Sup Forums will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
nice Twitter screenshot slide thread
>can throw multiple parades a year for women and lgbt people
>can't for the military
I don't give a fuck about parades myself, but there's undoubtedly a lot of people who would go to see one just because it's an excuse to get drunk and socialize.
Twitter-tier argument made from someone no one knows. Whoever that dumb bitch is, she can take her dried up sandy cunt and go to the Middle East.
Really made me think
not an argument
>Muh slide thread
Please don't post your own tweets here
But it's a parade for the millitary.
No it's not, it's a parade for Trump's ego.
You think the military wants a fucking parade? How about giving them a legitimate VA or other benefits so we don't just have a bunch of disabled vets living on the streets?
>military parade to show our military strength to the world
>this is somehow the president celebrating himself
It's a 4th of July parade
Slip 'n slide.
You're spinning and straw manning. You already lost the argument with your emotional pleas.
>military parade
And they continue to bleed more voters.
>Random nobody on twitter says something irrelevant about the Trump administration that they believe is genuinely biting and thought provoking.
well shit, that IS unexpected
straw mans up in here
>he thinks out military is so weak we need a parade to show our """strength"""
Any strong military that must say "I am a strong military" is no strong military
Active duty doesn't use the VA.
Seems he really liked his visit last summer.
neither was yours op
he wasnt like born into the presidency right, he had to achieve that title
>well below 50%
the problem isn't that millenials WANT participation trophies, you can argue the opposite actually, the problem is that they're given them period and at a young age, that destroys their self esteem and self worth.
>How about giving them a legitimate VA or other benefits so we don't just have a bunch of disabled vets living on the streets?
He's literally doing that too, you fucking shill.
>We need a parade to show our military strength.
American military strength is show every day by the 7+ aircraft carrier groups we have patrolling at any given time.
This is a waste of money and a third world tier move desu.
Whether or not Trump is throwing this parade because he thinks it will help him in the polls doesn't matter because there is something far more important and I can't believe you guys don't see it. Sometimes I see how it's possible to be such a conspiracy nut like you guys are, even though I'm right, but its so obvious that Trump collaborated with the Russians to undermine our democracy and steal our election. Just look at everything, Russia, Trump, Manafort, Flynn, Putin it's all connected. The SOTU address was a failed attempt by Trump to shift the narrative from Trump's flagrant violation of the law, and we're not buying it. Trump and Pence are both going to be impeached after we retake the house, and Nancy is going to become president whether you like it or not.
They have a history of conservative bias. The RCP average at
has Trump at 42.3 approval, 53.8 disapproval.
>inb4 retarded Sup Forumstards chime in with "MUH INACCURATE POLLING!!!"
RCP was off by a whopping 0.2% in 2016. Go ahead and add 0.2% to his approval rating if it makes you feel better.
The US has had military parades before dumbass.
Been looking for a chance to post this. Now seems appropriate.
>Well below 50% approval
Latest poll says 49%. X’D
but no one wants to do the parade
the people involved i mean
And they were also a waste of taxpayer money.
What is your point?
>get parade
>delicious triggering every where
>left shitting on military and vets, loses even more support
Only good can come from this.
What's the point of this thread?
You said it was a 3rd World thing. We give niggers and spics welfare so you ppl shouldn't be outraged at this at all.
Believe it or not most active duty don't plan on dying in service so they might kind of care about what happens to them after they leave the military.
please elaborate, tell me specifically what he has done to fix the VA or give vets better benefits
>strongest military in the world isn't strong because they had a parade
Nice logic you've got there. A+
>Y-your polls are wrong!
>MY polls are right!
>implying polls matter at all
The parade isn't to celebrate his approval rating. How did you ever get it in your head that this was a good argument?
>admitting that millennials are as shitty and childish as trump
It's a third world thing because it's stupid to do
>We give niggers and spics welfare
with the money you make at subway?
>well below 50%
I should have said it is a thing that nations do to demonstrate their ability to wage war.
We have no such need.
Therefore it is a waste of money.
We aren't talking about minorities you dumb cunt.
Stay on subject.
I don't understand the hate for the parade, but then again I don't understand those who hate their own race.
The last thing we did in USAF basic training was march in a parade. I assume other branches do too.
>Points out that pollsters can be inaccurate and have bias.
>Calls people retards for pointing out polling inaccuracies.
All in the same post.
See you've been reading our prime minister's new book
He's just playing KJU's game.
I'd rather see 22 million go to a spectacle broadcast globally as a deterrent than 22 million dead SoKos or a war fought at $22 billion/month.
It's just more Sun Tzu n' sheeit. He's getting all up in DPRK and Jyna's kitchen for very little cost. It's High-Def warfare, baby.
Citation needed.
>well below
>literally 48%
see And even your precious Rasmussen is at 48 not 49.
yeah, pic-related, vast majority of people think this parade is fucking stupid.
Oh and that's from Military Times, not exactly a hippy liberal rag.
desu to annoy a board full of Nazis who keep defending any retarded thing their retarded god emporer does
this desu. They're being hypocritical, as usual.
Still better than Obongo
We should remove invaders first, the cost savings can be passed on to the vets.
It’ll create jobs for them as well.
Because Trump is doing it, and these loonies are against literally everything he says. Just look at how the dems stayed seated at things we know they agree with at SOTU. He could cure cancer tomorrow and they would complain he's taking jobs away from the medicine industry.
VA bet here. I just got an email saying they’re expediting disability claims to 30 days from almost 18 months.
Trump is making them sweat at least.
VA Vet*
Thanks for your service
Wow. You are actually retarded
Oh that explains it.
He's not throwing it for himself, he's throwing it for the military.
Go stick paint up your ass and blow it onto the street and call it a pride parade some more.
This disgusting show of national pride must twist at the wretched knot in your chest most people call a heart like nothing else this man has done since putting down your shadow state candidate.
Don’t worry salty libs, only 3 more years of Trump to go... until he gets elected again and we get to lick the salt from your faces a second time.
>You think the military wants a fucking parade?
Major General (Ret) Paul Eaton
Senior Adviser to VoteVets
On Donald Trump's Orders for a Military Parade
"Donald Trump has continually shown himself to have authoritarian tendencies, and this is just another worrisome example.
For someone who just declared that it was "treasonous" to not applaud him, and for someone who has, in the past, admired the tactics of everyone from Saddam Hussein to Vladimir Putin, it is clear that a military parade isn't about saluting the military - it is about making a display of the military saluting him.
The military is not Donald Trump's to use and abuse in this way. Our military is the very best in the world - they are not to be reduced to stagecraft to prop up Donald Trump's image. Any commander in chief who respects the traditions of the military would understand that.
Unfortunately, we do not have a commander in chief, right now, as much as we have a wannabe banana republic strongman."
>Shill account by libshits who suddenly LOVE the military
Yeah, nah. Sorry faggot, not everyone has the brain of a goldfish, you spineless faggots already burned your bridges. Enjoy jail.
Go back to when Obama first took office if you want to see some real vomit inducing Tweets.
You'll figure out fast why this account was made in 2008
when has a president had a 50%+ approval rating in the last 30 years? Clinton? Idk i was young then
He became president. What did you do?
Well, like the fags say when they have their parade of evil, "if you don't like it, don't watch".
>How about giving them a legitimate VA or other benefits so we don't just have a bunch of disabled vets living on the streets?
Trump Administration Cuts Aide For Homeless Veterans
By Farron Cousins -
December 22, 2017
...two days after Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin renewed President Donald Trump’s promise to house the tens of thousands of homeless veterans in the US, he reneged on the promise and announced the department is scaling back a program that does exactly that.
As Politico reports, Shulkin and the VA are “essentially ending a special $460 million program that has dramatically reduced homelessness among chronically sick and vulnerable veterans.” Instead, they’re allocating those funds to VA hospitals to use as they please, as long as they provide “evidence of dealing with homelessness.”
Probably Clinton, I didn’t pay much attention back then. In the modern political climate it’s very hard to break 50. Nearly half of the country will think you are the devil off yhthe bat and probably 10-15 percent of your own voters will be pissed that you haven’t done enough.
yeah because when "libshits" were protesting the Iraq war it was totally because we hated the military. The Republicans who got literally thousands of military servicemen killed in action for no fucking reason are the true supporters of the military!
He expressed a good opinion. Your response is more the Shill type.
pre-90s i hear they had parades all the time. But we;re modern now and guns are spooky
>a paragraph to tell a joke
>literally just one sentence but barely-literate Sup Forumstards get exhausted reading it
>barely-literate Sup Forumstards
How many drinks you figure she downed before her grandstand mumble palooza?
Have some tendies OP.
Do you REALLY think Trump is smart enough to pull that off? Do you think he could hide his tracks so well that nearly 2 years later they still haven't got him on anything? They've been digging for dirt on him since he announced his campaign and the best they found was him talking about grabbing pussies. I don't think even his campaign staff thought they'd win. It was just a job they were using to further their careers down the road. There is no way his campaign was such a well oiled machine that they could keep such a large scale operation under wraps, just think of how leaky his administration has been. No, there wasn't any collusion and you're just desperate for something to blame. See you in 2024, maybe then you'll pull your heads out of your asses and give us a platform other than "we aren't trump and we have vaginas and brown people on our team"
Where do they get "for himself" from?
Cuck Schumer wanted one a few years ago as well.
Umm it's not for the military, moron. It's a parade for Trump. We get to pay for a wall and a parade every year now. What a great budget plan, sweetie.
>It's a parade for Trump
>Throwing the word "Millennial" around
i unironically like my participation trophies. got a couple for my pinewood derby cars. i went for style and not function, never won, but i found out you can make a lego spiderman drive one
Military parade on a patriotic holiday =/= parade for trump
This is the first time I looked up trump's age. Hes actually 71? Holy shit I thought he was in his mid 60s at most. Dudes a fucking BEAST
>It's a parade for Trump.
MSM is already referring to the parade as "Trump's Folly."
Dear God, what are you turning wojak into
It's Trumps idea now. Once Trump thinks it's his idea, it becomes all about him showing off his ego.