Please, we should give you neo-Nazis free one-way tickets to Holland and Scotland. This land belongs to Indians and Mexicans.
Go back to Europe
fuck off subhuman america belongs to BLACKS. we built this country
You go too, groid.
America belongs to its current citizens. Let’s put all this race war shit behind us ffs.
Blacks vs Spics and Reds
Fucking glorious
DNA testing now shows that Native Americans in North America were originally from Europe. Europeans who colonized North America in later centuries were just going home.
The little brown goblin people in Mexico, Latin and South America were colonizers from the South Pacific. They can have South America.
European Americans can stay in North America.
Blacks did nothing but pick cotton, then when freed, basically descended into their shit living patterns they had back in Africa. They didn't build any damn thing in the USA.
Okay but we take our guns, internet, sewers systems, running water, electricity, nukes, cars, houses, farm animals, and white pussy with us.
You faggots would be trying to sail across the sea on rafts as "refugees" in mere days.
Nonsense. Indians were here for a longer period of time I don't care if some white cavemen were here first.
Now about "building the country" blacks where the backbone of the Southern Economy and Chinese citizens helped build the railroads. Do you think Hitler would have imported blacks into Germany? Try harder.
What a joke. China created gun powder and fire works and even pasta before you white boys. Try harder.
We perfected them nigger plus Asias ~> that way.
The Indians never even got around to inventing the wheel. It was whitey's industriousness, creativity, work ethic, sweat and blood, which has empowered you to be spewing your diarrhea over the internet, through a personal computer, in your air-conditioned room.
All you did was pick cotton, which we had to whip you into doing because you were so lazy. Things started at a blank state once slavery was ended. Get over it.
You want a white land, no?
The only one who sweated and bled were the black slaves. Nice try.
You want to give all of North America to 5 million people?
Watching the mapuche towns a century after they expelled the spaniards it's awe inspiring.
Colonization keep this economies and people down, but just a few years and amerindians built several state of the art cities.
I feel bad for those places where they had whites, cause everyone knows the white kids don't get along with the rest.
>Wait, science says whites got here first?
>Well then it doesn't matter who was here first. All that matters is that my shit-eating ancestors were here at some point!
We will raze your diverse cities to the ground.
Ah, so there were no white farmers or manual laborers. It was all done by the blacks? Is that why Americans started starving to death after the Civil War, because whites weren't already growing their own food and working in their own factories?
Slavery was a mistake. We should have never brought blacks here, nor do we owe them anything. We gave them every chance to do something with themselves, and all they do is coon out at National Felons' League games, kneeling even though they are millionaires whose lifestyles and opportunities would die to have. It's time to eliminate the welfare state and truly embrace Darwinism and survival of the fittest. Protip: we have the guns and the brains, and we would thrive in that kind of environment ;)
We cant go back to Europe because we’ve been here too long(family here since 1740s) and because Europe will be majority Arab/African in 40 years and its impossible to immigrate there as a white American.
POCs should be happy they have all of Central and South America.
Mexicans never owned the US southwest outside of tiny areas in New Mexico and AZ. Before whites most of the land was controlled by brutal northern tribes like Apache and Commanche who kept the Southern Mayan squats out.
Don't use the term "POC," newfag. The average Asian immigrant is far wealthier than the average white American. Indian immigrants are in the six-figures on average. "POC" is leftoid newspeak gibberish.
Shut up reddit RACE WAR NOW!!!!
I said Indians were here longer for more extended centuries, even if whites caveman had a presence here first.
You Anglos butchered the Commanche. You're an idiot. Back to Scotland.
Nah I like POC because it’s so fucking stupid.
And who cares how much Asians or Indians earn in the US, as if that makes their presence more tolerable.
How did the Asian and the Indian man like it in the past when rich corrupt whites came to take advantage of their countries and their economies?
If America belonged to the indians and spics than why, after 500 years, havn't they been able to physically remove us yet.
No, slavery was bad for the economy, it meant poor white people couldn't get work due to it being monopolised by pocs
Hahahahaha America isn't white you stole it from the Indians and Mexicans you thief! Minnesota is a white name? Illinois is a white name? You're an idiot.
Then fuck off back to England mate, eh?
People of the land, blood and soil.
>we should give you neo-Nazis free one-way tickets to Holland and Scotland
I have no problem with this
Exactly! Germany in World War wanted to give California and Texas back to Mexico.
There aren't any left to agree with you
Except they literally never lived here
Every part of Texas they claim is theirs was populated by native Americans that have zero genetic connection to Mexicans
They only say it's theirs because they stole it from Spain when they kicked them off this side of the planet. It was all land Spain captured and had fuckall to do with anyone in central america
You did not
Chinks, Mick's, and krauts did
Try again later
>Founded - 24 February 1881
>> From that moment, began the expansion of the city, in which European colonists were mixed with the Mapuche losers. By 1893, the city had a railway and more than 10,000 inhabitants.
>amerindians built several state of the art cities.
Mexicans, by definition, are the mix of spanish and amerindian culture and blood, we cand deny any of our heritage. Considering mexican, only that that comes from pre columbine america is an error, because the unification of land, tradition, language and centralization of power wasnt possible until the arrival of the spanish. Mexico didnt exist before, it was the merge of blood, that gave birth to what we are today. You should be proud of all your past, from this continent and beyond, cause you learned about God and gained your salvation because of the spanish.
This. Slavery is the exact same shit the capitalist ruling class is doing with cheap mexican labor.
There is a third way my brothers.
Hi fag.
"Native Americans that have zero genetic connection to Mexicans"
You sure about that bro?
Mexico was independent since 1821. You're a robber. White Nationalism is imperialism.
I hate you mapuches so much
Mexico is rightful Lakota clay.
The Gringos are sperging hard for their Anglo nationalism friendo.
The Third Way is to go back to the land of your blood and soil, Europe.
Back to Europe plz.
>when the masturbation machine rips the jews dick off
You killed the indians, took the patagonia and even looking to the atlantic, we still made a better country.
Beautiful mate. Salute.
If only we did to the savages what the jewish media says we did. They deserved that and 10 times as much. Cannibalistic drunken savages.
When you use the left's language, they win. Keep pushing for this "gang up on whitey" language and just watch the leftists complete their Maoist revolution and turn us into Brazil 2.0. There's nothing funny about it, Cleetus. We can appeal to other wealthy groups in addition to whites that it's not in their self-interest to give in to this brainwashing.
>muh land
To the victor goes the spoils. Might makes right is the existential imperative. You were all butchering each other before whitey even got there. Have you heard of the Aztecs or the Inca, brainlet?
I am planning going to Italy to fight the race war and to die in battle or to become a bridge troll in črnice slovenia both are good endings for my life
Guess you never heard of Blut und Boden, eh?
What’s hilarious is the Mexicans actually had to invite masses of Anglos into Texas so they would do the hard brutal work of clearing out the all Apache that kept killing beaners settlers. Mexico didn’t “own” shit, they just claimed it.
Afterwards the Anglos and many beaners who rightfully hated the Spic Empire decided to form an independent Tejas.
Back to Europe.
My ancestors came here in the beginning of the XX century we literraly dindu. Unlike now that your savage brothers are attacking us and we have a coward in government that is afraid of kill your kind back to Chile
That's plan B. Plan A is keeping the nations our Anglo forefathers carved out of the wilderness for us.
So go back to Europe!
They're too stupid to understand this.
The nation you robbed and built on the back of black slaves? Muh White nationalism.
Blut und Boden. Heil Hitler.
Whites and Natives stay, everyone else leave!
Pink Nationalism
That's why you gotta keep drilling it into their heads, week after week.
I was thinking, no.
You too, Canuck.
We conquered the America's …. we didn't steal it.
So don't call yourself a nationalist, thx.
Conquest is just large-scale thievery.
Yeah bitch. You don't like the big Anglo cock you can fuck off our ethnostate.
Call it what you want to make yourself feel better.
go eat your own shit pellets.
we kicked your ass remember?
You could move to Bolivia where people are mostly indigenous and found a colony called We Mapu, you should take tips from the Europeans in the art of settlement instead of sitting around as malcontents.
Is that what you Natives said when you obliterated another tribe and took their territory?
America isn't England? You think you are indigenous to this land? Kek.
Nah, white people weren't meant for the Americas. You're surrounded by brown people. Just leave.
You Europeans slaughtered each other for centuries. You were still native to the continent.
You're not wrong.
butthurt Shitting Dog mad because whitey coughed on them too hard
Now I don't wanna go only to piss you off
Can't wait to see your face when the RAISE act passes.
>slaughtered each other for centuries.
yeah and we're not sitting around crying about it like little bitches… thats the difference.
>Nah, white people weren't meant for the Americas.
Yes we should give America to pic related instead.
I'm cool with white American ethno nationalist, thanks. I have no problem claiming blood and soil even if most of the blood was spilled by savages.
You will never be indigenous to the land. You are a foreign implant.
Middle Ages is not the same as the 1880s or the segregation you had until 1965.
You need to take a break you (((you))) whore
They come to a country full of brown people. Cry like racist little bitches day in and day out. They have to go back. It just makes sense that they do. Besides, no one else wants them around.
Pretty sure this has been settled in blood once or twice before, but I’m all ears if you’d like to reopen discussions
But you're a usurper? You never even had an ethno state you had black slave labor?
go back to asia nigger
Yup. Send em home. Adios!
Source or you are full of shit.
I grew up beside a reserve…all my friends were Native, I spent every waking moment on the rez and even lived there for 3 years.
The Natives I knew and grew up with, weren't whiny little cry bitches. They still had the spirit of the warrior in them. N. Europeans have the shortest genetic difference to each other than any other race… you guys are more closely related to us than any other peoples… deal with it!
>Post slavery
>Blank slate
Kek. Sure, no underlying or outright resentment and hostility on either side of the fence, user
Dude, the mule don't own a stake in the farm.
google the source ching chong
I don't think they'd appreciate you making an ethno state at their expense. Remember the Quebec-Matis stand off of 1990? Try harder.
>European colonists in Temuco
Typical european revisionism.
You wish bitch, slaves didn’t build shit in America.
Slaves picked cotton for European oligarchs and then southern oligarchs after 1790. Nothing great about America was created by slaves.
As proof look at Brazil which had 10x the number of slaves as America and look where it got them.. still just a shithole because they lacked Anglo civilizational magic.
You posted it, you prove it, faggot.
You dumbass niggers did jack shit compared to the whites in terms of country development.
Yeah but the Chinese built the railroads. Try harder
Then go develop your white country back in Europe or whatever the fuck you crawled out of.