Are you for or against abortion?
Are you for or against abortion?
Mandatory non-white abortion, white abortion illegal except in medical emergencies or rape
Pro abortion, but the second abortion comes complementary with mandatory sterilization.
If you abhor responsibility enough to kill unborn children, you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.
I'm for it if it stops chaotic horrors from pouring through the eye of terror into our reality.
Pro Abortion, not because "muh vagina" but because we need compassionate eugenics. If you know a baby is going to be a fucking retard vegetable that can't contribute anything to society, it should be terminated.
Stop posting the girl who chewed her own face off
Abort if colored, jewish, retarded, or physically inept. If it's white and can function it's a-okay
At this point im for euthanasia, too.
Sure it seems cruel, but just look at this thing. Does it look like it would enjoy life? It will get bullied and horribly treaded in future. Its only the best for everyone.
i almost buy this but i don't think i can get fully behind it
that's the same thing i said about your mother
abortion is abhorrent and comes from an abhorrent mindset. It's a betrayal of the values that built up the west.
It is immoral, illogical, and dangerous.
Wife just had an abortion today, actually.
I agree with this.
Abortion only for people like in op's pic.
Depends. 3 weeks ok. After that: no. Haven't checked when they can determine downs but I'm okay with that human being being put out of it's misery as well.
She should take the veil.
Abort your kid, just don't do it on my dime.
Why would she chew her own face
Thats for you to figure out
Notice how you never see these mutants as CEOs or anything important. Abort all mutants and niggers.
Against it, but im pro eugenics
Pro-life? White genocide.
Pro abortion.
Generally we should de-incentivize people with bad genes from reproducing and incentivize people with good genes from reproducing. Abortion has been shown to not act as an incentive, it doesn't affect birth rates. It's just a means of birth control if people are choosing not to have kids.
That being said, children with serious diseases that are diagnosable before birth should not allowed to be born, but parents shouldn't suffer a penalty if they didn't know that it was likely to happen.
A life less lived isn't worth living.
That poor girl will only know pain and burden.
I'm Catholic, and the Catholic Church has the correct position. Abortion = death of western civilization.
So you'd let this girl live her life of shit?
Whose going to care for all the Downies, the state? The church?
the pope will kiss their feet and make them all better
Kill the kids after they’re born. That way we get the best of both sides. No more abortions and the left still gets to murder kids
You cant convince me that living a life in a wheelchair unable to speak, write, wipe your own ass or do anything is worth living. I work with a lady who has a child like that who, unless something tragic happens, will live into his 40s at least. I cant imagine having or being that kind of burden. Some days she'll just come into work and look like a fucking zombie. She hasnt been anything close to happy since she had her child. Shes never said she wishes for him to either die or go away but the way she speaks about him shows it without her saying it
I'm a realist and pragmatist.
Her life will suck. She won't be able to enjoy a normal life.
is that a leaf?
If the baby is before the 3 month mark and has some disease that will mess everything up, yes. Otherwise, fine, but not with taxpayers money
Holy shit what happened to this person? Can't they use stem cells and fix this?
Jesus Christ. Fix it or put it out of it's misery. Wtf is wrong with people?
>Le 56% face
shit genetic lottery happened.
stem cells are the future. christcucks need to fuck off and let us advance the research
all nonwhite people should be aborted but for white people i am against it
Sooooo beauuuuutifulll
this is why we didnt let women make any decisions for the longest time
wtf who let this live?
>This is what you get for race mixing.
In cases where we can clearly identify problems like in the OPs pic at a point in development which is reasonably early, then it should be mandatory.
It is fucked up to force something like that to exist if we have the power to identify them and abort early.
Against, though I would support "aborting" leftists at any age.
exterminate abominations
I'm against it.
It's bad medical ethics.
People get surgeries to improve their life in some way. Doctors can't perform surgery just because someone asks for it, it has to actually help the person.
Pregnancy is a normal biological phenomenon. How does it help the patient to terminate her pregnancy? Doctors should be trying to help her carry to term, not end a healthy pregnancy just because the person asks them to.
Oh holy fuck I shouldn’t have clicked that picture
Just look at that poor man's eyes, Sup Forums.
What exactly is going through his mind in this photo?
>tfw adtoped
>tfw older sister also adopted; different mother
>real moms could have aborted us, especially sister because her mom apprantly was a drunk whore
Could I be used as cannon fodder against libtards?
I'm for it, in extreme cases that is. My younger brother had a stroke at age 5, the part of his brain died that controls motor function, and he also has cerebral palsy from it. Seeing him change from this young hyper little kid into this mentaly broken shell of a person has changed my mind on it. I've seen the toll it has taken on my family, and he's not even that bad, sure, he will end up being a burden as he gets older, not being able to function properly. I can't imagine being the farther of a severely disabled child l. Fuck that. Killer the little abomination and try again.
Should be discouraged among healthy whites unless the baby is disfigured/deformed/retarded. Every other race should have it promoted.
I don't know about abortion, but people just need to get fucking real with themselves - these monsters aren't "gifts from god" or "little miracles." They are a hell on earth for the parents and anyone who says they wouldn't care if their kid came out normal or deformed is a lying piece of shit. Parents need to quit smiling in these pictures.
Is it bad I want this kid's face for a Halloween mask?
>It's a girl
Reprehensible if she knew about her deformities before hand. We give animals the mercy of leaving a painful existence but when it's for a potential child, the brave thing is to allow it to suffer? I read the CNN article about the mother getting trolled on twitter, what a virtue signaling and selfish cunt
only if a nigger raped a white girl.
If it's a normal baby, don't abort it.
If it has a severe disability, incurable/untreatable disease, or came about from rape/incest, abort it.
How was this not the first reply? Is Sup Forums getting soft?
Redditors 've been flooding this place for months now. Digestion will take time.
when did pol turn so nihilistic?
>have good job, lots of disposable income and time off
>have wife, she is stay-at-home Mom
>get her pregnant
>have kid
>it looks kinda funny and isn't that smart but it's YOUR child
>you have the money to support any medical needs
>you have the time to dedicate to raising a child no matter the difficulty
>friendly neighborhood gov't agent comes in and kills your kid because it "won't get a good enough job in 18 years"
>expected to be happy about this
I swear to God you fucking autists make me sick with your mandatory abortion bullshit you spew at the rest of us.
They are edgy because they think is cool when are the same as the materialistic jews, then they claim to be christians
For in cases of rape, death to mother, or minorities.
Not that bad a policy desu.
Maybe Lesch-Nyhan syndome.
La criatura americana ...
if I were that kid, as soon as I got old enough to use a gun, I'd blow my head off.
There has to be something extremely psychologically wrong with a woman for her to want to murder her own child. However I support it because most abortions are done by would be single moms.
that just made me tear up a bit, cheers m8
We believe in nusing, lebowski. NUSING!
poor babby :\
white women have no problem killing healthy babies then they keep the retarded one so they can virtue signal on social media
WTF. This sounds like a Stephen King plot.
It takes a real virgin no-humanity loser to look on this and imagine commiting violence against such a creature.
>hurr it is dumm!!!
Only left-wing parasites get a boner at the thought of killing other humans based on their socioeconomic status rather than their cultural/racial identity politics b.s.
Only pro choise.
Pro lifers is subhumans, who wants more subhumans around.
Totally against abortion. It is medically risky and unethical.
If a woman comes to term and gives birth, the community should decide if the birth is worthy and a positive thing. Otherwise it should be terminated immediately .
>"the (((Community)))" gets to decide whether your child gets to live after it's already been born and any risk to the mother is past
why are you kikes so obsessed with the blood of infants?
This. Spartan method is the only redpill
Yeah we already have enough humans as is who gives a shit about a few million dead fetuses
>implying there isn't a difference between "gibs me dat/legalize gay weed/kill whitey" subhumans and "innocent/doesn't demand social change/giving life best shot" subhumans
You actually understand that there's a difference between physically removing subhumans that want to harm society and don't have parents that actually care about them/society AND taking poor children's lives away from the parents, right? Like you understand you could have a tard kid but you'd have to really suck to have a 3rd world kid that demands free shit? you understand there's a difference between them right?
So why should anyone give a shit about a few million dead kikes?
Why should anyone give a shit if Trump personally executes a few million mexicans? Your left-wing little buddies would be up in arms over it if he did, but you don't care if your neighbor's kid gets killed for not having a 3 digit IQ. Explain further, please.
Your pope is also a spineless fucking coward, planted by globalists. Your religion is a fucking joke and Christians are speeding along the decline of civilization by capitulating to shitskins and Jews.
Good idea Hans
>It is medically risky
Giving birth is much riskier than getting an abortion, don't be silly
a mexican can fight off you noodle-armed basement dwellers a lot more than a fetus can. you're the ideology that's all about might makes right and yet you bitch when somebody suggests the morality of abortion doesn't matter if somebody can't stop you.
pero que le hizo al otro 44%?
seguro un negro se la robó
DAmn, what a good idea.