Internet blood sports
Last stream: WEWUZ vs Huwhite

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e-celebs are cancer

I'm glad Jim is alive

Brother Tariq showed those white supremacist scum a thing or two

>soygoy is so afraid of spencer that he is sending vee to die against him like cannon fodder
So much for Sargon elevating the higher qualities of the individual.

So Sargon appoints himself leader of a new political movement and agrees to debates only to cancel out of fear after a spergout where he called people niggers. No wonder 12 year olds are mocking him on Youtube now.

Where my Destiny fans @?

>e-celebs are cancer

"I get all my news and info from CNN."

I'm kind of curious what Destiny makes of the ongoing skeptic community implosion and Sargon melting down

>gets called a retard by spencer
>forms a new political ideology that is just atheism+libertarianism but more autistic
>gets told his new movement is retarded
>complains about that for a bit
>goes on a rant and calls the people he is supposed to be against niggers
>cancels debates against the people he called niggers
Carl of Swindon.

Probably kind of glad. He hates Sargon and mostly everyone in the Septic Community.

Don't forget he got destroyed by a 12 year old Ancap

latest word is that it is space AIDS, but we'll see

I'm worried bro, those new rule changes on twitch might fuck over political debate. They went full SJW

It's a damn shame, Jim should have been a good little nigger and gotten regular aids.



Thank you for this.

lots of things to comment on in this stream, but I think one of the most noteworthy is the fact Tariq seems to not see the difference between racial and religious jews.

if he agrees that jews are from israel, then he should accept that jews are not hwhite, because israel is in the middle east not europe. if he does not, then he must assume arabs are white, in addition to jews, because they are both basically from the same area.

if that is true, how can whites be only 8% of the world population, if you include the entire population of the middle east in the figure?

he really is just 1 step away from seeing jewish supremacy, he just hasnt differentiated between jews and whites yet.

Jews are vassals of white supremacy
They serve us now.
Just like the asians who are white and we can have aryan children with our jap waifus



that will probably be his next argument, should he concede that jews and whites are separate races. as it stands though, he does not see a difference, because he is only aware of the jewish religion not the racial group.

>they openly support the mob rule that is democracy
kids are becoming more redpilled

Just posting here to thank Tariq when he eventually checks this thread.

My eyes are now open. My cock is a tool used exclusively for world domination.

Ufff Lilypichu. I would unironically become the manlet’a best friend if only I get the chance to get close to her. Cute asians are indeed the white man weak spot.

Since they are just replacement whites, it would also not be racemixing.

The kid is actually sorta wrong with the idea of "Rights" The people in power do give people who are under them "Rights." if you're in a communist/fascist/western country. You're under the idea of rights. It was established by western thinkers of what is the idea of what rights are. What an authoritarian government thinks a right is runs counter to what a western liberal government thinks a right is. Rights are established by the people in power and by history.

This can be seen by how the west treats drug law and how China treats drug law. People state that it is a right through the idea of free trade/economic that people should be trading within it in the bounds that it is. Through within the realm of China they say it is dangerous to the collective of the society and the people of the community so it is not a right and is very destructive. Along with the one hundred years of humiliation/culture significance it placed upon them.

So, no, rights aren't universal. They are imposed upon by people in power.

Anyone have the dates for these?

Anglin vs Sargon on Baked Alaska's channel
Spencer vs Vee on Andy Warski's channel

To be completely fair to dicks, all cocks are to be used for that. If we forced women to take a dick every time they wanted to vote, they'd never cuck the west again.

nigga he's fucking 12. do you really think he knows what he's talking about?

>watch a 12 year old's video on politics
>make a paragraph long response
I think we've found vee guys

audible kek

He's correct. True rights exist regardless of if they are protected or not. Free speech exists whether it is protected or not. A German could deny the Holocaust but the state would infringe on that right. The right to free healthcare does not exist unless there doctors, medicine, and so to provide it. People who say free to do something but not free from consequences are correct. The Bill of Rights is there to protect the rights, it does not give or create them.

I was only pointing out flaws in his reasoning after listening to his video, my dude.
I don't eat enough sunflower seeds to be a gypsie.

>I don't eat enough sunflower seeds to be a gypsie.
that is slav thing as well


Romanian niggers fuck off

>everyone is beautiful
>everyone is beautiful
>everyone is beautiful

rec me the highlights of that stream

I can't believe it's real

Started watching it, Jared fucked up on moment one when he indulged Tariq in his retardation. went on too long with this and it got boring. does it get any better?

>Romanian niggers

At one point he says that he was kangz and shieyt

no, they aren't

Its a china thing too. Go to china its like a swarm of birds are all over the fucking streets but its people spitting up the sunflower seeds.

so this is the ingenuity of the gypsy...

That's what a Romanian looks like irl, not an American

Americans are objectively superior to Slavic peasants LOL

basically the local equivalent of a gopnik does that in romania and i suspect china as well

is tariq going to upload the stream? wha happened tariq?



same fagging can tell when i get one of you


here's another good debate with jared taylor

Baked Alaska is so fucking boring

Goys twitch is changing there TOS soon. Guess who breaks the new TOS alot.

God I remember that one HAHAHAHAHAHA

Honest question. Does Tariq's audience genuinely fall for his nonsense? Can anyone be this stupid?

quick rundown
>every minority in america is in the service of white supremacy
>asian nations are white supremacy vassals
>we wuz greek we wuz romans we wuz british
>we can destroy the world with muh dik
>black crime rate is not high well it is but because muh racism
>africa does not have crime
and some other things pretty good stream all around

defuq is that?
fucking weird ass, alien ass negriod language do you shit birds speak?

gopnik is the name of the sort of people the squatting slav meme is based on.

I might be late to the Tariq Vs Jared debate but anyone else think it's weird how he keeps saying how white supremacists are smarter than blacks and whites and how they would play dumb? And how white supremacy in israel oppress black jews?
Isn't he literally describing jews?

What is he breaking?

>Isn't he literally describing jews?
jews are white according to him

Boy he needs to look at the following asian nations:

Thailand is the more interesting once since it's had fucking 19 military coups since 1930 and I don't think anyone could be a fucking vassal of that fucking hornets nest. Want to know why we have thaifood in America? It's because of the instability in fucking Thailand.


read the new TOS paypig


Vee vs Spencer should be a fucking trainwreck.

nice digits. yeah, I'm about more than half through. taylor is 200% smug it's hilarious watching him toy. I was just fucking around, I know why he hasn't uploaded it.

I know, but I find it interesting he has identified jews and their behavior and negative impact on blacks but still thinks they're white, are we sure he's isn't saying (((White Supremacists))) ?

yea he doesnt differentiate between racial jews and religious. baked asked him about jews and he basically said anyone can be a jew because its a religion, totally missing the race point.

but white supremacy controls the economy so check mate according to Tariq
God level patience on Taylor dont know how he deals with all these people
think Tariq is a scam artist selling bullshit to dumber blacks

>squatting slav meme

Those proud military coups. All nineteen of them. Along with the buddhists rising up against the muslims in Myanmar and basically telling them to go fuck themselves because they were tired of taking their shit when the Muslims had control of their control when it was Burma. (People forget about that time.)


is that sargon of akkad?

gopniks arent like niggers
its a working class subculture developed in the eastern block you need a job to be working class

yes indeed it is

Tariq Nasheed is correct that the most powerful people on the planet are Western supremecists.But he is a nigger so he can literally only view it all in terms of "black" and "white". In reality, the wars that the United States has fought since world war 2 were solely meant to futrther Western interests in regions where native populations had no fucking desire of embracing Western ideals. The unashamed support of the Untied States and the West for a Western imperialist colony like Israel is another example of this. Native populations and their religions and cultures WILL be crushed under the boots of neo colonialist Western capitalists, they solely care about producing braindead consumerists to sell their iphones and Big Macs to.

Basically yes. And AFAIK he knows that the jews are the ones who control wallstreet, politics, the slave ships, etc but he just seems them as white, so yeah. This is true of almost all blacks, btw, and it's why there's little point trying to redpill nogs on jews. They will always just see them as white.

If he wants to feel like he's a second class citizen he should go to China where there is a place called "Chocolate town." in Guangzhou and where most people will honestly think he's just a drug dealer given how fucking racist Chinese people are against black people. He needs to realized just how fucking lucky he is for living in America the god damn scam artist.

>Any activity that may endanger your life or lead to your physical harm is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: suicide threats, intentional physical trauma, use of illegal drugs, and drinking excessively.
If he can't say he's going to kill himself, he might actually kill himself.
Another thing is I wonder if you could honeypot someone into them letting you onto their channel, and then play copyright content so that they broadcast it by proxy.

The Chinese have their own interests, so do the Russians. Incoherent ramblings about "racism" do not have any ramifications on the global game of geopolitics whatsoever. Everyone is fighting for supremacy. So far, the West has been winning.

>just about to watch tariq/taylor
>feel uncomfortable as fuck watching it already as Tariq is saying the world is white suprmacist
Taylor deserves better than this

Oh no. They do not -at- all. China has been making big missteps on a few domestic policies though that is the least one I have to say. The biggest one is the Bhutan Indian crisis which always makes them look -real- shakey when they try to extend their geopolitical arm towards other nations.

The Uyghurs and Tibetans are waiting for a major Chinese downturn so that they can rebel. God only knows what the Han actually think of the Party. Not to mention the other ethnic groups that exist in China but without a proper region like the Tibetans or Uyghurs.

Bummed I miss the livechat on this one, watching it now. Tariq's argument is that whites dominate others by sheer force, he makes it sound it they're superior or something....


Every time I see these threads, every time I see that set of letters all I can is "irritable bowel syndrome." Just stopping in to let you know that your acronym is terrible.


Sargon already said he won't talk with any one of the Alt-right unless they publicly apologize to him first.

next thread just keep it as Internet Bloodsports thread or something.

>Where did white supremacists come from? Were they created by Yakub?


/IBSG/ or /IBG/

Hi /leftypol/.


That's all true, but this is a refutation of ALL forms of liberalism based on the concept of rights, which includes ancapism AND sargon's classical liberalism. So Sup Forums can easily argue against ancapism on this basis, but Sargon cannot, because it refutes his own world view too.

Also keep in mind this is some 10 year old fucking kid BTFOing sargon. Imagine where he'll be in a few years.

Here's his origin story

>tfw thought whites were going extinct
>tfw you get woke and realize Asians are now white
>tfw there's 1 billion+ whites on the earth
we did it bros