>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
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What's the deal with Rand? Don't understand what this vote is about.
Rand Paul is a fucking idiot manlet
I seriously fucking hate Rand Paul. Manlets are absolutely worthless. He's not going to get anything out of this so it's parliamentary masturbation at this point.
Sick and tired of Government spending.
what is the official Sup Forums Axis powers? I assume its Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /x/.
>try to make first post
>mouse fucking slips
God must hate me
Did she leave Porter over the news, or they're staying together?
Why did they have to take it all away bros
This is a woovement!
shutdown time
what spending
the wall?
Git gud, scrub.
Rand is controlled opposition.
Sup Forums is filled with Sup Forumsfags and people who hate them.
she already has Stockholm Syndrome
>he doesn't ctrl + enter
Go to reddit and talk about it there faggot
Prudtrmvpfht has tanked the dow joans by 40% since Obama's economy ended
> Laura tearing into Bush
all the domestic social gibs and overseas gibs
Kek. Forgot when Trump BTFO jeb! during the debates.
If that's the worst thing to happen to you today then consider yourself lucky
No, the 2 year spending deal that will balloon the deficit.
Starting to think this actually
national science institute paid $500k to study selfies and they found that rand paul was always getting cut off at his head on his
I fucking love this island.
"When I look into Pootie Poo's eye's, I can see his soul".
>Staying together
Shes nothing but a good time for a Chad like Porter
btw discretionary spending and ear tags are how you get dumb shit like the Mueller crap
MONDAY (Feb. 12, 2018)
>Minnesota State House 23B (Special Election)
>(Republican) Jeremy Munson
>Minnesota State Senate District 54 (Special Election)
>(Republican) Denny McNamara
TUESDAY (FEB. 13, 2018)
>Florida State House District 72 Special Election James Buchanan is running
>Georgia State House District 175 (Special Election) John Lahood is running.
>Oklahoma State Senate District 27 (Special Election) Casey Murdock is running.
The market is crashing, but is the economy bad?
I don't know Finnish frog. Because (((they))) hate us.
this isnt going to help him, or us.
no, Rand is pissed at the fact that we are funding the government 3 weeks at a time from CR to CR
It is the Senate's responsibility to pass 12 separate appropriations bills for the fiscal year with actual line item budgets
This CR shit is killing us. It's cancer, it dates back to the Obama years
We need regular order
Nah, lolbertarians are just fuckwitted ideologues
> Laura tearing into Bush
newfag detected
Rand is being a dick.
He knows he'll lose the vote but is holding it up and causing a government shut down just because the rules let him delay it.
Shit like this pisses me off, especially after the Republicans fucking trashed the Democrats when they shut the government down.
Now instead of riding that into November here we have Rand Paul to ride in and ruin the record because MUH PRINCIPLES.
The vote Is on the new budget. The new budget increases spending mostly in the military. Rand wants spending to be cut on entilitiments and other stupid shit like researching how cocain effects quails
This is what swimsuits used to look like.
That's what I'm saying. This is just retarded. I genuinely don't understand what he's trying to accomplish.
He should at least have a goal or a reasonable demand. Fuck, Rand, you want a highway named after you? New airport in Kentucky?
I'd like to tear into her bush
It’s only 7 and I haven’t even started drinking yet.
will trump ever send a barbell team to fix an uppity R?
Hon De Laud Hup Hivel Up, NICK! Edit
Hon De Laud Hup Hivel Up, NICK NICK! Edit
Hon De Rikki-Tikki Lo Y Livin' Number 1 Nickelodeon!
Holy fuck, that Laura Ingraham Jeb Bush compilation
A so called "Libertarian" ended up voting for tax cuts.
What a fucking hypocrite
I wonder what the cross section of sleepy posters and my pillow salesmen looks like.
>west coast
how about you pic related
i don't think he's trying to do that but it might go down that way. i think rand was trying to capitalize off the shitty press that pelosi got with her 8 hour incoherent temper tantrum, and show that when THEY hold up gov't process it's for principled sophisticated financial reasons n stuff and not because they're retarded marxists and he wanted to showcase the contrast but i don't think it's working out that way. but he wouldn't be a libertarian if he wasn't autistic
Quit being rude. Good boys/girls will receive a sleeping aid. Be it a legendary pillow or a baby lamia buddy.
I did the percentages for the Missouri Elections and on average only 25% of people turned out compared to the 2016 District Elections. That means (D) turned out 29.597% and (R) turned out 21.12% of the time. (D) are energized and it really needs to be shown that the (R) can win if they are informed about elections.
The economy is fantastic.
Market was due for a correction. It literally cannot just keep going up. People like to profit take and move money around.
I'm bored. Someone find a habbening.
By gum, he's sure to get a thorough disavowing for this one.
Rand is destroying 6+ months of expert political positioning by trump to bitch about some fucking bullshit spending disagreement, no mor fucking Manley’s in government they may as well be women at this point
Pretty big for Laura to be burning down the Bushies. She was a big water holder for them.
>Fucking the new guy
Hope officially is dead to me
Just how retarded are you? A Libertarian should be for any kind of tax cut.
him and me both
>libertarians like high taxes
can't tell if troll or stupid nigger
well this isnt for a bad reason, but it gives the dems a "them too" argument which harms the gains we made off the dem shutdown.
1:1 sensei.
It's worse than that. He's both a lolbetarian AND a manlet. That's the worst combination possible.
The RNC has spent fuck all. They're saving the money for midterms when it actually matters rather than spending huge fortunes to win Pyrrhic victories.
Of course he did, taxation is theft
>not following Trump's 1-5 sleep schedule
It's still early, I have to finish this last workout and get my reading done
I bet your Mum's ginger
I fucking hate that tiny jewcuck so much
The only thing he's good for is keeping the swamp that's in Kentucky from gaining his seat
What's happening, what did I miss.
Guys, what's going on with the memo? Are Hillary and Obama indicted yet? Are dems BTFO? Why did everybody stop talking about it? Why is the focus on Strzok texts now?
This is what proper women look like. You may disagree with me but you're probably gay.
I don’t make fun of your shitty part of the country.
>kelly has to go
Dems are going to get blue balls waiting for General Kelly to go.
Lolbertarians cannot enact their policies when there are shitskins present. We do not have that luxury.
Rand's autism is not fucking needed right now.
Ill bet they hate there ignorant name.
Does Rand have any actual demands? He knows he's not getting budget caps back so what's his endgame? Did he even think this through?
No he's doing what the Jews pay him to do
He wants a vote on a spending cap amendment that will get, by his own whip count, 15-20 votes.
He’s shutting down the government because he won’t get a show vote on something that will not even be close to passing the chamber, and waited until trump day
Fuck him.
Fuck that Koch owned manlet piece of shit.
>outside white house
>look through window
>see this
wat do
>Rand Paul is going to do another shutdown and /ptg/ cant do anything about it because their cult leader is a literal retard
lmao cucked
What changed during Obama years that made the senate unable to pass a real budget?
To be fair, A lot of people got snookered by the Bush's. Most people didn't realize the globalism was going on the way it is. The term didn't even exist til recently.
Flash her my dick