The end if nigh. Fuck everything

There is no God guys you might as well drink crippling depression like it was bleach, rape each other's children, praise moloch, do hard and soft drugs, invite terrorists into your homeland, let other men sleep with your wives and gfs, shoot cops, ban the nuclear family, let women step on your dick with high heels, drink enough soy to drown the state of California, join antifa, riot after the Eagles win even though you were rooting for them, and chop off your foreskin before feeding it to your cat.

Oh and by the way I dare any one of you faggot dicklickers to prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

Having a hard time with the blackpill, user?

>let women step on your dick with high heels,
>implying letting women step on your dick with heels is funner than wearing the heels yourself
What a faggot


Get this man a white pill stat

What white pill? It's over mate, no solution. Just chaos.

everytime i see that picture all i cant think about is how much i want to see that shitty expression knocked off of that boys face


What boy? I see a literal chimp

if you belive in the whole jews influence in the world you have to belive in god because they worship somone and they prove htat shit nigga


Someone else's belief in a deity doesn't prove the existence of the opposite deity.

but that black dude shitting down looks like a nice guy

guys desu I want to just get it over with, but I've become too apathetic to even kill myself. I feel like we're all cattle and I don't even care anymore. Gonna go get myself some pie.

you think the smartest most evil people in the world, who base thier belief and cause in thier religion dosent at least make it note worthy?

First you go from someone else's belief as being proof, to now only being noteworthy?
Which is it?
Of course it's noteworthy. Every detail of our enemies is noteworthy.

Investigate nature read about how the human body is constructed and how it works look at the natural world and how it works then try convince yourself life is a coincidence

don't give up user. a collapse of the western world is coming, and when in does don't you wanna kill some niggers in the race war and reclaim your land? all is not lost, it's just the cycle of civilizations.

jews are pretty gay m8. I don't believe in anything anymore.

I don't even want to fight, man. We've been sitting around forever waiting for something to happen. If anything, I want to take a nice long sleep and fuck off to dream land forever.

not your mate finklestein

Just remember - we always have nuclear war and utter annihilation to look forward to.

We are cattle. Cattle for the Jews. But not for much longer. Hang in there, brother. If not for me and your brothers on Sup Forums, do it for HIM.

watch ur w8, m8.

>Honey let's go to Paris its so romant-
That's me. I keep thinking about going to Europe but then I get discouraged because I know what it's actually going to be like.

Useless leaf.

you might just see a black person, but I see an engineer, a doctor, and a lawyer

You use the internet too much; your worldview is distorted. You're being melodramatic like the left.

defeatism is a Marxist trick
divide and conquer mutt joke?

nice try stienberg.

Hitler was just a guy. The image of him we idolize is nothing more than an ideal we use to give our movement meaning--if we can even call it a movement. Truth is, internet weebs make for a real shitty movement. Tumblr proved it in the early 2000s and we're proving it again now. All the past couple of decades have done is lowered the average level of public discourse. Humanity isn't even capable of having civil conversations anymore, and because of our laws, we're not even capable of taking out our frustration on each other in the form of war. We're fucked six ways from sunday.

By the way, check this out. It's a debate from 1979. Ain't nobody argues like this anymore. Ain't nobody cares damn well enough to argue like it.

I'm sure every faculty of your life, both inside and out, is a Marxist trick. Is there anything you've encountered in your so and so years living on this world that you haven't managed to call a marxist trick? If you'd like to rally people to your cause, then go ahead and do it. I'm waiting, right now. Show me what you can do and I won't interrupt.

Maybe he's being a bit overly-dramatic. Or not. It's not like our civilization has collapsed and we're living through the fallout right now or anything. It's not like thousands of White men will die childless or anything. It's not like we're on the verge of extinction or anything. It's not like Jews see us as nothing but cattle to be exploited or anything. Right? Oh, wait.

Death come soon.

>Useless leaf
No one is truly useless. Then again, no one is truly useful either.

>By the way, check this out. It's a debate from 1979. Ain't nobody argues like this anymore. Ain't nobody cares damn well enough to argue like it.
Yeah, well, ok, but...
In 1979 the game was in (((their))) hands as well, it just wasn't that obvious.
T-thanks Internet.
In some way 1979 led up to today as well...

It's really not that bad. Take a break from the internet.

no you

> seinfield trys to call me delusional

manipulative juden right here

It really is. Everything from the financial instability to women to Jews controlling the state. It's all real, and we're fucked.
Difference between then and now was that people actual had a bit of respect for one another.

>and chop off your foreskin before feeding it to your cat.

that would make our rabbi`s mad we didnt feed it too them first though

I noticed you not-so-subtly avoided my request. What's the matter?


The only salvation in the world is Asia.

No, it is bad. My country is living proof that shit's fucked.

i noticed you didn't deny my accusations earlier

Says the cucked meme country.

>There is a ban on importing chewing gum into Singapore which is strictly enforced. Since 2004, only chewing gum of therapeutic value is allowed into Singapore under the "Regulation of Imports and Exports (Chewing Gum) Regulations".

I am that am, not what you say I am. You have no power over me, untermensch.
Eh maybe people learn from experience. A couple weeks back, I wanted to prove to myself that the world was better than what I thought it was, but I was also feeling like I was stuck in a rut so I wanted to prove to myself that I still had free will too. Anyway, I'd just bought a burger from a joint nearby and was walking downtown, so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone. I decided I'd give the burger to the next homeless person I saw. Of course, my city's a shithole so lo and behold, the next block I came across--homeless fucker. He was begging for money. I offered him the burger and he said "Nah, I don't want no food. You got money?" I told him "No, sorry. I don't have money. I've got some extra food though." He goes. "No, give me money." Guy wasn't homeless; he was just one of those people who rents a shitty apartment and begs on the street instead of working a job. I saw an old lady after walk up to him feeling sorry and giving the guy money. Anyway, my point here is that we learned to be cynical, especially after 2008. We all hate each other, but we can't take it out on each other. No higher power commands us (and even before at the height of democracy, we at least could see a higher power in ourselves); but that lack of command means we're truly and utterly free to trap ourselves in our own personal purgatory. Kind of neither here nor there--just living for the sake of it. And we see all these shitty people who won't "wake up" and smell the roses of a better world. Well, to me it seems they never will. So what? Do we keep trying to change their minds forever and ever until we tire ourselves out and die, or do we just sit back and torment ourselves with regrets about our inability to affect the world until we die? Two choices, both garbage choices.

Anyway, I'm rambling.

I bet you could ask your mother the same thing, but she wouldn't be able to answer with a full mouth.

Come on is so lively and diverse now compared to the staleness of yesteryear

>meme flag
Opinion discarded

We all know you're a chink. You don't have to hide it zhao-ming.

>says New Zealand

Holy shit your post reads like the timecube homepage. Learn to eloquently express your ideas you cuck.


No one here gets your cuckcube reference. You'll need to express it more eloquently.

>let women step on your dick with high heels
What's wrong with this one in either case?

>guy takes too many redpills
>sees the truth, gets addicted to finding hidden truths
>this need for red pills and his latent mental illness inspire him to make insane webpage
>his grammar and ideas are as easy to decipher as a Joyce novel

Essentially I'm saying that you write like someone who is certifiably insane.

>he doesn't know the joy of Joyce
Brainlets like you should be culled.

>so new that he doesn't know what the black pill is

Can you imagine?

Take a break from the internet

Tell me, without googling, what your favorite Joyce novel is. Explain why you like it, without using the words "dense," "postmodern," or "hilarious."

I know it's just a kid, but damn I would be hard pressed not to punch that little bastard if he made that face in my vicinity.

Can you wait like, three decades?
Cuz you're going to have to wait that long or longer for an real change to happen.

I didn't need that infographic. You'd have realized that if your IQ was just a little higher.
Why do I need to tell you anything? Do you have a control fetish or something?

So i read the thread and I can say in my own experience it's good to write your thoughts down. I got through several years of trying to accept this reality. Eventually I learned to be happy as a choice and it did wonders for me. The world is a mess, women, Jews, crime from niggers, whites going extinct along with morality. When I was young I would lay in bed for days just wanting the world to change. Just anything to be different. That void filled itself with a lot of knowledge searching, writing and believing in using the system these kikel created. As my circumstances improved and my social status skyrocketed I still wanted more. It's a rat race, a game. Learn to play it and mock everyone, everything, turn these problems into a big rancid joke. Because life is just that; a joke.

You're a weak faggot. Video related.

LOL too stupid to understand that NAZIS were SOCIALISTS.

there may be some truth in what you say

for poltards in the quest of beeing less retarded
i am going to share with you this

TULPA, research that

if you/a colective strongly believe in an entity it becomes real
the strenght of the concept is that it still stands in a purely scientific world

>that id
she's here with us

All because kikes are too greedy.

*tulpa. You're a retard dued.

I believe you are referring to an egregore, not a tulpa.

Fucking CIA/Mossad/MI6 niggers
Quit using leaf proxies you faggots
Stompe niggers and jews

congratulations on reaching stage 2, you can either progress or let the blackpill consume you
try to refrain from making demoralization threads

Most of Europe is well over 90% white, user. It's really just certain neighborhoods in major cities that are bad. The mindset is there though, which is the real problem. Eventually it'll all be like Brazil or America. Luckily for us, America is huge and we still have

We need to meme the destruction of France's tourism industry and redirect the tourists to actual EUROPEAN countries like Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, etc. Italy is at a turning point.

Yeah, but he's got no dad to do that for him, sooooooo..........maybe the state will get to him before he gets to you.

Or, you get to him with a full.magazine.

When someone is drinking and out of alcohol, food just kills what little buzz he has left, inducing withdrawal, which can lead to seizures and all kinds of ugly shit, including death. So, if you don't want to give him money, that's fine. But don't try to force him to want what you want for him.

This reminds me of that thread the ironpill guy made before he supposedly killed himself. Did he do it?

lol fuck off weakling

This is nigger-tier logic
If everything is meaningless and there is no god etc- then ACHIEVE GLORY. Don't just be a faggot and complain about it and accept defeat. NEVER ACCEPT DEFEAT.
Seek happiness because everything is pointless? THE GLORY OF VICTORY IS ULTIMATE HAPPINESS.

>He forgot to include the I R O N P I L L

nobody has noticed the person to the left dual-wielding cellphones for some reason

All those women and children.