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Can I just say that I love the way Jared argues? I personally would be filled with rage by the way Tariq danced around with his logical inconsistencies, but Jared just played along and found it amusing. He is infinitely more patient and wise than I am, and that is inspiring.
>I love the way Jared argues?
Richard Spencer learned from the best
classic Roland Martin meltdown at the end
>the absolute state of niggers
2018 is turning out to be fantastic for internet blood sports
Can't wait for Sargoy to implode
> youtard ecelebs
please consider suicide
Nostril hair.
tariq will get redpilled one day
Funny how Tariq talks about White supremacists the exact same way Sup Forums talks about kikes
Tariq the Kang reporter
Tears and celebrations as white Zim farmer returns to seized land + Tariq Autism
The whole stream I was thinking, if there was any other alt right figure than JT, they would have told Tariq that he is right but it's the k***s and they are trying to control and degrade all peoples.
Unfortunately, Jared never touches the JQ. A missed opportunity.
Jared Taylor is how we need to act like once we achieve the ethno state. He is such a nice and patient man.
We are one step ahead of him. That's not a knock on him either, maybe one day he'll get there.
They all need to be eradicated or subjugated.
>eradicated or subjugated.
How about we just give them their own place? Fuck 'em.
He's so close to the truth
The end is great because that black told Richard your mom and dad gave you a head start. Yea blacks don’t have a mom and dad so they will never get that head start ha.
Land is a limited resource.
ergo, there will be ever-increasing demand for it.
Why hand it over to those who will only come with begging hands a short while later?
Balkanization in America is the only way, we fucked up by not getting rid of them and they've become part of our history.
Anyways, when their country turns into a shithole they'll beg for us to help them and we can have a quazi colonialist setup.
This is where I got started. This is well researched and a great place to start. We we brought over here on Jewish slave ships from the Netherlands primarily and we've been slaves to the Jews since. Physically at first, but emotionally and mentally the whole time.
I agree that balkanisation is inevitable, your President Lincoln had the right idea when it came to that.
But they follow a basic pattern, an animalistic one, where they beg for help, and leverage ALL of that help into making babies, but not for PROVIDING for them.
Any help given only creates further issues later on.
Further, they have very little to offer in exchange for said aid. At least in colonial times, the manual labour was viable, but with modern day automation meaning all current and future manual labour roles will require at least passable intelligence, what is the point in aiding them?
>Jared Taylor is how we need to act
Blacks are an easy solution but Spics and Gooks are another problem. Huge numbers in a very short amount of time and are aggressively land grabby.
Spics and Gooks don't have any meaningful history here.
>how we need to act
it feels so good
>Spics and Gooks don't have any meaningful history here
they aren't a problem
EVERYONE hates niggers
t. Spic
fuck off. Spics are the biggest problem in this fucking country.
Jared Taylor is not white. fucking anglo scum
>this fucking country
Cali fag detected
the fact that you're all faggots is your problem
No i'm a Texan and i'll put my boot through your fucking teeth before this land goes your way.
black people are white now deal with it goy
You know, probably 75% of the entire board would be good to read this. The history of the Jew, a journey through their being the perpetual outsider, is needed for any race they try to fuck over, which is all of them.
Most of this board is here for frog memes and shitposting and awareness of the jew(ish) threat rubs off incidentally. Yes, most here should read it but I can't control that. I spread this to everyone who will listen, mainly fellow africans, and they come back with so many questions and genuine curiosity and thirst for more knowledge. I can't recommend this place to them, but i'm doing my part.
I want our ethnostate in the US without white, jewish, asian, hispanic control. Give us Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and a portion of Georgia and many of us will go there. I know it's a dream that never will be, but it's really what I (and others like me) want.
Spics, in as the spanish/amerindian admixture, have been there for as long as whites, and asians went over as labourers in the 18th/19th centuries. The issue with the former is in their very high birthrates combined with the land border with an entire continent of them and no history a la Europe/Asia in protecting such a border.
You and your contemporaries would get further establishing such a state in South America. Lots of resources, close enough to the U.S to keep strong diplomatic ties, easy enough to get a starting point via bribes in the right places.
Establishing it in the 49 states will inevitably lead to frayed relationships, a bad idea with the largest military power currently.
Africa would lead to Liberia 2.0, but then again, you would be able to learn from those mistakes.
We already did that. Now we have no white cities.
give them their own country.
>Spics, in as the spanish/amerindian admixture, have been there for as long as whites,
We beat your fucking teeth in when you tried to get jumpy, you're lucky we didn't push all the way through to the end of Mexico.
>asians went over as labourers in the 18th/19th centuries
Yeah very few of them.
>your way
>implying latino
you live in mexico, faggot. complaining about mexicans.
I was merely commenting upon the history of their presence, which you appear to agree with me on, as you did indeed push them back, which is why the Alamo is not in Mexico (If my U.S history is correct)
Also, check my flag, I'm not a spic, I'm a beady-eyed Anglo
you might be a retard, learn to read Paco.
Why is somebody as dumb as this nigger being given a platform to speak on anything at all?
For once I fell for the e-celeb bait and not at all surprised to see these people aren't worth giving a moment of my time.
Cheddar Man is with us. Niganda will rise and all your cheese will get BLACKED.
>I was merely commenting upon the history of their presence
Yes and i corrected you
>which you appear to agree with me on,
No i didn't, Spics and Gooks have no very little significance until recently in our history. Blacks / Native Indian Americans have been with us since the beginning and I respect that and I wish to work our differences out.
Hispanic's not a race you dumb nigger
IQ of tar
nice argument.
nice deflection
Ah, I see. I did not mean to come across as pushing the US 'melting pot' nonsense. By all means, the minute number of both groups, both in absolute terms and relative to the white population, does not, nor should, act as a casus belli for the current situation.
Paid shills never do. Controlled opposition both Jared and Tariq.. The skirted the issue all dam stream then when Based Alaska asked these faggots directly Tariq played dumb w/ race/religion and then Jared segway'd away from the conversation.
At UF .... this is a Florida thread now
America is a White / Black / Native American country weather I wanted it to be like that or not.
Of course this has always had its troubles mostly with Blacks and Whites, I wish to rectify that by giving them a portion of this country to them. Indians have reservations and loads of money given to them by the government which I'm totally okay with.
Spics and Gooks can fuck off.
Behold a white man
reminder that aryans were never good
>lose every world war
>don't kill the jews
>even give them a working modern victim narrative to abuse for centuries to come
>always disgusting socialists; e.g. national socialism, e.g. the state of the current EU
>fast forward to current year, flood the continent with unskilled niggers and spend everyone else's money on keeping them well fed
anglos are the master race and always were
fuck off a*glo, you ruin everything.
>Jewish White supremacy
>ruined the entire world with industry, science, and individualist civilization based on negative rights
Turns out it was a gay nigger from the dominican republic.
>ruined the entire world with industry, science, and individualist civilization based on negative rights
That's literally true though. Thanks for the liberalism cancer that lead us to this point, you filthy a*glo
Is Tariq a genius autistic troll?
Don't forget that anglos were and are the platform for the jews to destroy and corrupt the world
Jared accidentally btfo Sup Forums's Jew argument
old liberalism was essentially libertarianism, it's not the anglo's fault that the jews hijacked it into progressivism and the continental europeans fell for it
I missed the debate. Is there a link???
>Zimmerman obviously a Jew
Smug Jared is honestly one of the best things I've ever seen, all he had to was laugh and ask questions
I only listened to the first 10 minutes and realized Tariq literally really does treat whites as gods that can do whatever and control everything they want to. a lot like how whites on here talk about jews.
Liberalism and enlightenment values at their core are cancer. We shall expunge this caner and complete the system of German idealism
don't make me laugh faggot
also anglos are probably the worst drinkers on the continent(not to say the world),though still above muslims but probably not for long
The whole debate was beautiful.
Possibly the funniest show I've ever seen
I don't think he cares his career is race baiting he doesn't care about the truth he is the pinnacle of garbage. The kikes own him he knows exactly what he is doing I bet
good article btw desu, good find
You want the real history of the Jew?
enjoy :)
Do you know who the Hoteps are? What do you think of them? You may find good company there
Where can I watch more of him?
do a search on youtube for stay woke I guess. He know his shit right? hahhaa good stuff
swear to goid he sounds like a /[pol/ ack tell me he doesn't. Calling him subhuman untermencsh rofl
Are spics the problem or the people benefiting from them being here?
>Oswald Mosley wanted to spill aryan blood
There is a reason why your shitty meme never caught on. Because it just isn't true and anyone that reads/listens to the tiniest bit of Mosley will know that there was no anglo/aryan animosity at all.
Just a divide and conquer kike meme.