You go meet your girlfriend's parents for the first time and see this. What will you do?
You go meet your girlfriend's parents for the first time and see this. What will you do?
1, 2, and 4 are all redundant.
fuck his wife instead since hes a cuck
You’re probably black at this point
>Hey body her rules eh?
>That why I fucked your bitch daughter you fat motherfucker
Why would i date a finn?
bend him over and fuck him to establish dominance
sage this shit slide thread
Beat his ass and fuck every female in his family
Anal. Both the daughter and him.
knock up his daughter and wife and leave- it’s what sluts want with a father/husband like that.
Awkwardly joke about how my favorite thing about his daughter is her lack of rules.
I ignore that totally. I don't care about cucks. If she wants her daughter he should marry her, rest is our business. I will still keep spanking and fisting her daughters asshole, regardless of cuck t-shirts and old man thinarms
>What will you do?
Immediately realize this chick has daddy issues.
kick his ass in front of his daughter, then fuck his daughter in front him. Obviously his daughter wants a real man, hence why she is dating me.
ask him what he thinks about his daughter wanting to suck my dick
It’s more like the daddy has chick issues t b h.
Make the rules.
sweet, an overly permissive father. oh yeah
>not fucking them both at the same time
Come on burger
What kind of father refuses to protect his daughter and doesn't put the fear of God and him into the boy's brain?
Save his daughter from hellish and blind liberal ideals by erasing 18 years of brainwashing.
Put my thumb in her ass
>i dont make the rules
>writes down three more rules
Look at me... I'm the daddy now.
pick both
Unironically this.
I wouldn't be able to contain myself knowing I've plowed his daughter.
Passed the age of 16 I have never had a girl introduce me to her family without me fucking her first.
Has not happened. I guess it's just the times.
A father should make the rules, otherwise they will just raise shitty immature people
a liberal who lives in fantasyland.
Fold a piece of paper in half with writin permission and consent to have sex also dated (writing is hidden by fold) ask daughter to show what her signature looks like on this folded piece of paper
Rape her ass
Show paper in Court
Piss on dads gums and shit shirt
go to pound town
This is literally the situation I was in a few years ago. Take out my ex and do all sorts of unspeakable acts and drop her off at her parents house only to be met by her cuck dad and thank me for taking her out.
"Sir, your daughter requires me ejaculate in her ear."
"her... body.." *sobs* "her... rules"
The man in the back looks more like the guy's father than the female's.
Toyota has factories in the US...
nigger nigger nigger
why not both?
Pressure the daughter into doing whatever I want because she has a weak personality and no one to back her up.
This is the only correct course of action.
His daughter probably isn't even his biological one
id have a ton of respect if any of the fathers of my past gfs or wife was in the middle of cleaning his guns when i met them. Most of them were absolute pussies i could manhandle.
Calm down 2Pac
1. You don't make the rules.
2. I make the rules.
3. My money, my rules.
#Menist Father
>What will you do?
Turn 360 degrees and walk away.
1. I don't make the rules
2. My wife's daughter makes the rules
3. Kill me... Please.
I remember I used to fuck my ex upstairs in her room while her cuck dad was downstairs hearing everything. Good times
Here, have a less cucked version of that shirt.
Ask him for his number, then when we leave I send him a video of me railing the shit out of his daughter and smacking her around while she calls me daddy and talks about how she's a no good dirty slut who's good for nothing but being a cumdunpster cockholster for me
same desu. one of the dads was even cool with me spending the night in his 17 year old daughter's bedroom 3-4 nights/week. We'd been dating for 2 months. I couldn't respect the guy for letting me use his daughter as a fleshlight as he slept down the hallway.
That’s because meeting someone’s family is really intimate, whereas fucking them is no big deal, it’s 2018.
Nothing because it never happened, because I would have already avoided the fuck out of his nagging bitch of a daughter.
I observe 1, 2, and 3, scrupulously. We all know that rule 4 is time-sensitive.
>Meeting a girl's parents prior to having sex with her
If you don't know she has daddy issues by the second or this fuck you're probably an autist
>less cucked version of that shirt
even ironically these are cringe af
Call him a faggot and tell him to do something. Assert dominance.
"Why are you, an adult, wearing a printed t-shirt, sir?"
Tell him to work on his rear delts and fix his posture
#10 sounds like a lowkey offer
i bet his daughter is still single at age 40
Tell them both to sage themselves.
Laugh as I recall how I fuck his daughter in the ass.
The whole “clean your guns when the boyfriend comes over” meme is retarded. If anything, the only proper way to react is to start asking questions about the guns, offer to teach him how to reload his own rounds, and invite him to come to the range with you.
But the tough guy gun cleaning is stupid. What are you gonna do dude, shoot me if I make your daughter cry? Ok pal.
Tell dad that you believe in relationship parity and that you are uncomfortable with his backwards views on relationship power dynamics
Fuck her at the dinner table, get the wife to join in
use rule 1 against him
>I have sex with your daughter and I have no intention of marrying her. don't like it? too bad you don't make the rules
fucking cuck
Some people have a chip on their shoulder, others need to use their entire back
>like your gif
>her father now has to like you, rule 2 btfo
>get a lawyer
That’s actually the scariest one. I fear no dad, but the court system can really fuck you in the ass.
beat him up, tie him up, rape and kill his daughter infront of him, chop off his dick, when he passes out from the blood loss drive him out into vast wilderness, march him out in the middle of the woods at gunpoint, hobble him by shooting him in the foot/kneecap and leave him there.
If he can get revenge then good on him
>Fucking a woman who's had kids
Most of the time that is not an enjoyable experience
No u fuck the wife and daughter at the same time while making him watch!
Toyota, Honda, etc., all have factories in the US that employ Americans. GMC is fucking dogshit, if they made cars that didn't break down every 20 miles and had interiors that were made out of LEGO plastic, people might buy them.
The female of the species is more deadly than the male.
Leave because I'm not dating the adoptee of two fags
>She's my princess not your conquest
So you're going to keep her as a maid her entire life you Disney crooning mentally deficient fuck?
Where the hell did the idea that "your daughter is your little girl and princess"? You raise your kid right by teaching them that life isn't there to abstain from fucking your tender sensibilities in the ass and leaving it crying in the dirt.
Men who believe this are just as much a cuck as the one in the OP
>eat his daughter.
>take her home and have her dad give me a blowjob.
Not a bad rule.
>meet girlfriend's dad
>see he's wearing pro-feminist shirt in pic
>beat the shit out of him to assert dominance
>rape his daughter in front of his battered body to make absolutely sure he understands that I'm the alpha and I make the rules, not him or his daughter
>let his crying wife finally call the ambulance within minutes of him dying
>he survives by seconds, knowing that I ultimately let him live and could have easily let him die
>he lives in fear of me and no longer wears shirt in pic
I'd wonder why the fuck he's wearing a shirt like that, because I'm old enough that any girl I'd be dating, this would be pretty much be a given.
34 so far.
I'd sucker punch him and his daughter then run away
He's actually warning you to get a lawyer early because his daughter is a whore who will divorce you and try to take the kids
Walk away laughing.
Yeah ok m8, enjoy fapping. Forever.
No need to be afraid of Justice, right?
Memes aside, how does someone even reach this pinnacle of cuckoldry? I'd swear that this was worn in jest, but I'm not so sure these days.
Only Florida still knows what justice is anymore when it comes to America.
We still have the death penalty, hanging, firing squad, and the electric chair
damn i wanna fuck the shit out of her so bad and make 12 babies
lol look at his tiny ass forearms