What does Sup Forums think of this man?
WTF America Is Waking Up!?
Throw any rocks at tanks lately?
I am not palestinien , I am visiting Bethlehem.
This is Our Guy.
And Sup Forums in infinite chan is going to meme him into Office.
Come on board anons.
Hey rabbi whatcha doin'?
Yes. If u wonder where did all these "nazis" came from they just waited for the right time to do so.
And now it begins,enjoy!
god bless him
If the first time I've ever heard of this guy is on CNN, it's not a great start.
I hope palistinians kill the jews
I fully support meming this guy into office. He's got no chance in hell but man would that be funny.
The anchor couldn't handle his power level. She wasn't even really asking him anything, just trying to virtue signal the entire time.
Cut dick
Holy shit. I watched that expecting cringe but he basically owned her. Fucking based old man, I hope he wins. I'm surprised he didn't ask her about all the Jewish executives at CNN, would've put the final nail in her coffin.
Waking up? Idk but there's a good amount of people getting exhausted, and annoyed by the left and their perpetual feigned outrage and victim Olympics that just don't really care what happens anymore. Leftists are draining its like toddlers keeping mommy and daddy up all night with their crying. If they don't grow out of it someone's probably gonna snap and drown them in the bathtub so to speak.
It's so fucking catchy. Somebody should make a song out of it.
I can't blame him. Illinois would break me too.
Here's the district.
Incumbent opponent has ties to
>1999-2000: Staff, U.S. Rep. Rod Blagojevich
Dig, dig dig!
>78.8% white
>3.8% black
It's not impossible. Nothing is impossible.
NSM controlled opposition to make right wing look bad.
digits say we meme into office
dont cry Shekelberg
>NSM controlled opposition to make right wing look bad.
Fuck the right wing.
that was great
he should have yelled at her for saying the slur nazi. it is national socialist.
Kek. Bless this man.
He makes the kikes feel like noselets
I don't know but that guy looks crazy like he wants to hurt people crazy. I don't trust him and his denying history concerns me.
t. jew
that dude looks like a planted agent to make Sup Forums look bad.
I mean is it so hard to believe that these people are just actors or dug up like the flat earth psyop to discredit actual movements?
>to make Sup Forums look bad.
What the fuck are you talking about? Stupid nigger.
Sup Forums has never looked good, and it will never look good, you shit for brains shill faggot.
There's no such thing as "the reputation of Sup Forums"... it's a board of anonymous retards
Based Fischer.
I'm pretty sure Emil Barth and Emil Eichorn were jewish
It was all the canned garbage and responses.
He did good, but got a little too hyped. Had he remained calmer and more aloof, she would have appeared more foolish, which she was.
Want to bet he is an FBI informant.
Who's purpose is to draw the medias attention
from the Deep State.
Smoke and Mirrors
This draws more attention to the deepstate and to (((them))). he also has quite a history in these organizations and served in vietnam. you're just larping as someone who watched the video, you retarded faggot
This guy really brings out the newfags and jews from Sup Forums. Definitely /ourguy/
Told a whopper to get normies to go on a feels trip and believe it without questioning. As soon as they do I will reveal to them that it is a lie and tell them not to believe every horror story. Redpilling?
It was about a relative being an inmate in the camp, with obvious but believable lies, but I won't divulge details here so as to not sabotage it. Wish me luck, will update.
lol this
this guys the best
>Want to bet he is an FBI informant.
>Who's purpose is to draw the medias attention
>from the Deep State.
>Smoke and Mirrors
FBI did it with KKK When the FBI began to investigate the North Carolina Ku Klux Klan, one of their most important informants was a member of Grand Dragon Bob Jones' inner circle.
Over nearly two years of undercover operations, Dobyns and a team of ATF agents, technicians and confidential informants infiltrated the Hells Angels
Anonymous superhacker turned FBI informant Sabu
This guy literally won't do anything more than make people question the holocaust. If they're trying to obscure the truth, they're pretty awful at it. People who think right wingers are nazis are too far gone to matter anyways
"You're pinning it all on that paper." Was he really?
I just read this article; it is bullshit, same style of untruthfulness:
That article is easy to deconstruct if you think about it.
but that man looks like a jew, what is going on here?
So what if he's an fbi informant? What's your point?
It is to distract the media from the fact that the
Deep State in DOJ, FBI, CIA, used FISA warant
to spy on a political opponent.
That they fixed the Hilary investigation.
The literally attempted a coup d'état
The FBI Emails show it
So you're saying it's a slide news story?
Like, if the news covers anything besides the story you're interested in, that's a tactic to distract people?
The reality is, probably nothing will come of the shit you're talking about.
This guy is great. Any pols in this district should help him win. We need to elect politicians that keep us out of war and control spending.
The God Emperor also had no chance.
Then Kek happened.
Let us use meme magic, we'll see what happens.
Cant watch CNN for the life of me, they never have a real fucking argument about anything. its always "OMG DISGUSTING" or "OMG APPAULING"
>reactions reactions reactions no reason
fucking painful to even witness, their entire agenda is name calling
She has no arguments, she just lazily throws out accusations that she knows the public will reflexively side with her on. Smug and unintelligent.
>literal fedora boomer
makes me want to be libertarian again
where can i buy that coffee mug
Bait by possible plant.
>waking up
2 party jew party!
Never heard of the guy until yesterday and now they want to push him on us. Look at this board there are like 10 threads about this guy saying /ourguy/
Or the MSM wants to talk about some Trump staffer that beat his bitch wife 5 years ago
Meanwhile no one is talking about FBI text messages now or Obama corruption
You are a newfag.
If you watch the video would understand.
Our Guy was talking in a podium at the National Socialist Movement.
He is hyper BASED.