Are American women the dumbest and controlled group of people of all? Even more than blacks? This #me too movement is getting out of hand
Put your fedora on and enlighten me faggots
Are American women the dumbest and controlled group of people of all? Even more than blacks? This #me too movement is getting out of hand
Put your fedora on and enlighten me faggots
Holy shit, that thing looks absolutely DISGUSTING.
La goblina
El abomination
Yall too n sheeeeit
la negra cucaracha del americana
I think that the dumbest group are rural and suburban retards.
No one rapped that kwayne
el monstruo del infierno
Keep eating sugar and your face will look like this
la ogresa americana...
That's one wide nose. And those pot hole scars.
A fucking leaf.
Wtf are you talking abt?
Jesus fucking Christ how wide is that nose
Wow, I guess there are female Uruks.
Sugar makes people black?
Only rural and urban welfare leeches and degenerates voted for Trudeau
Doesn't look any different
>Are American women the dumbest and controlled group of people of all? Even more than blacks? This #me too movement is getting out of hand
All women are the same. The culture dictates how they act. We currently live in a (((feminist))) run society
These rapists are getting out of control! First the woman of Hollywood and now Shrek? They've gone too far.
First good laugh I've had all day.
actually, her shirt says "acme tools"
She is epically ugly bro!
hideous, put a bag on it's head
heh, u wh*tebois mad you can't handel a thicc bbw???
>Only rural and urban welfare leeches and degenerates voted for Trudeau
a.k.a. Natives and liberals
this pic of the foxy little minx is a little bit saucy
nice one man! saved.
loving the short hair btw
Still hard to believe something was desperate enough to molest that.
Having a nice wank there m80?
found the assailant
Is that a human nose?
something about big cities is that they make you feel desperate, out of control of your physical destiny, dependent on the government. It's also easier to mass brainwash people when you can shove advertising and fake news into their face every day.
Times are tough when even candyman gets raped.
lol spam it. those poor women went off the deep end because (((Harvey)))
Anyone MGTOW?
>this metoo movement is getting out of hand
for the jews you mean
Whoever raped her needs to be
put down like the rabid dog
they are.
She probably lied and was the one doing the raping.
very accurate
>American Black Women/Men
holy fuck every time i see this bitch it shocks me just as much as the time before, it's the first image i have never gotten desensitized to seeing over and over again, this creature is vile
Can't get any? Micropenis faggot.
She should be happy someone touched her and if you're gonna rape why the fuck would you choose this monstrosity?
>Are American women the dumbest and controlled group of people of all?
Women are the biggest children in the room, user.
BTW, this just proves that any woman can get laid whenever they want. Doesn't matter what they look like. There's always some guy around that'll fuck them
He's probably so fucking nervous even talking to a girl that pretty.