The GOP literally can't lose anymore

democrats unironically fucked

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>muh blue wall
More like red barrier

Americans are finally realizing they don't give a fuck about their constituents.

>whole party is propped up by gerrymandering
>we neva gunna lose control
changing demographics will btfo the gerryop soon

Haven't you heard? They're goin' home.

good luck with that, son, wasnt it supposed to guarantee eternal democrat rule starting with Obama?

Really depends on how high Democratic turnout will be in opposition to Trump. In the last few years, it was low because the Republicans were much more energized, but we've yet to see whether or not the same is true now that their guy is in power.

Could be like 2012 which had one of the lowest Republican turnouts in history.

Not enough. I want veto proof majority and then conduct a purge of academia.

>republicans propped up by gerrymandering
>democrats propped up by importing shitskins who hate everything the country stands for
democracy was a mistake.

They could realistically have a Senate filibuster-proof majority but it wouldn't mean shit if they lost the House. That's what GOP voters need to be worried about, since Democrats actually have a viable chance of taking that chamber out of GOP control.

democrats will be at a disadvantage in those sorts of elections though. turns out niggers are lazy and only vote in federal elections

they can win far more votes and still lose

especially in the senate

the article mentions this. Democrats won after bush fucked up with katrina, iraq and the economic crisis, plus Obama was le first black president
Also 2012 isnt a midterm

>Imports voters from shithole countries
>Bitches about cheating in elections
Dems need to be gassed

It also depends on where that potential turnout happens. You have to remember that a huge chunk of the #Resist crowd live in hard blue districts.

everything is paint blue nigger you lost so many seats lately dumb niggers

>republicans always support repuplican presidents

thats not what the graph says

trump is one of a kind.


>turns out niggers are lazy and only vote in federal elections

tell that to Roy Moore and Virginia

>538 predicts GOP poll lead

We're fucked. Given this guy's track record, we're fucked on this prediction.

Roy Moore lost because they accused him of being a pedophile and alabamans are retarded, and Virginia was lost due to white working class voters migrating back to the democratic candidate, not blacks

>literally can't lose anymore
No such thing, we have to FIGHT and we will FIGHT, we have to destroy the Democrats and reshape the GOP in OUR image. In the image of golden haired God!

>Virginia was lost due to white working class voters migrating back to the democratic candidate, not blacks
Nah, it's because NOVA is cuck central. The Republicans here are all Rubio cuckservative types and it's the world heavyweight champion of manjawed feminazis and weird third world mystery meat types either for manual shit labor jobs or Pajeet tech ones.

check the exit polls, white bworking class voted more for him than hilldawg