Old Fag here let me give you younguns some advice

Been here a while watching you guys bitch about woman and i feel you, you finally find a semi decent non blown out nonroasty who does not have 3 kids by Tyrone, and you wanna settle down but dont wanna get divorced rapped down the road
Well here is the secret too that not happening
are you ready are you listening

Oldfag here with better advice:
Marry a girl at least 4 years younger, she'll always think you know something she doesn't.
Don't be weak in front of her, overly emotional, bitchy, womanlike, etc...
Always be a good provider and leader in general, she'll stay looking up to you.

Also, have a big cock because every girl needs one

Even olderfag here. Thailand is a great place to chill for half the year and you can root yourself silly for $10 a pop


>Marry a girl at least 4 years younger, she'll always think you know something she doesn't.

The age gap isn't necessary for this effect. I'm only 3 months older than my wife, and she acts like I know every single damn thing in the entire world. Everything from friendship advice to how things work, history to politics. If you can't achieve this effect on any woman you're with, you're fucking up somehow.

>Don't be weak in front of her

This is good advice when you first start dating, but once you've been with a woman for awhile, letting her see you cry about once every two or three years really really really makes her love you. Plus, I hate the notion that you have to hide things from the woman who's supposed to be the love of your life and your soulmate. I tell my wife everything, and vice versa. You should see the adoring look in her eyes when I show her a bit of self-doubt.

Last one is rock solid.

But oldestfag, is fucking ladyboys.. kinda gay?

you shouldnt be getting married at all. Bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks. Put your coin in the slot take the goods and be on with your day. They dont want no respect

>implying an oldfag would have a girlfriend

You know prenups can be tossed out in court if deemed "unfair" right?

I'm not saying don't get married or anything just don't think that a prenup is going to work flawlessly

fuck off, virgin

This! But... i dont agree on the age. They need to be like 8 yrs younger. Girls just want to love their daddys.

sorry married for 26 years too the same woman

yea agree 100% , get a prenup goy , marriages dont last . your wife will turn on you 100% you gotta be ready from day 1 .
family is just a trap for roastires to get money from you so show her you dont trust her and prenup her before she gets your hard earned shekels .

the nuclear family made by a monogamous couple that dont have tyrone come over and cuck the husband every few days is a myth .

only gay if the balls touch


reverse jewing and so forth.

The balls touch but mine are hairy and rough and theirs are silky smooth and coated in coconut oil

Fuck off boomer

Quality post. I'll add that I fail on every count except the weakness part, and most of the time I'm faking it, but I've kept my woman and she behaves herself, just by maintaining her confidence in me.

For a man to be weak is frightening to the woman he's with, because it means he can't or won't protect her, and maybe even won't be up to protecting her children when push comes to shove. To risk making you the father of her babies she has to know you'll lay down your life for them, and for her while she's carrying and nursing them. She has to feel this deeply or she'll have no peace, and thence cometh the shit tests.


How do icelander's pronounce iceland?
Do they say "Iss-land" ? Or "iszland?

Spotted the roastie

>old fag
Get the fuck out of Sup Forums you faggot. You're not an oldfag.