What are your thoughts on George Carlin?
Another dead baby boomer atheist.
not a nigger
Degenerate druggie.
He' dead to me now
Smug liberal, but I liked him in Bill and Ted's excellent Adventure
Too much of a fedora for my liking but made some good points
I used to love carlin and bill hicks.
Now I cannot stand their tired left leaning garbage ideas.
Dead Hippie.
Today's politically correct culture would have crucified him, and they are a direct decedent of his generations counter-culture.
He has some amusing bits, but sold out by buying in as a typical boomer who smoked weed and played with tie died philosophies would.
Bluepilled, went too easy on feminist hamplanets
and huuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr he was a libtard stupid stupid xD
He knew some shit, had based opinions on mussies but was a hair nigger lover.
He wasn't a boomer lol
Him and Bill Hicks were heroes who knew what was going on. I kind of resonate with Bill a little bit more, but Carlin was the original.
Have you not been paying attention leaf?
This is modern Sup Forums anyone that is not in their 20s is instantly a boomer.
Pretty funny. Only edgy teenagers take his political jokes seriously.
Liberal fedora who made some good jokes and threw an unintentional redpill or two from time to time.
Good when the fundie right still held social power.
He might have switched his focus with the times and switched to primarily mocking the left if he was still around.
He'd probably disown his daughter too.
Glad he killed himself
Painful watching him tell the truth and the masses just sit there laughing only to forget everything he said the moment they walk out the door
Overrated boomer cuck. Lots of his material was not comedy, just ranting.
He was funnier back in the 70's and 80's when he was just pointing out odd things and making dun of them. Then he became a cynical old man with the personality of an edgy 14yo boy.
I am an Uncle Dave
over rated
He died of a heart attack.
He was great in thomas the tank engine.
highly overrated but may as well be aristotle compared to the current year
A wizard with words. Cringy but worth a listen sometimes.
Smart guy, had a way with words.
>What are your thoughts on George Carlin?
self-important fool
Unfunny fuckstain edgelord hero.
I used to think he was cool, then I became aware of my surroundings and realized he turned into some Hollyweird Liberal Communist Jew
He got better with age. Timeless quotes like "you smell like an anchovies cunt."
Comedy is a very generational thing. I doubt people will think Dumb and Dumber or Anchor Man are funny movies 50 years from now.
Physical comedy is more universal, so the Three Stooges will probably play better in 50 years than those movies.
I honestly don't find George Carlin funny at all.
went to see him live, was my first idol and the first man to help me criticize the world around me. i owe him a great debt. i have since learned never to let my identity be defined by anyone. no one. but, it's always nice to hear a clear voice out there. even when they're hypocritical, just like i sometimes am.
politically i disagree with a lot of the things he says, but at the same time some parts of me agree. he was a fantastic comedian and will always be one of the best.
If he were alive today he'd probably be wearing a pussy hat
It’s always weird to me these threads always have kikes showing up to paint the man as a feminist/communist/thing-pol-hates
The guy all but named the Jew, he criticized everything they control.
My thoughts on George are........he is still dead.
>Another dead baby boomer atheist.
Carlin was part of the lost generation, which came before baby boomers. George Carlin was born in 1937, the baby boomers happened in 1946, after WWII.
George Carlin really had a great distaste for the baby boomers, he openly hated them, but targeted the group underneath them called Generation X.
I think in the end George Carlin swallowed a big black pill and said fuck everyone. He hated the right and he hated the left. He could see the globalist conspiracy.
young GC = thoughtful, insightful, clever, witty, etc.
old GC = scathing, eviscerating, grumpy old man
I dunno. If you watch some interviews of the guy he seemed like he would've become a fascist if it wasn't so goddamned dangerous. He shits all over the modern world, shhits all over normies before normies was a term. I bet if there was /pol when he grew up he'd be fashy, funny, and calling out jews allade time.
check'd and agree.
>and huuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr he was a libtard stupid stupid xD
He did identify himself as liberal in his early years, but liberalism took on a different meaning back then.
Before he died he was openly hateful towards the modern liberal agenda:
We didn't have cable television until I was around 10 or 11 years old and I vividly remember seeing HBO for the first time and seeing one of Carlin's specials that night. I took my cassette recorder and was able to record the last 20 minutes or so and listened to it obsessively until I finally caught the entire thing.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, has ever made me laugh as hard as 2:00 in this bit.
The way he says it is so goddamned hilarious. I watch that part at least a few times a week. It's been stuck in my head for going on twenty fucking years now.
Spooky language ..... SPOOKY LANGUAGE!
He's a redpill without a cause. Basically what pol would become before the internet.
A comedy legend. I wish I had seen one of his live shows. Do I agree with everything he said? No but Im an adult and realize no one agrees with me 100 percent. The man was incredibly funny and insightful
i got to see one. it was amazing seeing a man in his element, like a damn fish, the guy.
Is that Michael Weatherly?
Rest well, sweet prince
To my knowledge, did not bang Brando
Self inflicted heart attack.
No he ate McDonald's and smoked newports until he had a heart attack
Bitter old guy that spent too much time ranting in what was supposed to be comedy shows
How is it that I can spot a (((((1 post by this ID))))) shareblue shill thread in the catalog and all you dumb fuckers can't?
>what are your thoughts on x?
>why did they do x again?
>words words words conservashits
>picture of an Occupy Democrats whatever
It's like Sup Forums has the same hundred conversations over and over and over and nothing new gets said. What's the point of replying to this crap?
Yes I'm sure you have an important thread about Twitter e-celebs that you need at the top of the catalog
>durr he's a boomer
You can tell there's newfags or ignorant retards here because his comedy was defined by how he couldn't fit between the previous generation and the boomers, so he said fuck it and went on his own path.
>all but named the Jew, he criticized everything they control.
He gave people the impression that it was fat cigar chomping white men...
I'm sure you have a fresh take on George Carlin that's going to blow everyone's mind.
Oh, no, wait, you're just going to say something that's been said in a hundred previous George Carlin threads. Whoooooo! YOLO!
Dont agree with him on everything but he is a good guy, and funny.
He was much funnier in the 70s after you had smoked a few bowls.
he expanded my mind when I was 14
I haven't been 14 in a long time