"Herbivore" males

Why are so many "adult" men these days saying no to marriage and relationships with women? Why won't men just grow up and put down the tendies and video games?

Other urls found in this thread:


why should we? until women change and marriage laws change there is no reason to settle down and come home to a nagging wife who will divorce you

women have become a lot worse in the last few years and men have grown tired of the effort required to obtain and put up with them. they're incredibly selfish, feel victimized by EVERYTHING, and demand the world while giving absolutely nothing back in return.

I dont share my bed with enemies.

Security and divorce settlements. I'm all for it if I actually know the person.

Femininity is so over represented that the men are becoming girly.

Look at the culture to see that it's completely dominated by women.
Television in the UK is 90% aimed at women. When I go around to my parents, my dad just sits in the kitchen, drinking cider when my mum's programs are on.
Same with my grandad. Watches old films in the bedroom while the main TV gets to have shit pumped through it 24/7 by my gran.

When there's a balance, and when adverts stop telling men they're retards, and when the workplace is actually equal, instead of favouring women for any jobs that aren't manual labor, then we'll talk.

Men retreat to their hobbies and little fantasy areas, because every other area of their life is dominated by dumb, annoying cunts.

Wasn't there a massive campaign against teenage pregnancy years ago?

Can't have it both ways

God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables, slaves with white collars, advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of the history man, no purpose or place, we have no Great war, no Great depression, our great war is a spiritual war, our great depression is our lives, we've been all raised by television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars, but we won't and we're slowly learning that fact. and we're very very pissed off.

>this thread again

Thottery, dishonesty, and the general disloyalty of women has made me not avoid the idea of having a long term partner.

I'll have sex, hook up, be friendly and maybe even date.

But im not settling down and having kids until there is a shift in the general female population towards respect, honesty, and logic.

They made a two-pronged attack and I am sorry to report that they've been successful.

1) They destroyed women. They made femininity shameful. Being a woman and having traditional womanly roles was considered bad. Women now are encouraged to become poor imitations of men.

2) They destroyed men. They made masculinity shameful. Being a man and having traditional manly roles was considered bad. Men now are encouraged to become poor imitations of women.

Wow, surprise, everybody's miserable in relationships and our divorce rate is higher than it's ever been. I wonder (((who))) could have been responsible for this slow degradation in the functions/roles of both sexes...

Simple. Because divorce rape, alimony, child support, and completely bias family court systems, all over the west, make it objectively a bad deal for men to risk.

> Can't make your wife ditch her career to take care of the homefront
> Can't discipline your children with any effective punishment or the (((pigs))) will arrest you
> In many Western countries, simply being known to have relations with a woman is now grounds to have her take your shit if the (((state))) thinks she depends on you.
> Good goys gladly go into debt which used to be a fucking crime but is now encouraged.
> You will not inheret land from your parents, affordable houses that cost what your boomer parents paid are in the ghetto.

>females have been irrevocably envenomed and are totally toxic assets unless you find the 1:100,000,000 traditionalist who was raised at home without tv or movies


also there is little reason to marry as we are in the end times and everything is going to burn soon

so true

"Childish men" is just how they try to explain away hypergamy.

We have this thread every week.

Gay ass movie

divorce you and take everything you own


Cost-benefit analysis.

I figured this would be the outcome of feminism. Women rambled on for literally decades about how they were "strong and independent". So there they go, pursuing careers and shunning men. Now, here they are, taking a long hard look at the ashes of their lives, and they're beginning to realize that they don't have love, a husband nor children. But what they do have are furbabies and the knowledge that they stuck it to men in a big way.

They got what they wanted. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

and it ALWAYS gets tons of replies

Wow, such a profound in-depth analysis. I congratulate you on your research-intensive hypothesis. Could you extrapolate on your original theorum?

You guys kind of have your brain rotted like girls on tumblr think every man is a privileged rapist
First of all one woman for every man is not how nature works. Marriage is an anomaly of human nature so 90% of people don't actually want it even if it ends up happening for them. The 10% who prefer it are there but you have to make it worth it for them. Hit the gym, improve your looks, get interesting hobbies and friends, aquire wealth. Once you have those things the doors will be wide open. You think all girls want to have to study for 4-8 years and work the rest of their lives? You can tell a 17 year old she will have a free pass for life if she just stays at home to support you and your kids. Men aren't childish they are just settling for mediocrity which is a blessing because that's less competition

I consider myself MGTOW and unlike most other MGTOWs, I think there are plenty of western women out there who are totally worth committing to.

However, literally none of these women are single out of high school so I just accept my lot in life is to have children through surrogacy or find a wife from a v4 country because all single western woman are abominations.

I tried being a "normie" with a 9-5 job making comfortable $75k, however everybody around you starts wondering why you aren't married and have kids and such. Society puts this absurd pressure on you, I don't know why. I'm a NEET now.

I'd say it is more because of divorce laws and pic related

Herbivores: slow, docile, dumb-founded, non aggressive, possible big body, ALWAYS a small brain.

reprobate devoid of all virtue

You do realize in many regards no fault divorce and several other factors basically make it so that each individual man has to compete with the entire US government for a womens long term affection? And the second we don't keep up we get fucked by the long dick of the (((Jew)))dicial system. The wedding and divorce/alimony industry's are tasit male slavery. Get fucked roasties you're not worth it. And the law offices of Shekelberg and Nosenstein can kindly gas itself. The systems rigged and it has been for generations. I watched my dad get dragged around by the balls the second my mother threatened to file a false abuse accusation. Can phycology jew me out of that one I saw it first hand. He was a literal wage slave to the fact that he wanted what was best for my brother and I. I'm not jumping into that shark tank. Holes have no concept of honor or justice outside of their self centered vagina taxation. Modern women are literally more dangerous than I am willing to risk my livelihood on. They have exceeded my willingness to die to reproduce in feminist bullshit. They have unironically become worse than being forever alone on average. Women can go unfuck themselves this time. We can't even help them because then the second we get a nickel to our name we'll just get #metoo'ed. You holes played yourselves. You had the best men on the planet and it wasn't good enough. Now we're going to make robots to replace you. The second there are no white holes to vote how the jew feels them too. It's shoa time.

>Marriage is an anomaly of human nature

what's in it for me?

Slide thread

I fucking love tendies, and vidya. Sorry if i choose the better option.
If women really want a litter that bad they can go to one of those sperm banks and fuck a turkey baster, I'll keep my time and money to myself.

>why won't men stop having interests and pay attention to womyn??


Have fun with that

Give them your job that supports a family.

>I'll keep my time and money to myself.
That is what I told my mom when she complained that I do not want to live or commit to one woman and risk getting divorce raped like she did to my dad

It's easier and lazy to blame others.

I want a guy who
>earns 250k+/year
>own his own home
>under 25
>over 6'3
>fit with rippling muscles
>eloquent with at least 2 doctorates
>speaks 3 languages
>has traveled to at least 20 different countries

what I have to offer
>i have a pussy

Video games are fun while feminism ruined women. Even if you find a good wife the laws are such that she has power over you. Why go through the trouble of finding someone who'll act completely against their best economic interests when you can ignore it altogether?

I rarely agree with frogposters, but this.

My parents are divorced, both married other people and got divorced again, my grandparents have all divorced, and most of my friends parents are divorced. Excuse me if I don't feel like trying it.

I said no to white whores and yes to my Asian wife. My wife is was virgin, is 20, Northeast Asian, and wants babies fucking yesterday. Find a white woman that will marry that young.

White women are trash.

what are these?

Because women aren't worth it anymore. Years of work for a meager reward, or no reward at all. Oh, and they're whores. Not interested anymore. Also sage.

Boneless breaded chicken breasts.

because women are gold digging cunts and men would rather keep their money and spend it on enjoyable things than give it to a cheating bitch

Urban areas psychologically condition you to not have kids because it's already expensive and there is no open land to even envision expanding and making room for another person in your life or society.

plz leave r/asianmasculinity

found the guy who's literally never had a relationship

>They destroyed men. They made masculinity shameful. Being a man and having traditional manly roles was considered bad. Men now are encouraged to become poor imitations of women.
Damn right. CNN's been covering the evil Trump aid who said mean things when he was frustrated about running late to a meeting. This is truly intolerable (((abuse))). All men need to take powerful estrogen pills daily. Punching out a window when your wife tells you she's (((leaving you))) is an act of violence that can not continue to be able to exist!

maybe your sub-par genes just attracts loser women?

>"childish men"
>"childish women" label not required as it is implied

>it's a bot thread
remember to sage newfags

Because you cannot become pic related if you have a ball and chain.

>Women suck and no one wants to raise another man's kids
>The economy is shit for people who aren't already established
>Higher education is prohibitively expensive
>Good luck getting into a union if you want to learn a trade
>Fuck joining the ZOG'd military
>Most people in the younger bracket are brainwashed zombies/degenerates/dopamine junkies and not worth dealing with
>The government will steal half your paycheck to pay for welfare, affirmative action, diversity programs, and other ridiculous shit that you'll never be able to take advantage of.

This is the end result of decadence. We're in the hangover state after decades of the societal equivalent of binge drinking. We'll recover but it's going to take time and incentivizing the working class male to participate again.

A reminder that being a MGTOW is for losers and it winds up with you living meaninglessly into your 40s, when you realize how lonely you are and become suicidally depressed and end up marrying some Thai hooker out of desperation.

>Why are so many "adult" men these days saying no to marriage and relationships with women?
Divorced parents.... makes you want to stay single until later in life if there's something later.

Fear not user, I will pass down my superior genes.
Hopefully, in a distant enough relative but not to distant either.
Relatively speaking.

same reason most men wont fuck a child. being a stong minded and self determinate woman has tons of benefits. the biggest being desirability as a functional human being.

Jews are o orchestrating a divide between men and women. Don't fall for it, focus on Jews. Sage all fields.

>implying it's not birth control and the "sexual liberation" meme among women

>Women aren't responsible for their own behavior.

found the jew

I'm pretty sure that our place as "the one everyone loves to hate" makes us the youngest child of the history man.
It's confirmed by the highly punchable faces that soyboys have and our relatively low exposure to physical violence and hardship.
>shit we don't need
No one needs a degree or a Harley, but I don't see why you shouldn't get one, if you can do it and still raise a family.

saw this post from an user a while ago and its highly relevant to the cause of autismo manchildren

>Society incentivizes men into participation with an included breeding strategy: get a job, get a wife. That's no longer the case, so there's no reason to engage.

ok then.

Where do the MGTOW guys with 6+ kids from foreign surrogates fit into your loser model?

>dumb cunts wanting men to settle for them when they're old and used up
Welcome to THE WALL my feminist friends

I guarantee that you're inferior to me, low born. I want a wife, not a whore.


>Men retreat to their hobbies and little fantasy areas

They want to ruin those too, why are women so unhappy, why do they have to ruin even the little we have left


The more you keep saying that the more im incline to check out mgtow now. Because if it's such a loser thing, then why take up your time to attack it? Let alone talk about it? I'm am now curious of this mgtow phenomenon.

Kids go to bed at like 8pm until they are 5 or 6, at which point they actually become fun, so it's not like you have no more free time immediately and once they do start demanding a fucking ton of your time they are old enough to full fill all the dreams you clearly missed achieving if you're on /pol.

Having kids is great.

There's severe surplus of men in demographics right now, not enough marriageable women for everyone. War, revolution or some other gruesome shit is supposed to happen in that situation, so you should be really fucking grateful that these surplus men just fuck off and keep to themselves.


Who Dat

>Why are so many "adult" men these days saying no to marriage and relationships with women?
Women simply aren't worth it anymore.

get an iron clad prenup geez

i feel ya

Less then 3% of prenups are honored in court user.

I haven't played video games in forever. Had a gf when I was in high school, but nothing serious since then. I was "dating" a chick in college for awhile. Then one night I saw her walking with some guy, and she didn't even acknowledge I was there. Felt bad, man. It was at that moment I began to understand the nature of women.

Deep down I would still love to get married and live a traditional life. However, actively trying to do so seems to be a recipe for disaster. You are much better off focusing on exclusively yourself. Don't expect to get married, as doing so gives women leverage over you.

May as well piss your money away. All it takes is one judge to say "lol fuck ur prenup" and wipe Xirs ass with it.

Does not work. The only safe remaining option is foreign surrogates. Pair that with a nanny/live-in fucktoy or sexdoll and you're set as a family.

I'm married, I fuck my wife at least 4 times a week, we have 4 kids (I took paternity tests), she's only 31, and I play Street fighter probably 3 times a week still.

Turns out women don't give a fuck as long as you do everything else you're supposed to do.

> leftism

Is that why Republican governors veto alimony/custody reforms?


because i dont want a woman and her moodswings keeping me hostage just for the sake of passing on my genes like some random animal.

Do it faggot.

What's the right age range to pop out kids, and how many white beauties do you need?

Feminist shot themselves in the foot if it weren't for them dykes helping gays coming out of the closet and overall degeneration of a society, but mostly its woman fault for thinking they can out smart nature. This "I don't need no man"/ "men are horny dogs they'll come after me when im in my 40s" will probably loom over them as they being eaten by cats/ large dogs that use to mount them.

All the good ones died in the war.

>I'm a subservient bitch for my wife just to get some ragged pussy a few times a week


>some say on a quiet day you can still here Frank screaming from inside the printer
To OP who makes this thread 5 times a day: it's because vidya is better. With VR porn and an internet full of people how do women compete? They haven't stepped up their game. In fact women have stepped down their game in the last 30 years. Anyone remember 80s girls and their poofy hair and nice spandex? You just aren't going to see any women take care of themselves like that anymore and if one does and you do notice you'll get a rape charge for looking at her. Saying "how are you doing?" is a cat call is sexism is harassment is rape now. So I'm not even going to talk to you or reply to you when you tell me when you get off work. You can tell me how tired you are all you want. Go rub your own feet cunt.

>By Melanie Notkin

> Not providing rational rebuttal or reason
> Low intelligence tier responses

Yeah sum up your argument pretty well.

It's all men's fault that's were fat undesirable pigs

Get into a legal contract whereby she can sue for full child custody and take half my shit when she divorces me? No fucking thanks


but what if you don't own anything and you tricked her into marrying you on false suspicion that you had any belongings? can't get anything if you dont have anything.

You'll be lucky if you walk away with half. Most courts will drag the divorce out over a periods of months if not a couple of years then hand you the bill. It's not uncommon to lose atleast 80% of your earnings then be forced to pay out 60+% of what you make for the rest of your life after that.