/ until further notice.
They're both pro-Israel, which is to be expected from mainstream conservatives and Jews nonetheless. But at the very least they're not anti-white and they care about demographics, which is respectable.
Still a filthy Jew!
opinion discarded
He breaks down all the FISA fuckery perfect enough for the boys to understand, which is good cause we don't want those shwartz's running wild like feral animals
>is anti-semetic
>supports Trump
Levin has absolutely been on fire lately.
>Say what you want about Jews, Mark Levin is /ourguy/
He's a former Never Trumper who only switched sides because he lost half of his audience. He only embraced issues of nationalism and immigration because of Trump. Before that he was all about "muh Constitution."
>Michael Savage too
Its amazing how far a head of the curve Savage was. For decades he was the only one talking about these issues. He was basically considered a Nazi for decades, which shows you how far the Overton Window has shifted. Its too bad he got old. Now all he wants to do is talk about his dog and Italian food.
Trump is a faggot that is Mitch McConnell’s bitch now even since Bannon “lost” Alabama because the establishment sabotaged his non-establishment pick. Mark Levin is calling out their kikery.
Based on the books of his he always embraced a nationalistic stance on immigration and culture.
You're asking a neo-faggot to read a book?
Levin is a neo Cohen kike he regularly agitates for war with iran
>encourages war for greater israel.
>our guy
Except he was the biggest proponent of this "proposition nation" stuff. I mean, he was always better then Glen Beck types, but that's not saying much.
He's changed his tune recently, mostly out of self-interest. He's cemented himself to the right of Trump now, which was a smart move to make as his prior Never Trumpism cost him a lot of money.
Oh you mean the guy who shat on Trump, his policies and nationalism during the entire primaries, then switched to promoting him when he won?
I liked him before that but let's not kid ourselves, he's a kike that really wants nationalism for Israel, but nobody else.
He's only in it for the money. All he does is hock his books.
>making money by selling books is evil
just stop
I'm actually listening to Levin right now, I think it's hilarious
he’s gotta make money somehow, we all live in capitalism, there’s nothing diabolical about trying to make money selling books or other products, no one is forcing you to buy his stuff.
>encourages war
What happened to chaos, user? You sound like a chump to me.
>(I'm not a Jew, I just suck jew dick)
Gets a little obnoxious when it takes up half the show.
>liberals suck
>buy my books
>Trump is great
>buy my books
>I hate illegals
>have you purchased my books yet, moron?
i gotta say that Levin took that nigger king to court all by himself about 5 years ago and won iirc
Savage spent literally 2 hours today attacking Pelosi for that grandson comment
Savage >>>>>>>>>> Rush, Hannity, Levin
this. the book peddling is out of control. but Savage is 100x more entertaining and funny -- but fyi he's stolen his humor schtick from old jewish comedians
I agree with him, Jews actually get out and make the difference they seek, Nazi white people complain about a problem then never do anything to solve it. Gotta say I respect the guys fighting the fight on the front lines, not you ungrateful, lazy, good for nothing losers.
have you purchased my books yet, goy?*
Tbh that's why I haven't signed up for Crowder's subscription, because I know some of that money is going to (((Levin))).
>doesn't encourage wars for greater Israel
>doesn't encourage war
blah blah blah
whites on pol are nazis blah blah blah
>Now all Savage wants to do is talk about his dog and Italian food.
>implying him talking about food isn't the funniest fucking part of his show
He's also been bordering on anti-semitism more and more recently.
Savage is a clever kike too. he riles his audience up with America first shit..... then slides in zionist talking points and tax cuts for the rich. he was pretty obsessed with getting rid of inheritance tax for a while
>blames jews for
just about everything
>praises Hitler
>wants to kill all Jews
How does that not sound like Nazis
There's a lot of bommers and gen x'ers on here now, and they sure do love BASED [insert minority person]. Pretty sad famalam
Our jew.
but Savage is wish-washy and changes his tune based on call volume. remember when he was low-key passionate about amnesty, "oh the nice central american fixing my roof, so hard working .... you can't deport them.....we have to be realistic".....then he saw that people tune in for the hot rhetoric.
they're all opportunists saying whatever will make them the most money. savage has carved a niche and realize being an anti-immigrant border hawk was key to more book sales, etc
i will give savage credit for calling out politics is all bullshit, both sides are controlled by big business. nothing changes
Good goy.
Shit wrong pic
You're selective about chaos, just like a chump bitch
If nazis actually tried doing something they’d either be jailed,lose their jobs,families/children,and be killed. So yes it’s not surprising we can’t do shit in a Jew controlled world.
Levin just pointed out how republican "leaders" just bent over for the Dems on the new budget, basically called out McConnell, Graham, and Ryan for being spineless fucks because they let the Dems get a shit ton of money for welfare programs instead of shutting down the government
I wish Paul Nelan all the luck in Wisconsin cause fuck Paul Ryan
Also conservative Jews are not happy
Just post your frog already
No he isn't
He is a robot that talks about the same things every day with a stupid Bugs Bunny accent.
Levin is a Bargain basement version of Savage.
mark levin's radio show is pretty salty, but I caught his tv show one time and he's much calmer and smarter on that one. Mark has little patience for his audience and thinks they're all retards, basically.
They are, one dumbass called up to support Trump on the spending bill when he had nothing to do with it, guy ended up hanging up on him
So why is Levin the one getting his own Fox News show and Savage is not? Sounds like Savage is getting jewed.
Both Savage and Levin think they're geniuses despite each of them being barely more clever or intelligent than their average caller. Rush is actually smart and Hannity is retarded but at least he doesn't pretend not to be.
How is Hannity retarded?
fuck him, even when hes on our side hes nothing but a strawman weaver. hes youtube wrestling critic tier.
>jerk self off
Levin is already on Fox owned and affiliated radio stations.
Savage has a PhD.
Limbaugh didn't even graduate high school.