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that old bitch was on the verge of tears the whole interview.

>the comments
Normie awake!

I mean he isn't going to win but the shift in the Overton window is evident

We honestly need someone to run for office that acts like this.

It wouldnt matter what he said the youth would all vote for him. He could be up theresaying kill all hood niggas and they wouldnt bat an eyelash. Especially if he made dis rap ads against his opponents.

Didn't they get the memo? It's "holocaust truther" now.

Well with Chicago, I know (((they))) will fake a big black turnout but almost every white person in the US is starting to be well aware of how fucked everything is and (((who))) is behind it

People are becoming less afraid to speak out. We know where this road goes.

I agree with everything he said. No more wars!

100th thread with the same screenshot.



Have some respect the man has balls of steal

>Here are forged records o--
WOW! OK! *pouts*

Wish I lived in IL, I’d vote for gun


>implying Hitler wanted to kill some poor sand Muslims
Hitler's mission wasn't stealing the oil.

a true american hero.

i bet the disrespectful bitch didn't serve in nam

Lmao based




CNN was trying to act like that cute little news anchor just destroyed the big bad nazi


I fucking love this guy!!!

Holocaust denier?
Holocaust lie survivor.

>cuts him off at the end so the last part is her saying "You'll be down in flames"
At first I thought he was a CIA nigger, but even if he is I hope he wins even though he probably won't

This guy made me burst out laughing in the middle of class

This is his opponent:

>1999-2000: Staff, U.S. Rep. Rod Blagojevich
Well lookie there.


I would love for the doors to get blown off the holohoax once and for

Can you imagine the goddamn tears if he, by some miracle, won? We would achieve infinite levels of butthurt.

I can't help but crank this music every time this based war Vet is interviewed !!! He needs to win!!!! Everything he Says is real

Cucks and kikes would be on suicide watch

That's a pretty shitty one. You'd be amazed how small of a space you can compress ashes down into.

End the ZOG.

You'd know Moshi.

oh god this is so fucking funny

kikes need to take a hike

>stormspergs are actually this deluded

You tards fall for this controlled opposition every time.
It's so blatant too.
This geezer is a full-blown merchant and his hooked nose is staring you in the face, but you can't see shit.
You think anyone will side up with this cringed bullshit?

>i'd vote for gun

Jones is right, the giant revivalist churches are run by satanists.

you'd be amazed how long and how much fuel it takes to reduce a corpse to ash. It takes 20 hours actually.

Auschwitz had 15 ovens that could burn 1 body at a time so lets say they burned 30 bodies a day because the bodies were weak and small. Even being generous, it would take over 91 years of non-stop burning to burn the 1,000,000 bodies that were claimed to have died at Auschwitz. The claims simply make no sense.

Is it bad that I think she's pretty hot?

Oddly enough, his democratic opponent is pro-life. This might sound crazy, but hear me out:

1. Meme Daniel Lipinski as being a fake dem who doesn't care about women's rights
2. Meme Arthur Jones as a strong conservative who wants to keep abortion legal to prevent white genocide

Is he dare I say it..../ourguy/?

>not knowing peoples' features drop as they age

And you can whine 100 times and it won't change the minds of the people who legitimately liked what he said.

You are retarded and didn't even read the (((official))) story. They buried them first, dug them up near the end of the war, then burned them. They weren't burying ashes the first time.

check the nose. looks familiar, doesn't it /pol?

Are we at 10% guaranteed snowball levels?

You're missing the forest for the trees. They're scared.

This one would be pretty challenging. His democratic opponent Daniel Lipinski is more conservative than most RINOs. However, he might get replaced with

At the very least, the abortion issue will be contentious in the democratic primary as Marie Newman is the exact opposite. Possibly we could sow chaos amongst the dems. Get them too disillusioned to make it to the polls (their own medicine) while making Arthur Jones look like a straight-shooting badass of stability and JQ.

It's sad when I can't tell shills apart from inbred retards on this board.
Stormtards are just so retarded that they fall for this crap.
The very fact that cnn is giving this "boogeyman" controlled opposition moron any attention should be proof that this idiot is just another scammer.

Only the most retarded of the degenerates here fall for controlled opposition like this.

Never forget the golden rule: Never reveal your power level!

Wanted to smack her right in the mouth. All she knows how to do is “muh feels” like shit say something that has to do with anything he is talking about besides calling him a nazi.

HE'S RUNNING UNOPPOSED IN THE PRIMARY YOU FUCKING SHILL. Republicans gave up on that district because they think it's lost.

You can't fucking stop this. We're going to meme a nazi into congress.

No, they're laughing at you for falling for this crap.
Most white Americans see idiots like this guy and are reminded of inbred degenerates, and nobody wants to be associated with stormtards or any other dumb hillbillies.
This is why the left loves to put cameras on "right wing" controlled opposition types.

The Overton window isn't shifting when the left/establishment trots out retards like this guy or Nehlen.
It's actually moving in favor of the leftists.
Spergs scare people away.
Notice that the leftist radicals are keeping quiet.

Mandatory National Service when?

Republicans don't bother because it's deep blue territory and it's not worth putting money into.

I know I'm arguing with a shill because even real stormfags aren't this retarded.

Man I love this guy. Arthur Jones 2020!

yes, fucking amazing CNN decided to even mention him let alone talk to him on live TV....

i get the feeling (((THEM))) sometimes WANT us start a revolution.... maybe they are truly guilt ridden by what they have done

LOL... git gud shlofaggot

you people truly do not comprehend do you?

Bitch was seriously triggered

>Notice that the leftist radicals are keeping quiet.
the exact tactic they employ when they want something to GO THE FUCK AWAY.

they obviously dont like this guy and they ignoring him hoping he disappears... if they actually talked about him a bunch of people would be like "hey that's pretty good."

I definitely comprehend that I'm speaking with someone who's been blessed with an extra chromosome.

kek. Reich on the rise

Even if he is controlled opposition, wouldn't it be quite a statement to spit in the face of the kike establishment to show up to vote for him in droves? Probably not to you because you are probably a kike but to us, yes

Are you really this retarded?

CNN put him on national tv.
Do you think that they'd do this for someone they wanted to go away instead of simply ignoring them?
You people are simply too stupid to understand how controlled opposition works.

No one in that district would ever vote for any non-leftist.
It's deep blue territory.
How do you idiots not understand basic American civics?

I wouldn't be surprised if he was a plant.

two party, jew party, queer party system
I've been saying this all day

Mmm. Nazi Mommy

But why are they all gay?

I thought it strange as well. Rather than just a hit piece they invited the man on television. Very, very odd.

oh yeah. its gonna be an interesting ride.


nice digis
why do all the jew parties promote faggotry? I think it is because it demoralizes society and weakens the family unit

it's probably just Sup Forums shitposting


Faggots don't read details

He got the ballot because nobody would run in the district. He applied for the republican spot and got it as a result. Officially unendorsed by RNC

im surprised cnn even aired this

They also pulled the clip

Too old

based as fuck

CNN jew owned media BTFO

i don't know the specifics of this, what's the implication here? that the US didn't actually inspect any of the so-called "death camps" and that we're only going by jewish survivor accounts? and that any camp the US did inspect was found not to be a death camp but more of just a work camp/prison?

were any actual Nazi records found though outlining the use of death camps? or gas chambers? or death counts? there must be some physical Nazi-based documentation here and not just witness testimony, right?

as a normie, I found that interview humorous

He's been involved in national socialist organizations his whole life. Why is it so hard to believe some nutjob who's right on some things takes it upon himself to run for office? of course the news will cover him, it's outrageous and draws in viewers for them. Your whole 'he's a plant!' faggotry has no logical basis whatsoever. it seems like you've taken conspiracy theories past the level of careful investigation to the point of spewing lazy dogma based on nonexistent connections

They would be on assassination watch. If congress was over halfway filled with people like him this country would turn very very different shades of color overnight.

No you see the Nazi's "destroyed the evidence".

It's just gonna repeat itself. If we ever come to a time in this country when we wake up and take care of ourselves, the Jews will do exactly what they did in Germany - send out Communist thugs into the streets, foment riots and "protests," get their globalist brothers to wreak economic havoc on us, then when it comes time for war they will unleash hell, all the while accusing the other side of committing their atrocities.
Then they will write the history books and we will have another 100 years of Jewish domination, another 100 years of Western guilt, and an Adolf Hitler II in the history books.

It is unavoidable.

I like this.

Got my vote

Every death camp the US inspected was determined not to be a death camp.

We took Stalin's word on the others.

>chances are you'll go down in flames
Kind of insensitive, no?


>CNN edited in crickets to his speech

LMAO, they can't help themselves can they?


very fucking interesting...

>6 million jews died in the holocaust
the fucking meme is real, am I the only one that remembers the 6 million was the total for all undesirables? including gays, gypsies, the disabled, not just kikes?????


That's 11 million dumb goy


All it will take is one bullshit yearbook allegation.

hmm i like where this is going


Member the 34 zillion? :^)