Why did they demolish up the towers again?
Why did they demolish up the towers again?
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They were old and dirty
So some Jews could make billions on insurance fraud, also there was reportedly a bunch of gold bullion stolen from the basement of one of the towers days before they were taken down. And of course NWO and whatnot.
Jews got the insurance money and Dick Cheney got his jewish agenda (this was actually planned on paper years ahead) in order to attack Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, ... not Iraq yet, I think there were others I forgot. Look up Dick Cheney special interest groups and you will see how we got here.
George got to "avenge" his father by attacking Iraq.
Joogle lucky larry
correction... not Iran yet.
>George got to "avenge" his father by attacking Iraq
Wtf are youtalking about. Saddam actually threatened to kill bush family members at the earliest convenience
excuse to start a war in the middle east with nations Israel doesn't like. Not to mention all the Jews invested in arms industry.
This. They were filled with asbestos and the communication systems were awful. Also they wanted big open windows rather than the narrow windows in the towers.
Cause they hate freedom!
>They were filled with asbestos
fun fact: ambient fiber counts in new york STILL avg between 2-3 times higher than any other average size city. asbestos never goes away and sticks to anything. there will be some awesome studies completed thirty years from now
Too bad no further studies will be done on the thermite that was detected on some recovered debris. All the steel from the collapsed buildings was sold and shipped over-seas as fast as they could get it done.
There will not be any studies. They would get wetworks from Podesta. Scalia was the example heard around the world.
The debris is still around. It is in a scrapyard in china. They can't use it for anything or people would know that the earthquake that happened just before the tower fell was actually a nuclear weapon planted under the building.
Kaballistic ritual to destroy the will of man.
>There will not be any studies.
the air quality / asbestos situation will unfortunately be too large to contain in a couple decades. we're talking about 10+ million people exposed to fiber concentrations above the mcl for quite a while. quite a few people will die from this dust
The jews did 911 so that we would fight their enemy, muslims, in perpetuity. Plus the white genocide aspect of all the refugees war in the middle east would cause. Plus they used it to pass legislation such as the patriot act and other police state measures that wouldn't have been able to pass if not for the phony threat of terrorism. Plus they used the collective trauma and confusion in the after math to advance other social agendas, like the gay agenda, which wouldn't have passed previously.
After 9/11 a scientist (I think he was a microbiologist) decided to commit suicide by chopping his body into pieces and then putting himself into three suitcases which were found in the Hudson. This was the first narrative they told. I seriously doubt any studies will ever be done.
1. excuse to go to war
2. insurance (see Lucky Larry)
because it's way easier to convince your population that it's time for war when you hold up a ziploc baggie filled with sugar; to the tune of 3,000 dead americans.
Plus shorting airline stocks.
Keywords "Israeli art students"
Blood sacrifice goys.
False flag to invade Middle Eastern nations on false information "WMD". Keywords "General Wesley Clark"
Expand Israel in the aftermath. Keyword "Eretz Israel"
Get BTFO'd by Putin and Syria. Syrian oil field energy to Europe for Israeli Oil industry pipe dream.
Further AIPAC antimuslim sentiment. Especially Iran.
A sacrifice to Moloch
>nuclear weapon planted under the building.
Not nuclear but definitely a weapon.
Communication system excuse sounds lame.
How hard is it to run some wire?
5 countries in 7 years