If this guy is a total cuck, how come most women love him and voted for him????

If this guy is a total cuck, how come most women love him and voted for him????

Because women are groupthinking followers who shouldn't be allowed to vote

yeah but, shouldnt they be disgusted by a cuck? Are you aware that what youve said implies that in order to attract women one must become a cuck?

Because he says words like "peoplekind" rather than "grab 'em by the pussy"

Because woman like cucks. It's the idea that they can have a beta provider, and still fuck chad.

If i was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Trudeau and only had 2 bullets, I would shoot Trudeau twice.

the same way Charles mansion had woman who wanted to fuck and marry him.
its called a cult.

interesting. But it implies that if you seek long term relationship, you can`t be a chad and must become a cuck.

he is the embodiment of "careful what you wish for"


Really you shoukd shoot Trudeau and then yourself, raking the room in the process

Because he looks like he should be in a boyband and is powerful.

He's a cuck politically, but most women voted for his appearance not his politics.

>Because woman like cucks. It's the idea that they can have a beta provider, and still fuck chad.

Women love handsome cucks more than even broken bad boys.

He has high status which trumps everything else

They despise cucks when they get to know them
the normal fantasy of stupid women is that they're gonna convert Trudeau from a faggotcuck into a lascivious lover who can't control around her.
Femenine fantasies are the epitome of stupidity, and females act based on their fantasies, so can you imagine how they act and vote?


He's good looking. That's about it.

He is tall, good looking and wealthy. Plus he is a pussy whipped cuck which woman love.

>They despise cucks when they get to know them
they think they want a nice guy when to treat them kindly, but nice guys don't make panties wet
god women are stupid

>they think they want a nice guy to treat them kindly

>Canada was comming off 9 years of Harper's conservatives
>Mulcair's NDP shit the bed
>No other parties matter outside of Quebec
>Famous name
>He didn't really unleash his full cuck until he took office

Also muh feminism

All leftist women want a beta cuck to support them while they go out and fuck Chad killers. Its the exact story of how he came to be born.


Other than that, I think it`s a plausible explanation. Just dont do that again. I like rush and don`t want to have their image associated with this guy in my mind.

There be roasties in Canada, matie. They vote in droves. Get out, and sail for finer seas.

He's The Caring Gay Friend. DUH

>Canada was comming off 9 years of Harper's conservatives
>9 years of conservative government yet still in its current state
Really makes me wonder

No He's our leaf user

Isn't politics generally about one side trying to subvert the other from getting too out of control? Why have Canada's ruling conservatives failed to prevent rampant feminism and pro-homosexualist policies, as well as other attacks on traditional morals and free speech, were they embracing it, too?

Is Kwame Kilpatrick was a crook who primarily stole from the black community why did 90 percent of Detroit vote to re-elect him even tho he was in jail and not up for reelection


Have you ever noticed how he always pulls up his sleeves ? Go to any video on YouTube titled '10 things boys do that girls secretly like' and you will see that girls/women are really into men that pull up their sleeves. He's totally engineered for the female voter and some men who wanted free weed and before you know it he wins an election.

These niggers would have voted for Idi Amin, they would have voted for everyone as long as he's black.

You just have to find a good woman
Hint: she wont be on tinder

>get powerful man and status
>will let you and even encourage you to fuck men on the side

Do you even think before posting?

not if they want to use the cuck for something. they like trudeau because he is just like them in that his political persona boils down to virtue signaling and emotional, moralistic arguments for modern leftism.

women like beta cucks who roll over for them
strong men get them angry(but horny)

>how come most women love him
uh because he's hot unlike all of you fat VIRGIN LOSERS lol

He has power, women like men with power.

>Canadian PM

Pick one

who gives a mother fuck what women want or think they want? Or think at all?

I don't know anyone who voted for him. pretty it was because of all the fucking weed fags coming out of their holes to vote for the first time

Nobody but the law

>Liberals won 40 seats in Quebec
>35 of these seats were from the Greater Montreal Area
>Only 20% of male Quebecer voted for the cuck
>Women, Immigrants and Anglos voted that cunt in
Really make you think.

Most women didn't vote for this idiot.
Only woman I know who voted for him was my mother-in-law. She was 88 and thought she was voting for Pierre.
This waste of skin was voted in because he promised to legalize weed. Sickening..

Quebec is definitely to blame. Quebec votes tribally, we all know that. But it's male and female alike. They'll vote for anyone with a French surname. It's not a male vs. female thing. They're francophone and they'll vote in any waste of skin who is francophone.

Study cuddle fish.

This image seems rather foolish to post now that he is well on the way to a fucking rocket that can land on Mars!