Wait 24 years for a Captain Tylor continuation

>Wait 24 years for a Captain Tylor continuation
>Get this

Why live?

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>unironically liking shit like Captain Tylor

Life is hard.

Are you just naturally salty? It was good.

It got Macross'd.

With 3 min episodes...


You poor motherfucker. So it got Teen Titans Go'd then. Western influence really is going to kill anime.


Up until the brainwashing shit

It was a very small part, and the novels were really good.

you, sir, don't have a sense of humour


Tylor was pretty forgettable, the only worthwhile thing I can remember was that they used classic music as the background music in the space battles.

Who's that background guy, he looks like the most likeable character of the bunch.

Speaking of continuations nobody asked for, whatever happened to the new Saber Marionette anime that was announced?

best case scenario it will be another Diebuster

>hey Tylor has a growing fanbase lets make a new anime for it
>should we adapt the rest of the LN where Tylor becomes an admiral and eventually the president?
>NO we should make a generic space series and say it's 1000 years after it!

>3 minute episodes

Is everyone voiced by the same girl? This shit feels so cheap.

>Old anime gets continued as short
Please stop this

That's Yamamoto-kun, he was actually a huge asshole for a sizable part of the series.


> thought it was a joke
> thought ye olde Sup Forums was pulling my leg again
> decide to check it out
> its not a joke
> its even worse than Sup Forumsnons said
> why live indeed...

Didn't even finish it even though it's three minutes, that is how bad it is. This is absolute blasphemy.



>Tylor will never be this good again

I wouldn't even mind a generic space series, we have too few of them. But this is just nothing and it's even bad at doing that.
And why did they even choose the Tyler universe for that? What's the point of making some semi-sequel and tell the viewers just how this doesn't feature Tylor, takes places thousands of years later and has a completely different setting and structure? I mean that's what they did in the very first few seconds of this anime. People don't even live on differents planets of that galaxy anymore so it isn't even an actual space series and has nothing to do with Tylor if you ignore that retard MC with shitty girl voice.

don't insult the new macross like that

even it doesn't deserve such ridicule

in 3 minutes it kills your soul


It's Ai Tenchi Muyo all over again.

If you only care about visuals like some kind of shallow 12 year old I recommend you check out some Disney classics over at or high budget video games cutscenes over at


Is that some project thing?
Because it really feels like it was made by some fan amateurs who wanted to do their own OC Tylor story.

then I first saw the preview pic I thought "hey cool a music themed space opera!" without any thought it had any relation to Tylor

so it not only crushed my hope it crushed a hope I didn't even know I had

>Tylor president


Still in production hell with a company that gives me the impression it might go belly-up at any time.

I asked for it.

What company?

really makes me dread what the new LoGH anime is going to come out (if it does)

>use a unmistakable female voice
>call it a male's voice


3 minutes
3 fuckin minute episodes

Wait what?

But Tylor married Yurkio and she's the worst girl.

Is it out yet?

she had "lead girl" written all over her so it was a foregone conclusion

Was Goza in the novels?

Reminds me of what happened to this other beloved classic.

Right is infinitely superior.

Did they turn those ugly old men into cute girls?

>What's the point of making some semi-sequel and tell the viewers just how this doesn't feature Tylor, takes places thousands of years later and has a completely different setting and structure?
Brand recognition. If it didn't have "Captain Tylor" in the title you would never have even known it existed.

>Watch the first episode

What the fuck!? Azalyn was stuck in a stasis prison for 2000 years because Tylor didn't marry her?
Cute android woman only existed to release Azalyn into space after 2000 years and is now trapped in the abyss of space time?
Where's Goza and what is her power?

besides the name nothing on the chart struck me as related to Captain Tylor at first glance

>Waiting for a new adaptation.
>All we got was a music video.


I resent you for being responsible for me finding out that this exist. This heretical abominated form of a series I love simply shouldn't be allowed to be produced. I have never felt so insulted by an anime before. Someone must pay.

It's obvious from episode 1 that this is somehow going to be reliant on time travel to relate to the original series.

Fucking hell, every time I think I've seen the worst thing ever, it gets worse.

Oh geez, first Fist of the North Star, then Tenchi Muyo now this? It feels like the only one of these that worked was Robot Girls Z


This must be lies. I refuse to believe. I won't google this shit, I refuse to google it, like a Fox News viewer I simply refuse this and won't hear any so called facts or your "reality"
Oh God please

I feel your pain.

and Jojo

fanbase notwithstanding anime is good

Jojo was a direct adaptation. The ones I mentioned were these chibi short-form parodies.

So was Tylor a lucky idiot or secret genius?


He was a genius.

I wonder why they did this, are there going to release some big Tylor projects in the future and they're using this as promotion or something.
Why not both. A very lucky genius who acts like an idiot.


This was created by someone angry that Azalyn did no win and wanted to make a series where she won

Fuck that, wasn't there supposed to be a new J9 anime? Where did that go?


Lucky patient genius. Exactly like Julius Caesar.


maybe a mobage or some DVD/BD for the old episodes

LOGH when?

I honestly have no idea. Maybe someone wants to do a remake of the anime that's actually faithful to the novels and feature less nurse android, more Yuriko?

>feature less nurse android
Why bother?

Pretty sure Tylor already had BD released.
>feature less nurse android, more Yuriko?
Is that what happened in the novel? Then I hope Yuriko got more development in the novel and not just a romance scene at the end.