Listen here you racist crakaz, you ain't no muhfuggin' kangz, WE WUZ KANGZ!
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ayo hol up
Egyptians were not black or white. Seems obvious that they were brown/orange.
>I dun did da resurches...
>Spend a lot of time where there’s lots of sun and you won’t be white in complexion.
>Spend a lot of time building a great civilization and you weren’t niggers.
Nigga FOH. You're telling me you can't get olive skin White people? Nigga plz...
I stopped watching after he said “dark skinded”.
>My iPhone tried to autocorrect that 8 times.
My god...
>open nigger youtuber's video
Jesus. What the fuck is this nigger on?
Civilization radiates from Asia. Egypt was a frontier civilization.
Civilization was about "harmony." All civilizations are militaristic. They are hungry for resources.
The crops and livestock of the Ancient Egyptians came from Asia.
My god.
>giant lips/nose
we got a real educator here
The funny thing is that there were actually a lot of African empires and civilizations and whatnot, but these idiots are either too ignorant or stupid to talk about those.
But the Queen in your current country (According to your flag) is white. I think we all kangs!
The comments are hilarious. These people are legitimately retarded
why do black people talk like retards?
Sup Forums takes this whole "king'' thing out of context learn some history you retards
Sup Forums makes fun of KANG shit and yet it's probably one of the dumbest boards on this site
good comments
Really starting to hate these uppity, arrogant, ignorant niggers.
We must bring lynch mobs back.
pol is always right you brown scum
>starting to
You make no sense, bendejo. Back to Sup Forums with you.
top keks
American education
Sorry you can't handle an educated black man, Cletus.
DNA Analysis has been done on mummies, they are more closely related to middle easterners than to Sub-Saharan Africans.
Facial reconstruction on cleopatra shows she was white, or at least DEFINITELY not black
Caesar wouldn't marry a black chick
Pretty sure these are Rameses not Tut.
Obviously the Egyptians weren't but look into Nubians
>Caesar wouldn't marry a black chick
To be fair, Cleopatra wasn't egyptian either. She was a Ptolemaic Greek.
But yes, ancient Kangz were of Neolithic Farmer stock. the ancient people of europe and the levant, most closely related to modern-day sardinians
I thought this was just a meme that Sup Forumsacks trolled?
This is what I thought for a long time too, but no. There seriously are a FUCKTON of blacks who believe they wuz kangz. Wouldn't surprise me if they even made up the majority
Why are sub-Saharan and west African American slave decedents so obsessed with Egypt?
It looks like a nig killing another nig
>All blacks are pitch black
That's the big question, it's actually insane how much these boons are obsessed.
It's like Islam to them or something retarded like that.
which obviously means that we wuz definitely kangz WHITEY BTFO
>come from west Africa in the slave trade
>think you're somehow from North Africa and that everyone in Africa is black
It's like saying everyone in Asia is oriental, fuck why are niggers so fucking dumb
Nigger can't even talk but dis muhfugga can build pyramids and shit.
Because nobody is trying to steal those. If we scede ancient Egypt, then we will have to defend Axum next.
Get in here and drop some bombs!
1) Egypt was in (north) Africa, which is technically the same continent as the sub-saharan area where niggers come from, therefore Egypt was black
2) Niggers have no culture, traditions, history, or civilization of their own, and they have a massive chip on their shoulder about it, so they instead steal egypt's history and claim it as their own as a form of false pride.
>open video
>they came from the planet zeta and invades us
Holy shit can we please just fools them into thinking Wakanda is a real place and send them there, I'm getting really sick of the stupidity of niggers
Stupid Africans are stupid.
It's Europeans that are obsessed with an African culture. We are just trying to draw a line in the sand as far as whitewashing goes.
lol, I wish!
We all come from A-
>2) Niggers have no culture, traditions, history, or civilization of their own, and they have a massive chip on their shoulder about it, so they instead steal egypt's history and claim it as their own as a form of false pride.
They do, but apparently American education doesn't teach about them, so they default to probably the most famous civilization in Africa, Egypt.
Apparently if wyipepo minded their own business Africans would've somehow discovered the rest of the land uninhabited, skipped the wheel and gone straight to flying cars
>Nibiru solar eclipse, Ancestors are here, End of an age!!!
This dumb nigger thinks he is Nigger Heaven's gate bullshit. Duh ancestors be coming during the eclipse, meditate on dat shit u be heerun ringin noises
Ramses II killing nigs. Like a boss.
(At the Temple of Beit El-Wali)
Black Americans don't really care about Egypt. It's simply a response to white fascination and attempted hijacking of an African culture. People of color.
It would be like if blacks made a massive push to whiten roman history, whites from all over, the US, australis, Scandinavia would come to its ideological defense even though they have nothing to do with it generally be speaking.
Make you mad kneeling on the flag.
I bet you leave the lights on when you fuck your sister just to make sure your kids dont turn black.
>Ebony Burks, 32, appeared in Elyria Municipal Court, Ohio, accused of domestic violence and assault. Speaking to her over video feed, judge Gary Bennett told her she was not to have contact with either of the victims involved.
>On hearing she wouldn't be allowed to go to Mr McCray's home, Burks said: 'How you going to tell me I can't go to my home?'
>To which Bennett replied: 'I just did.'
>Burks hit back: 'Well, I bet I do.' At this point the judge gave her 30 days for contempt of court.
>After she lost her cool, Burks was initially handed down 30 days by Judge Bennett. But as she continued to argue and speak aggressively towards the judge, he gradually increased the prison sentence.
>Just as she looked set to be imprisoned for six months, Burks told the judge: 'F*** you.' He then gave her 300 days - the longest contempt of court sentence ever handed down at the court.
Sista JUST KEPT ON talking.
fucking kek, are niggers this fucking retarded?
> whites have only been around for 6,000 years
kek, the white race has been evolving longer than that you stupid nigger
and let's just say your argument is correct, Egypt existed 5,000 years ago, whites came into being 6,000 years ago, that gives us 1,000 years to evolve and create Egypt.
North Africa is a tropical Mediterranean cregion you stupid fucking nigger.
And it has ALWAYS been a Caucasian Region, the native Berbers who have been traced back to the Paleolithic and Neolithic are a Mediterranean Caucasian people.
Modern North Africans are not the Original North Africans that looked like Southern Euros before the semitic invasions during the 6th century due to sandniggers spreading islam
And yes, whites can be in sunny places, there are Northern Europeans like Germanics who do fucking tan and get swarthy if they get exposed to sunny tropical places for a long period of time.
> How did you crackerz build civilizations before Egypt ?!!
Stupid nigger, whites come from the middle east and the levant, ever hear of the Sumerian Civilization? the very first advanced civilization that got built 5,000 years before Egypt?
>original people of the planetszz cracker
the out of africa theory has already been debunked nigger
>pyramids in north africa
> no pyramids in sub-saharan africa where niggers are actually from
>makes you think
>whites coming out of the caves of the Caucus mountains
Whites originated in the middle east you fucking nigger, from there they spread into the Caucuses , Europe, Turkey, and North Africa
>you lack melanin
we have melanin you filthy nigger, we just don't have it as much as you do
> african civilization is about peacefulness and harmony and balance
Hey Sup Forums I'm from the future. You literally can't question this shit there, I've had friends get arrested and served time (one died in iso) for saying that ancient europeans and egyptians weren't mixed race.
The whole we wuz egyptians thing spreads to every other race/culture/ethnicity until everyone was black and then all of a sudden all the bad whites genocided the blacks and that's what started the dark ages (I shit you not) because the melenated blood stained the streets dark forever or some dumb shit.
I shit you not the future is fucking terrible and I come here whenever I can to escape it.
salty nigger
Jawan and Dante visit a SC waffle house with bad intentions.
Dante is in pic related, in his cap and gown. Clearly he a good boy.
See video in link, below.
A lone white man decides that he is not going to be robbed or killed that day.
Pulls his legal weapon and removes one of the threats. Family upset at the white man.
>Nineteen-year-old Dante Williams' family said there is no doubt he entered the Waffle House in Chesnee back in January of 2012 intent on robbing it, but they say he didn't have to die.
>FOX Carolina obtained surveillance video from inside the Waffle House that investigators said shows Williams and his accomplice Jawan Craig come into the restaurant. Deputies said Williams is the one seen pointing a gun and demanding money.
>Sitting at the bar area of the restaurant was Justin Harrison, a concealed weapon permit holder, who was armed the night of the robbery.
>"They're yelling 'everybody get down, get down' and I'm not getting on the floor. I am not going to be a victim," Harrison said.
>Harrison said while the men terrorized other customers and staff he was deciding when to act.
>"This was the only time," Harrison said. "If I am going to fight it was that one time. He was approaching me and I saw that as him engaging me."
>The above video shows Williams, gun by his side, walk back toward Harrison, who stands up and fires several shots killing Williams almost instantly.
Yeah, you wuz kangz all right.
Yah, no. Niggers think they were the Great Pyramid building, Mars space colony people. I guarantee most don't know shit about the Nubians.
Niggers are so dumb. She's not even white, she's a tan skinned Semitic-Caucasian
>Those comments
The "based" black ones aren't worth the retarded chimps that make up a huge majority of the black population. I really wish they would go back to fucking Africa.
> sand castles that were built by muslim colonial outposts
Is that even English you dumb mother fucker. I always LOL at these uneducated blacks who think they are Kings and are CHASING DAT PAPA.
Lol no wonder why your poor and uneducated.
lol this
>are white people going to be out there building the pyramids in the hot ass sun
uh, no. We used slaves of course ;)
look how the niggers are trying to steal egyptian history as their own. As stupid as niggers are, you'd figure one of them could look at a map and see that 3,000 miles of empty desert between where their ancestors lived and ancient egypt.
but then if you weren't human, you'd have to steal the history of another society to prove your humanity too.
>You wuz KANGZ alright
Do you guys think ancient Egyptians were angels? They were literally despised by everyone in thier time.
They also weren't niggers
Justin Harrison needs a medal
The Nubians took over Egypt while it was busy fighting off other countries in the north. Nubians were native Africans that were driven into the south of the Nile. Egyptians tried to integrate Nubians into the army. After capture they would be drafted into the army for six years. This lead to a massive infiltration of the military. Nigs opened the gates of the forts to their brothas and slowly took over a severely war torn Egypt. They then went on to build awful imitation pyramids that are shit compared to what came before. They also spread the knowledge of iron working to the Bantu, who then ogga booga'd the entire rest of the continent into submission with their new metal toys.
Fucking kek, I bet that place STUNK!
Blackness is not relegated to the most primitive african groups. What constitutes "black" is very extensive, because of a combination of the one drop rule and whites tendency to purity spiral.
Black Americans themselves are not directly related to east Africans, but they all do fall under the umbrella of "black". Just as a brit and a Russian are not the same but fall under the umbrella of "white".
You beat me to it friend. At least they weren't niggers.
He does. He saved lives in that moment and other lives in other places, had the niggers gone free to commit more mayhem later on.
>Because does anyone think that armed robbery niggers will stop at just one robbery or subsequent act of violence?
I've seen Niggers openly claim that they used to travel around to Egypt and other places, I kid you not.
so they completely fucked up ancient Egypt
Nubians and Egyptians were essentially the same people. They had the same place of origin. The difference would be like the difference between someone from new Jersey vs someone from Georgia. Different but all Americans nonetheless.
She looks like that Ghostbusters niggress
Nubians were niggers
Egyptians were Semitic people I think
But the ruling class was Caucasian