I have never seen someone hate Sup Forums with such a burning passion. What did you guys ever do to him?

I have never seen someone hate Sup Forums with such a burning passion. What did you guys ever do to him?

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This website exposes that every e-celeb posted here is fucking retarded. From Spencer to Enoch to Sargon. They are all dumb as rocks/

gas yourself soygoy faggot


hes constantly using Sup Forums memes in his videos. in what sense are you saying he hates Sup Forums?

I admire that he can call people niggers without repercussion tbqh

He’s a faggot, that’s why.

Who's this? Kevin Smith's half retarded, yet slightly more physically fit cousin?

part of Sup Forums hates him and over-analyzes his every action for a weakness
>he doesn't hate Sup Forums
>it might be in your head

We did nothing he didn't deserve.

hes in the process of being broken down, dont worry we'll remake him better.



he cucked himself so bad he made Richard Spencer look good.

How can I take a chubby faggot with a 10-year old's haircut and a beard seriously?

Sargon sticks out like a sore thumb in public. You can really tell that’s he only a half-fitted adult that dwells indoors too long and has mild autism. I do actually like Sargon though. Besides what he says about race, he’s very reasonable, and he’s usually concise and very to the point.

He does it in the most clichéd retarded way that skeptics and other centrists always troll us with. Complaining about any racial group = you're niggers!

>everyone is dumb but me

spencer and enoch are not dumb, what have you done for WN?

>corrupt Sup Forums memes
>get shittalked by Sup Forums
>sperg out and call the chat a bunch of niggers

>spencer and enoch are not dumb, what have you done for WN?






Really makes you think.

>white nationalism is controlled opposition
>gets fired and unpersoned for being white nationalist

Funniest thing ive ever seen is alt right larpers freak out when sargon called them "white niggers' and told them to stop chimping out havnt belly laughed that hard in years

He needs to quit the internet already.

sargin is going to end up committing suicide before this is all over

Oy vey they sure do talk a lot about Jews for a bunch of Jews. You'd think (((they))) wouldn't want that topic of discussion on the table. Or maybe you're a secret genius and you've got it all figured out.


Sup Forums != larpers

user, you deserve a (you). here it is. made me grin. I'm almost motivated to share this on his feed, but I dont want to contribute to morbid obesity.

dunno bout that mate he shitposts on youtube and makes 10k a month for it

i like him, he says the dumbest shit and people get assblasted .

I think the cuck thing hurt him quite a bit. I believe he also has a strong dislike of anything explicitly pro-white because his grandfather wasn't European and if the pro-white groups ever gain power, he fears that he might face some hardships because he's mixed and he likely has friends and relatives that could be expelled or something.

Sup Forums is like a hot girl. The more try to please us the more we will hate you, and make fun of you. But if you act cool, and take our jokes lightly, we will see you as cool.

Man tits is a quadroon

Very ass blasted

Pseudo-intellectual sack of estrogen.
“I regurgitate information but have no critical thinking skills.”

The ones hating here are Leftypol divide and conquer shills and the idiot newfags that fall for their bait.

shit is leftypol still a thing? i thought it was a joke thats classic

Bust up his horse shit ideology using skeptic logic.

Pepe is ours again fat faggot.

We told him he isn't as smart as he thinks he is and he has been autistically kvetching ever since.
Pretentious fat sow.

he's right tho , whites are the niggers of usa

He's the embodiment of an arrogant NEET who thinks he knows his shit while in reality doesn't. On top of his repulsive physical presence and the unwarranted smug tone in his voice, he has the charisma of a potato.

I never understood what kind of a person he appealed to.

>in which case I have to go
it is clear mike enoch was referring to his publicized personal experience, he was formerly married to a jew. If there were to be a purity spiral, he would be out by his association despite the fact that he married her when he was a Libertarian and his WN ended his marriage.

>other jews
this one is such a reach, it is easy to understand how he could make this slip, especially considering the time he spent around his ex

The whole controlled opp meme is retarded, what is the end game? arm the dissadent goyim with the very arguments and tactics they need to destroy you with, spread white identity, race realism, and the jq like wildfire, destroy the the taboo around WN and shift the overton window further right than it has ever been since 1945, etc., and then SUPRISE enoch and spencer are frauds! look how stupid you look!

? the net result would be an entire generation of fascists who simply unsubscribe to trs and altright.com and proceed with their agenda

israel did 9/11

What's with the ant pic?

This is well put. I'm fairly sure that Enoch is not controlled op at least.

Soygoy is butthurt because he can't take the banter

We said mean things on the internet


>What did you guys ever do to him?
We showed him what happens when the individual meets a collective.

We didn't do anything. The Left realized he was feeding us new recruits with his babbys first redpills and semi-regularly signaling our direction and just couldn't deal. So they put him and Dicky Spencer in a room together and Sargun, of his own volition, tanked hard in the debate. So then, rather than take our W and move on, the Left started a massive "let's destroy Sargon" campaign here, which worked.

Now instead of him soothing his own butthurt and continuing on being an annoying twit (but source of recruits), he's an angry sperglord and there'll be an eternal wedge between Sargun's rendition of alt-lite and Sup Forums.

Good job commies. You won this round.


Yes goyim don't listen to those e-celebs, only listen to our kosher regular celebs.


Enoch never pretend to wisdom. He recognised his mistakes, and lived in a period where the truth was both less and more obvious than it is today. He was a good man.

Mostly true

>What did you guys ever do to him?
publicly humiliated a narcissist by catching him in a lie, just like CRP did to Kraut with his accent. if Sargon can't get a handle on himself he might just run his channel into the ground like Kraut

ever since Spencer called him out on not being as smart as he thinks he is and Alt Hype for being a pretend nigger he shit the bed and wont talk to the alt right anymore

Not gonna lie, former SSarg'n subscriber here.
This is hilarious watching SSarg'n crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let this guy get control of the gas chambers.

eat shit faggot

his clothes suck and he is fat cancer with nothing interdasting to say as well as being ok with his inferior body and kike appearance. his martini is faggy as fuck.

Well, shit. I think you nailed it. To be fair, hiveminds are scary to those outside the hive.

I believe this screencap is real because he recently discussed 9/11 on the podcast and he was open about his truther-skeptism, The rest of the people on the call were calling it ZOG Christmas, and he welcomed that idea as well, but suggested that the anti-Islam narrative was more effective, regardless.

i think hes mad because he got crushed in that one debate and the like/dislike and comments section proves it.

>WN is controlled opposition
Get out, kike

This is how cucked-if-not-kikes work out their cognitive dissonance

this eternal wedge is just a perpetual W for us, it is better to have a steady funnel of people to our side than an alliance with people who reject the reality of race and the jq

om nom nom nom

cant be unseen

hello mister shekelberg.
now kids here's a lesson. how do you tell this guy is a shill? we'll he conflates WN and gay alt right together in order to subvert the very cause.

Meme magic.

Sumerian city states fell apart to over-expansion and the Umman Manda, the horde from nowhere. Carl the Cuck chose the moniker Sargon of Akkad for his online persona. Now the online equivalent of the Umman Manda is pushing his shit in and he's hiding in his throne room.

Apple's new production - it's the only way to listen to Sargon

>Alk that l3addit-spacing

Is Angin a good debater? He is gonna debate Sargon this weekend. Don't think I've ever heard him speak.



Literally he's an eceleb left over from gamergate who made his entire "career" out of making videos about LOL SJWS AMIRITE

All of that is fine, who doesnt like laughing at idiot Marxists? The problem is sargon started huffing his own farts and thinking he is actually some sort of political philosopher. He's simply another person who forgot what their place was and is now far out of his usual element.

HA, thats laughable, i was a taxi cab driver, I've seen all types of people first hand up close. Black people are unquestionably mean horrible cruel people. Even to their own family members, especially their parents/kids. Black parents were always fucking over their kids. I've never seen that before.

fucking kek

>I have never seen someone hate Sup Forums with such a burning passion
lurk moar
list is long

I think Aryans and Jews Muslims Buddhists and Hindus and Zoroastrians are Subhumans
Who Am I ?

Hint 2 : I want to Assassinate the Pope.

Burn down churches and put Pagans to the Sword.

Bet you can't guess.

who is that fat fuck?


>pretends to be 1/4th nigger to deflect accusations of racism
>steals content/memes from Sup Forums
>sabotaged gamergate and redirected it toward his own patreon wallet
>propagates bullshit like horseshoe theory and "right wing SJWs"
>deliberately tried to sabotage pepe/kek with that purposefully cringey kekistan shit
>spammed gay nigger porn at everyone on twitter until he was eventually banned
>runs away from debates like a little bitch because he knows he can't win


The truth is the sharpest knife and cuts the deepest


I've been following him for quite some time. He has become far more reasonable and unhinged since he got his butthole destroyed in IBS. He's got a lot of suppressed butthurt that is destroying him from the inside out. Likely suicide within the year, his instability ensures his downfall.

Gday mate but that is not the answer to my "Game"
I am making a literally who Joke about Sargon.


HI spencer


That's pretty much all girls because they think they're hot shit.


>hes in the process of being broken down, dont worry we'll remake him better

This so much.



hes a cuck who says dumb shit and is waiting to be offended by dumb shit.

I know soyboy gets thrown around as a joke but he reaIIy is a soyboy-a Iimp wristed victim screaming about "muh nationaIism"