Emo culture

was emo culture the last white ethnoculture? I can’t think of any other subcultures this white

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>this dude slaps your gf’s ass and rawrs at her
What do?


yank his lip rings out

actually, french

dunno ask logan paul

emo was fucking gay and i'm glad it's dead
all the guys were bisexual attention faggots and im glad it's younger and gayer brother, scene, is dead too

not white

Suck a log of shit out of his ass. Imagine feeling it Slidding down your throat

Not at all
Jews don’t skateboard or listen to emo music

If I crossed a corner in a dark street and I saw this guy I would absolutely let out a scream.

But I like this meme just doesn’t belong on pol

Suit yourself. More logs for me

Objectively not a true statement, as Japan has had a thriving “emo” counterculture scene since the early 90s.



However in the West it was a predominantly white movement

Emo is/was a direct assault on white culture. Sure Emo Faggots could be of any race, but it targeted impressionable, young, white kids.

It prompted victim culture (remember the cutting trend?) everyone had to one up each other on who was the bigger victim, it promoted androgyny, suicide, narcissism, homosexuality. The list goes on.. It was an assualt on the next generation, which is now the current one.

Former Emos are current Cucks!

>no goth gf

ask him if I can tickle his asshole while he fucks her

Those miserable tards parade marched white culture down degenerate road waving cock-shaped flags.

This, it was a cringey part of my life but it never was about degenerate drugs and spreading std's. It was a more wholesome culture despite its naiveity.

There were black emos too


No Emo kid I knew became right-wing.

No right-wing guy I know now was an Emo.

thats a trap

There were like 10 in total cmon

dude you're better off, believe me

id fuk it

loggin in

Nuu I want goth gf pls so I can give her feet rubs

I knew a bunch of mexicans that were into that emo shit in the 2000s so I never thought of it as a huwite thing.

Visual kei and emo are not the same at all and come from completely different roots

Visual kei is also better than emo

Was a chubby emo fag, now /fit/

Are you kidding me
I know a bunch of 35 year old white dudes with kids and a wife living in the suburbs that used to be emo

We fucking hunted down those faggotd here.


Emo was white, American emo was perpetuated primarily by whites, emo music was all whites, pretty much everythig about it was white. There were some non-whites that followed the culture but not by any large means. Sure there were spin-offs in other countries but there always are for every subculture.
Get a load of this faggot

>last white ethnoculture
What about soyboy culture?

Christcucks ruin everything baka

I was an emo fag in highschool. Now I want to gas all kikes

Wow third-worlders acting like third-worlders? What a surprise.

>dem feet

Was an emo through highschool, then became right-wing, now I transitioned to Nazbol and I lift

I guess lawns aren't the only thing they cut.

It's a shame too. Scene girls were hot as fuck.

Nope. This was the last white ethno culture.

Stop staring at her feet

>beaners chimp out because they think emos are the servants of gazpacho diablo de muerte or some other superstitious horseshit

As much as I hate to admit this, I was pretty scene/emo around 9th grade. All my clothes came from Hot Topic, I spiked my hair, I wore Tripp pants, the works. Every single scene girl I knew would fuck ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE. There was one girl who, by 17, had slept with every single guy I knew, including me. Upwards of 25. Girls in these subcultures are the worst women on the entire planet. I remember one morning at like 3am at iHop (we lived at iHop basically), a different girl than previously mentioned was telling the whole table that she had fucked 4 guys in the last 3 days. She was seriously proud of herself, and this seemed pretty normal to us at the time. Looking back, I can't believe how degenerate and nasty that time in my life was. Don't romanticize goth girls because of the recent tfw no goth gf bullshit going around.

>Sup Forums hates soyboys, nu-males, hipsters and druggie degenerates
>Sup Forums loves and embraces a subculture that is specifically meant to turn white teenagers into all of these things as young adults
Get a hold of yourselves, holy shit.

Holy shit this thread reminded me of this song


feet are redpilled though

So you're a retard. The flag checks out.

You are correct, but 99% of normies lump anything that is dressed in black as “emo”, may it be goth, vk, emo, or scene.

Assumed OP was using term in such a way

god these guys were the biggest faggots

This shut swept through Japan and Mexico

>white culture

Neck yourself

Pale, smelly goth girl feets

Stop giving me your fetish

What is it about these girls specifically though? You don't have women dress up like this and listen to their shit music without an internal cause. What's the connection?

Plenty of Mexicans were into Emo shit back when I was in high school around 2007 in Texas.

you dont want mentally unstable girls with issues who try to be "scene" as gf's,trust me buddy

give em a kiss

this guy knows whats up
maybe pump and dump but never,ever get yourself a weeb/alt/emo/goth as a gf

Maybe not but I do want pale gf that wears black nail polish

Great now i have the feetish

You infected me with it

I was in a metalcore band in the metal emo years

Shit was absolutely cash

kek I was looking for this

nothing wrong with that mate
just don't let her go in those circles
it will end badly
>t. had goth/weebish gf for 4 months
never fucking again will I deal with that shit

I think a lot of it is the female to male ratio. It was really fucking rare for the girls to outnumber the boys. Any time that happens, the girls are huge sluts. That's just how girls who seek out majority male spaces are. I've also seen this at gun clubs. The girls there are more discreet about it, but they fuck a lot too. This is why I trust absolutely none of the prominent right-wing female e-celebs. I know how women behave when they're a sought-after rarity in groups of men. I'd bet money that they have several men on the go at any given time, especially the ones with followers in the low thousands. That's what happened with Evalion.

Women with mostly male friends or acquaintances and women who specifically seek out majority male spaces are whores. Absolutely no exceptions.

also if she thinks suicide squad is a good movie or likes harley quinn,run as fast as you fucking can and don't even look back

What was the lady like, user.

They didn't go away, they just transitioned into hipsters, who are equally faggy.

My hair is still pretty emo. I get a lot of prime 19-25 yo sad girls.
>fairly fit
>great job
>14:88 til I die

Idc what you say they make good music!

>look her name up
>find pic related
Emo girls, not even once.

>likes harley quinn

Yeah, good call. This is one of the easiest red flags to spot.

>14:88 til I die


How do you get your hair like that. Do you straighten it?

What a faggot

lol right, we know you saved that, hans.

>all the guys were bisexual attention faggots

Two of my buddies were the ideal scene boys (very thin, pale, black hair, eyeliner, etc), and they made shitloads of cash making out for girls. We'd go to a show at the skatepark, and they'd make 200 bucks in a few hours. These fucked up girls would pay them 20 bucks to watch a 30 second make-out. My friends weren't actually into it. It was totally gay-for-pay.

I don’t shampoo or condition ever, makes it malleable so you can kind of just shape it into place

Post feet


Emos and goths and most alt cultures based on music are the most retarded libshit "refugees welcome "cultures . They are also quite degenerate, with drug use and general moral degeneracy, DUDE WEED tier intellectuals.
Also nowadays the girls are just mentally ill self proclaimed " bad sarcastic bitches" with a liking for harley quinn and entry level taste in "hipster" hobbies. Males are extremely effeminate pale faggots who act like fucking retarded fags.
Tldr, girls have no personality and that's fine, but emo girls act like and delude themselve into thinking they do and that is a huge red flag


Local rock is still 95% white at least, hipster culture is mostly white from what I’ve seen.

Does India really have these people too?

Not exactly emo related but close to emo groups in a way, anyone noticed how back in highschool those very few outcast girls that hung out with the guys who were outcasts too and listened purely to metal music were lowkey whores? Its usually like one girl and like 4-5 outcast dudes and they're all into metal music.

This user is pretty spot on about degeneracy in certain girls.

No, i just happen to have a triple chin when looking down.

I remember being into "emo" music in ... 97? 98? It was just post-hardcore shit, there was now weird clothing and faggy hairstyles. Then sometime around 99 - 2000, "emo" came to mean "faggot". IDK how that happened.

No, but emotionally weak faggots and attention starved whores exist everywhere

Emo culture is coming back but in black culture... rappers try really hard to stick out and be edgy

Im still emo and get chicks at the age of 22. Get fucked im never going away

So you've never had friends

I like the 80s post-punk equivalent to 90s EMO MUCH better.

Everyday is Like Sunday

It doesn’t count when the girls are 14-16 year olds, douchecreep

is tickling fetish redpilled or degenerate?

You'll grow out of it

Feet is only redpill fetish

what if I like to tickle feet?

My man


In 2-3 years, you'll realize that you look ridiculous.

Sorry you're only allowed to sniff/massage them or else it's not redpill