MUH CAWFEE!! Reminder that if you need Coffee to get up in the morning, you are a SOYBOY!

Only SOYBOYS need MUH CAWFEE to get up in the morning. It's a sign of low-test which results in extreme fatigue requiring one to drink CAWFEE just to go to their deadbeat job and work for their (((BOSS))).

If you drink MUH CAWFEE, you are a SOYBOY!

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>manages to post a pic with no coffee in it
Jesus fuck leave the shitposting to your colonies you pitiful fuck

Um theres nothing wrong with drinking coffee...

If you drink tea you're a faggot

No here's the important reminder about

As much of a fag as you are, OP, I agree with you: being a low-energy drug dependant is disgraceful.

>being a NEET
>not degenerate

>post picture of teenfag drinking tea

I'm trying to kick this kike habit now, fucking worthless, jacks your cortisol for no reason, most people are fully awake in 20 minutes any way. If you like giving money to people who are fucking you over, drink coffee

Well, American coffee is basically dirty water that somehow resembles a little the taste of coffee, also it's too much to drink in the morning.

Espresso master race is another planet of course, it does its job and you don't need to pee and shit like a madman after you drink it.

You stupid Paki! That's a juice.

Black coffee is the best coffee senpai

it seems like you're having some slight spelling issues from all that testosterone
it's "coffee"

STFU faggot. I do uppers because doing drugs is cool. You straight edge fags love getting straight piped, by dudes. "I don't need drugs I'm high energy from all this cum I ingest."

what if I drink decaf, no sugar or milk. That's literally all I drink besides water and tea.

Only soyboys deal in absolutes.

thats why you just take extended release amphetamines with proper dosage. much less side effects than autistically drinking 10 cups of coffee in a day.

I drink it black though senpai

What if I drink it because I enjoy it?
>Cheapest beans I'll go is Costco shit.
>Grind 8 cups worth of beans(for my wife, my dad and I every morning)
>boil water
>French press after sitting for three minutes.
It's all in how you make it.

Yeah I'm gonna keep buying black house blend with two shots of espresso.
Then I'm going to pour Irish cream into it.


Fuck off idiot.

Espresso still makes me have to take a massive dump.

Some coffee is made from guano and big cat shit.
Wow what news.

That isn't coffee get your eyes checked.
>Starbucks is for faggots, plenty of other places for Joe

But coffee makes me shit more easily in the morning. Yes, I poop on company time.

I drink coffee so i can take a shit in the morning.

I drink coffee, and I guarantee I would stomp your stupid, ugly, limey ass easily. Try me, faggot.

>bong commenting on coffee
Tea is extremely soy desu

Not popping makes you less productive.

i drink soda. inb4 fat. im not

Tea is a better morning habit, with light breakfast and a book.

Pic related isnt even coffee. You sir are a moron. Good day.

I'm very glad I just jump right up out of bed and don't need coffee to get me going. Even when I'm hung over as shit. The only time I drink caffeine is when I'm drinking on a Friday/Saturday night so that I can stay awake a little bit longer and drink more.

God you're such a faggot; and coming from a LEAF that means something.

Fuck that, I use Alpha Male, two Brain Force Plus, an ECA stack, and then take my Super Male.

The low test comes from waking up hung over or still outright drunk almost every morning.

But Sup Forums holds being a useless, unproductive slob as sticking it to the (((man))) and the ultimate contemporary manifestation of the ubermench, on par with historical examples such as napoleon

Possibly the dumbest post I ever seen.

Pic related: Jocko loves coffee like most normal humans. The fags you're talking about get sugar drenched, soy filled estrogen juice.

Nay nay bud: coffee with one cream (real cream, not that powdered shit), no sugar, is the best.

Cold brew master race

Do you eat wheat thins too, faggot?

I've never tasted coffee and hate the smell of it. Does that make me the manliest man?

That's iced tea.

No, that makes you a fag. That's like not learning how to enjoy beer, smokes, or tomatoes after you grow up.

Implying burgers and brits even drink real coffee.

Your shit is awful.


no its a sign of low adrenals witch is much much worse

It's OK. I don't particularly care for coffee or smokes myself, but it's still one of those things you have to learn how to enjoy if you want to be a samurai and beat the Jews.

ok but what if I wake up feeling good because I live healthy, but I'm an introvert and a caffeine boost is really helpful in making me more gregarious (which is important for my job)?

Shut up you stupid fucking cunt.
I'm sick of this fucking shit, people fucking telling me what I can and can't consume.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business you queer fuck.
Fuck you.

>not drinking double double
cuckold detected

You could consume a little less semen though. That cant be healthy for you.

nah mate coffee is a mans drink is taken as a shot, you're literally a pussy if you can't smash an espresso shot.

luigi gets it

That's acceptable. Kind of like how it's OK to to maintain a buzz in order to be able to tolerate other people and act like you enjoy socializing.

>Not even coffee.
You fail.

coffee has been the common morning drink for westerners since time immemorial, the traditional man took his coffee black in the morning, at work and with his lunch and had a cup when he arrived home whilst waiting for dinner.

but alas, hipsters discovered coffee... so now the red pilled man has to give it up, just his beard.

sad times indeed, when we manly men's men have to be dictated our behaviour by the beta cuck soyboy numale bugmen.

guess we must resort to tea then.
o tempora, o mores.

>implying it's not just wasted protein
Look at this dude

Don't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders

Join the no substance master race; no drugs, alcohol, caffeine. I'm not religious but i still refuse to intake these substances that are ultimately harmful to your body.
The Romans didn't need fucking coffee to go conquer the known world. Get your heads out of your asses and make something of yourselves

This is coming a brit. Drink a spot of tea while we let the the royals eat our kids. God save the queen. Can't wait for the muslims to take over the UK.

tea seems gayer though imo

shut the fuck up, if you don't drink coffee you aren't getting up early enough

I do and people say I look like a faggot constantly. I've never drunk coffee.

coffee contains loads of antioxidants

I'm 34 and still don't like tomatoes. what am I doing wrong?

You are ABSOLUTELY a FAG lmao


shut up straight edge faggot, I bet you're vegan too.

>Sup Forums is shoved down my throat

Not growing your own and thinking what you buy at the store tastes anything at all like a tomato.

nigga that's not coffee

Caffeine is essentially pretty much the same as Alcohol or Tobacco.

So yes, consuming coffee means you're a weak-willed fag or uninformed.

Oh well, I hope these faggy cafcucks enjoy their splitting headaches when SHTF and they can't get their caffeine.

I drink coffee in the morning because I like the taste and it's comforting in this cold as fuck country, caffeine does absolutely nothing to me

so you expect me to drink my breakfast whiskey straight?

Dude fuck off I cannot do my job which requires tons of focused calculations without a solid mug of coffee beforehand. Then I drink black tea after lunch to keep me going until 5-6. I only know one black woman at my work who doesn't drink caffeine and I have no idea how she does it. Must have super human metabolism turning anything she eats into energy.

I'm not hating, my whole family drinks black coffee so I think it just runs in my genes. I just love the taste

Works best on an empty stomach to put a stop to the shakes and set you back on track to confront the coming day.

that's a specific style of coffee that isn't sold by shitty chains, minimum wage employees are just unhygienic streetshitters

be me
>working online from home, early AM for a few weeks
>never a coffee drinker - so ill try it
>buy really nice, higher end coffee maker
>buy some fresh ground coffee
>morning - make coffee and drink it - good energy!
>next morning wake up with a headache
>stop drinking it for a few days
>do the same again
>same thing again
>return coffee maker
fuck being a slave to the coffee jew

Vegans are usually the ones that drink copious amounts of coffee, Bruce. Coffee is now the soyboys drink.

Forza Italia my friend! Americans having the nerve to call anything other than espresso or Turkish coffee "coffee" is pure blasphemy. Although it's hard to blame them, you can't expect a young nation to have any real culture or class.

How hard have they been jew'd to call Starbucks, instant or drip coffee "coffee"

nah wheat thins taste like shit, usually shortbread

we get a pass we british are a higher breed then these mutts

>makes post notching about coffee
>posts a soyim drinking some shitty soybucks chai tea purple drank

Sage goes in all fields.

I drink a bottle of Stumptown Cold Brew every day. The unsweetened concentrate version.

10oz and about 280mg of caffeine, patrician flavor profile.

No plans to change.

Coffee was invented by ARABS. You are drinking the drink of your COLONISERS KEKOLD SOYBOY

yeah, but the hipsters have yet to appropriate tea and therefore it must be seen as hyper masculine.

That's why I only drink Monster Energy™

Sounds delightful!

.. he wrote, and went to have a nice ol' curry.

not a soyboy, just chinese

not here people who deny all substances are usually also vegan and listen to metal music. It's a strange and faggoty scene.

>not eating 137 grain organic artisan shortbread

ah cool. I wish I didn't live in a city. growing my own produce is the dream

How big is your cock?

Agreed. Green tea is superior.

Stfu. Dudes who can't suck down a cup of coffee are the same pussies who poor out bottom can of beer because it's warm. Grow the fuck up pussies.

You can grow them in a bucket. It's really that easy if you have a sunny spot for them. I've done it in the city before.

i'm no alcohol tea or coffe
i'm superhuman now?

This. I drink Japanese sencha green tea everyday for breakfast.

I’m so poor and lazy I drink instant coffee with milk
Whatever it’s better than smoking cigarettes