What did Assange mean with this?

Mediaops soon?

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If sunshine is the best disinfectant Warner is about to get disinfected

ecclesiastes 12, 1-8
all im gonna say

what is that

cunts freezing his dick off thinking of sunny 40c aus

Global warming, which is why it's so cold


>When you lose your mind and start stating random facts about the weather

We are the race of the sun.

Who is Warner?


Praise the Sun of course.



Apparently Dem Mark Warner colluded with Steele. Warner is member of the committee investigating the Trump Russia. Unbelievable

Assuming Warner isn't an accident.... Is that a person?

Assuming he means warmer.... He's saying that when light shines on the crime scene (investigation).... the people involve get nervous because the heat is on.


wow. julian assange is still alive? who knew? who cares?

Oh hai


He's been dead for over a year.


Meme flag. Opinion discarded.


What it means is that senator warner is about to get burnt.


hehe ignore that the public key changed goys nothing to see here XD


Probably should say more

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right

Pop Warner. JV team of football. The sun. Sunday. Sunday football! There is going to be a terrorist attack at the superbowl! OMG someone tell rush!

Mark Warner

On a side note, I reckon the reason it’s taking so fucking long to arrest anyone is that black ops are taking out rogue assets/Mossad nigger operators. Thoughts?


If assangel was actually releasing any info ZOG intel didn't want him to he would be dead

Games are over once arrests start. People will start dying immediately and senators we'll be leaving the country


Who is the it referred too by assange?


Bring it

1 space to the right maybe?

didn't post chessboards?

when the light shines on Warner he is exposed

Can't imagine how that would have not affected their work

Nobody. Assange has lost his mind in the hole he's living in and Sup Forums thinks his drivel means something.

Adam (((Waldman)))

>ecclesiastes 12, 1-8
>all im gonna say
Ecclesiastes 12:1-8King James Version (KJV)

12Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;

2While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain:

3In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened,

4And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low;

5Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets:

6Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.

7Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

8Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.

Give (yous)



Things are hearing up now that sunlight is exposing everything?

You dumb fucks. The DNC is going down soon. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Warner

Warner is about to be lit.

you assange death truthers are pathetic

is it a tick or a tock?


You think you can spot a hoax from 50 years ago, but you can't spot one going on right in front of your face.

next he'll he saying when it rains the ground gets obama

give me your most convincing piece of evidence. i am always open to be convinced

When it earthquakes Obama gets hot dogs.

"things are heating up."


You might want to Google "Warner" and then literally fuck your own face

D-delete this!



Democracy dies in darkness! Trump will be in jail soon!

That's deep. Im gonna study it.




All of Wikileaks PGP keys have expired indicating that it is no longer operating as it used to (or at all because nobody can encrypt leaks to them right now).
Including the High Security PGP proof of life key Julian made specifically in the case that they got him or he disappeared that we would be able to identify him with the cryptographic digital fingerprint only he would be able to produce.
Then of course he went missing and when FOOLIAN reemerged after months he basically said
>What, oh that old proof of life key thing? No, there's no point in me doing that it was a silly idea all that would prove is that I have the key.
Which of course is the whole fucking point of its existence.
Only brainlets and shills pretends Assange is fine. When in actual fact the pedo satanists killed him before he could expose Clinton as a child trafficker. He is quoted as saying "my next release will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton"
Pic related

>Including the High Security PGP proof of life key Julian made specifically in the case that they got him or he disappeared that we would be able to identify him with the cryptographic digital fingerprint only he would be able to produce
where was this information posted?


3 hours man?

> he hasn't seen sun for years

i'm getting sleepy, guys can we all just go to sleep? i think its time for bed

One tweet in the hand is worth two in the dubya bush

Why Not Both?

It was common knowledge amongst his supporters, and was reported widely among the media but dun dun dun....
It's nowhere to be found, because, gasp, it's a huge conspiracy!

Even just the existence of the high security PGP key OR all his supporters commenting "No PGP = Dead" in Foolian's AMA is enough.

Plus I know you're a shill just for asking this, so you are going to hang when the people see the videos in the insurance files lololololololololol

Maybe he's just drunk

Global warming is fake.

If you are not a disinfo shill. Why hide behind the meme flag?

When it McCains it pours.

lol im no shill there is just zero reason why they would go through faking it. what would be the big deal if he was kidnapped or killed? any deadmans switch would be suppressed especially all the people related to wikileaks that ended up dead. and if he cant leave the embassy it wouldnt be hard to track that down. and the pictures of the armored vehicles were weird. you are just throwing out crazy shit

why does this read like two russian people in a chatroom?

When did strzok go to London?

>Wikileaks Compromised? Assange Refuses to Give Digital Proof of Life Key After Warning About It Video
>After saying in the past that if he could not provide digital proof of life via a key, to assume Wikileaks has been compromised!
Suck it retard. His dead man's switch did go off. There are many movers and shakers currently, the great information war is ongoing.

can you tell me why they are faking him


My flag would immediately reveal who I am to the enemy

Yes he even warned against this is the same breath as that previous statement which cannot be found anywhere other than in that secondary article.
He warned us if they got him they'd do everything in their power to make it look like he was still alive that's why the PGP thing was the only thing we could trust.
They have replaced him with a doppelganger to confuse and fool the public and most importantly so that they do not start looking for the insurance file decryption keys.

You, sir. I like you.

ok that is actually somewhat believable. can you link to where he warned about not giving the PGP key? and how they would make it to look like hes alive



Prosthetics on a suitable doppleganger? Plastics? They had many years to prepare for it.
I can't find the first person source, as I said it's a conspiracy and they've covered their tracks well. During the week of D.A.K you couldn't even post about it here or any other boards. Only endchan remained uncompromised.


Warner, NH? Is it happening?!

Doesn't really matter.
Julian Assange isn't a real person.
Neither is Edward Snowden.

Drumpf spreading fake lies again to try to cover up his asking putin to rig the election for him. Keep shilling idiots. Muller is coming for you next

any day now for the next 7 years, right?

>implying "warner" is a typo
it's not.

lmao thats neil de grasse tyson tier

I saw a pretty lengthy post summarizing what happened that week. Apparently people did have the keys but your computer would literally get bricked if you used them or something? Massive internet outage happened too. Do you have a screenshot because it was the spookiest fucking thing I ever read

I didn't.

Retard cant even spell warmer lmao