Why are there so many spics in the alt right

Why are there so many spics in the alt right

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Because we are the true aryans

Mestizos? Nah

There's a lot of castizos and criollos

Basically spics that aren't brown enough to roll with the beans are the most insecure about shit






We just want to save the white race holmes...you forget that we've been living alongside the West for centuries ese...as it turns out we like our pasty neighbors

Because Spanish is white

i assume because they too would like to gas the kikes.


I don't know.

Because the most whites are also the biggest cuck to their own race

>Hispanics are White
>Alt Right at its core is a Civic Nationalist movement

A non-troll response: LatinX communities are typically more conservative than the other minorities. They have strong Catholic roots that parallel conservative values in practice: they are pro-life, hardworking, and have strong familial ties especially for their extended family and elderly members. The typical, older voter block do not fall into traditional conservative roles however because of their views on a communistic, egalitarian society that benefits the low skilled and disenfranchised as well as open borders.

The alt-right is attractive to the younger, more integrated generation because of their ideals to freedom of speech and civil liberties and because wetbacks hate fuckin' niggers/BLM like everyone who isn't a SJW-Cuck

This is peak spic


I've lived around Mexicans my entire life. They tend to be politically ignorant, historically illiterate, they don't even know what Jews are (seriously, they literally don't know what Jews are), and they hate blacks.

Outside of playing soccer and looking for work and having forty kids, they don't care about anything outside of their little taco world.

Because Latinos glorify Western society and white people.
I don't give a fuck about what self hating wetbacks have to say. They are not real latinos anyways.

they wish they were white

>castizos and criollos
lmao, here are your "castizos"

Eramos reyes puta madre


pt. 2

Spics hate niggers even more than white people do

le based spic


Tired of being lumped in with Mexicans. They are not the same and they know it.

To them, its an insult.

Can confirm all of this.

They've always bean here.



>spic 2 shades lighter than george lopez who thinks he's white

Also this too.


Most of them are Mexicoons.

you couldn't even tell I'm a spic.


Viva La Revolucion Muera, El Supremo Gobierno

>implying the elders aren't just as BASED


I would Roll with a Beaner Rwds. But you have to give your sisters and daughters to the state for a few Generation of Bleaching some of yall are way to dark.

>tfw grandparents live in Chile and I visit them every other year for the holidays
>tons of Haitian and Dominican ''''''''''refugee'''''''''' niggers have been trying to get into the country in the last few years
>literally everyone hates them and does not want them allowed in, and the government mostly does whatever they legally can to keep them out, and whenever the topic comes up in a public discussion you can regularly hear people frankly and shamelessly discuss how "nigritos" don't belong in Chile
>there are literally tens of thousands of live landmines scattered around the border right now to blow up anyone trying to fence jump their way into the country that were put there in the 70s when the government wanted to keep out Peruvians, and the aforementioned niggers still get blown up by them fairly regularly
>the UN keeps telling the government to remove them while the government keeps dragging their feet saying "It's hard!" while in actuality the citizens of the country don't want them removed because they don't want niggers invading

It's true.

one word:

although today, and largely after Vatican II the great Catholic faith has been under attack, as history will show, the Catholic religion is histories first and original "right wing/ traditionalist" ideology. It literally 'invented' the very idea of it.

For centuries Catholicism lad the foundation for white society, curtailed the jews, usury and their nepotism, and when necessary, made war with those scumbags (crusades).

No matter what you see and hear today, the Catholic faith's foundation is always on being a man of your works and word, running a traditional patriarchal home and society, and living by the laws of fair practice. Catholicism is largely devoid of the ideological and lifestyle idiocy that Protestantism/generic Christianity/and the "Southern baptist-Evangelical flavors of Christendom handcuff them self with. Southern Baptist-Evangelical Christianity is virtually Islamic, with its strict "the bible said it/verbatim/ biblical literalism" doctrine. Its not possible for a modern white man to make use of the old-testament word for word in biblical literalism. The old testament is Jewish nonsense, made for Jews, and contradicts itself virtually sentence after sentence. It takes a Jewish lawyers mind to understand the OT.

Catholicism is a church of "works" more so than simply "having faith". One must actually live and act like a decent person, and will be expected to participate in society at large, rather than the " i have faith, therefore, I have god" that seems to fuel the prosperity gospels, the televangelists, the Jehovahs witness's, Pentecostals that behave in a socially insane way. IT comes off almost as christian Islam in its bible quoting/Quran quoting sounding rhetoric.

>Deus Vult

Because they are bloodthirsty at heart, and alt-right supports neocon warmongering.

this is probably true

Remember, you are not in the TRUE Catholic church. Vatican II created THIS.
>Pic Related
the Church used to be VERY different, and actually stood for something, and did not compromise its beliefs to appeal to the simple, childish whims of society. Rather it held thousands of year old convictions and was ready to truly FIGHT for them, as it had done for thousands of years.

Psalm II:
>The Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

La Creatura...

Because big tidded Hispanic girls want a white boy.
The only allies we have in Murica are White and Castizo Hispanics and some asians like koreans and japs.

Of all the pics....wtf is that?

keep telling yourself that

As a Catholic, I agree. The protestant idea of "once saved, always saved" gives room to a lot of degeneracy. Basically, you can go through life being a degenerate but if you believe in Jesus you go to heaven.

With Catholicism you have to actually do things to get into heaven. It is not enough to believe. That's why there are tons of Catholic orphanages and shelters, as well as nuns who devote their life to helping others with almost nothing in return.

Protestants are like Jews in many ways. They also have "prosperity" gospel churches where they tell people they can "pray their way to a Mercedes" and that if your life is going bad or you're broke it's because you don't have God. Catholics believe that life is full of suffering but you have to bear the burden and live a righteous life, serving others and God.

Because they have enough Euro blood in them that helps them identify with the cause.

When Hillary got the Democratic nomination in 2016 and Bernie got told to gtfo, Democrats became the party of ultra high IQ urban elites.

Obviously, there's nothing elite about spics, so they had nowhere to go except the republican party, and that's where they still are today.

Democrats = high IQ
Republicans = low IQ

Well they are all half white. Pretty much all Mexicans. So I guess they're counting on that but honestly I don't trust that Aztec blood.
Half aztec might be too much aztec.

actually a good explanation. Nobody in the CHRISTKEK VS LARPAGAN threads bothered to explain that to me. Thanks user!

hi obamaleaf you're back

a big tiddied Hispanic qts

they are mostly white

Yeah, conservative, hard working, family values Catholics...
>he hasn't learned spics lie about everything, even to themselves


Well, I mean....if you’re a tits guy, you’re a tits guy

Hopefully this guy recovers quickly. Difficult to hold down a job all dismembered like that.

>blue mountain dew
absolutely disgusting

Truth hurts, doesn't it bitch.

They hate black people too.

The alt-right is a multiracial white nationalist movement.

if they do they lie in silence, because I see mexicans that live in and respect the nuclear family, hold at least one, if not more jobs, and 75% make valid attempts to be good members of society.

sadly the other 25% are pure EVIL ms-13, la-magra 2nd generation blood cults capable only of death, murder and misery.

If blacks and latinos had voted, Florida, Ohio, Michigan, North and South Carolina, possibly Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania and some other states that I probably forgot would have gone blue. They didn't, because neither blacks nor hispanics voted.

The only people who voted in 2016 were ultra high IQ city people (Hillary) and rural and suburban retards (Trump)

the conservative beans I know irl are pretty cool desu fampai
>can banter
>family oriented
>fairly non degenerate by bean standards

the alt-right is a Latino movement. actual northwest euros like multiculturalism

>Came to america legally ( or the family did)
> Niggers and spics run a muck
>Illegals making them look bad
> Spics do what's right
> Why are there so many spics in the alt-right


Spics can be Nazis.
Although its cringe when they wear German uniforms and stuff.
Nothing wrong with them starting their own movement though

Bruh, just use "Latinos" if you didn't fail high school Spanish.

What you retards don't seem to grasp is that EVEN IN SPITE OF non-white IQs, leftists STILL have higher IQs than the almost exclusively white right. How fucking retarded does that make you?

More leftists are white.
Non-whites tend to care less and just vote with family.

And you forget that just a few generations ago you practiced child sacrifices and canibalism.

You will have to go back and enact the French Revolution in your shithole ancestral lands. Once you grow up you can be considered an equal.

*self-identified leftists.

>Non-whites are all fucking leftwing librul cucks! Fuck non-white people and fuck Hillary!
>Non-whites are actually right wing, user. QED

best post

Desperate to belong to a race because they don't belong to any. Naturally, they decide to larp as the best race.

Some Hispanics are white. The ones that have no Amerindian or negroid blood. The brown mestizo ones can all go fuck themselves though

No, we are quite conservative and hate degeneracy. We also hate nigger culture since we often get robbed by them. We want to preserve family values, even if it means getting constantly humiliated by the white man, we are actually used to it.

I wrote LatinX as a troll because that's what they're pushing for now to have a non-gender exclusive pronoun on a language that is based on feminine and masculine words

Make Mexico Great Again. Offer more economic incentives for illegals to stay in Mexico. You fucking asshats could be leading the Hispanic Union for all we know, but you fucked it all up by being corrupt pieces of shit brah.

>telling anyone how to run a country
