Another white guy telling the truth!

Please share.

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Wish I could vote for him

That was an entertaining morning. Best moment on CNN in a while.

shill thread, has been like 6 of them tonight. saged

>Another white guy telling the truth!
The truth about the jews...

It's not about people telling the truth about the jews, it's just propaganda at face value for this dude to look like a crazy person.

Like how Alex jones tells *Truths* but he acts like a crazy person for theater.

Jesus fuck can Q say something about this.

when the hell did the russian election interference thing begin??????!!!!!!!!!!??????

Want to bet he is an FBI informant.
Who's purpose is to draw the medias attention
from the Deep State.

Smoke and Mirrors


Down with the two party jew party queer party system!!

Pretty catchy.

BASED as fuck.

He sounds really rational.

She is so insufferable. This redpills people. Having an annoying cunt on CNN really helps spread these ideas.

His stank face is way better than tuckers

I really have concluded that liberals have no idea what they are doing. 99.9% of people agree with them. After this, at least 1 out of 100 people will read his website simply because this woman is a stupid cunt.

>She is so insufferable.
She like Chris Cuomo are ex-Fox trash.

This fucking cunt keeps interrupting her guest. CNN is garbage

>CNN redpilling normies

WTF why is he not the president?

Fox is nearly as bad as CNN.

Normally this guy would look like a raving loon but him screaming over this woman being a cunt works. How else would you deal with such a cunt?

White Feminism is going to kill the Democrats.

Wish we could hurry up and exterminate wh*Tes tbqh

guess you missed the leaked texts yesterday the fbi are nothing to worry about


Alex Jones tells the "truth" that his Jewish bosses want him to tell. Not the whole truth. Just the bits that slowly slide people back to a kike narrative of Democrat vs Republican.

to put it in y'alls language, we all wishin' a nigga would

He is right
I hope he wins

Art seems to have that permanent disgust face (with the flared nostrils) that AnonConservative has observed numerous times

>person familiar with their thinking
I thought this was a meme. Holy shit CNN actually uses this

why do reporters think they can argue with people they're interviewing? What happened to just INTERVIEWING people?

So you have a nazi who is an awful public speaker running for office. This makes conservatives look like they are secretly nazis, this makes nazis look like bumbling retards and this gives away that district to whatever democrat is running. Now the next step is getting all of the online conservative trump supporters to show their true colors by rallying around the literal nazi. This forces trump to denounce nazis and this drives his support down. This is why cnn gave this guy an interview and this is why the kikes are spamming this shit. Wake the fuck up Sup Forums

>Jew Party, Queer Party!
>Isreali lobby controls our Congress!
>I was in Vietnam!
A True American Hero

this is so fucking sad and exactly the definition of "FAKE NEWS"

they use weasel words like this to misconstrue the story in a way that allows them to say whatever the fuck they want.

"Sources say they saw pigs flying!"

Doesn't actually mean CNN is actually saying it, or that anyone with any credibility or relevant background or inside knowledge is saying it, just "some source" which could be anyone under any circumstance and who may have zero credibility.

This kind of reporting should be made illegal; it's intentionally misleading, deceptive, and politically fueled. It's blatant propaganda.

Nice nose on that one

Why do these people act like Holocaust denial or even doubt/revisionism is like the worst thing a person could do? I can think of so many worse things. Animal abuse, child abuse, being a rapist. You know, stuff that actually does real harm, not just uncomfy ideas.

Foundation myth

>You're naughty.

idiot cia puppet to brainwash dumb low IQ whites and to go on CNN and look dumb....

Yea he spills half truths I know but harmless conspiracy's he doesn't need to tell *half truths* the same on what this dude is doing on the youtuber.

This is important, people are coming to their sense about the Jews

People of IL it's your duty to vote for this man

No shit

Grand Daddy is calling the kikes out on prime time.
Yeap. This is our guy.

Sup Forums should just hijack Arthur Jones and use him as a vessel to push /our agenda/.

Think about it, this is clearly one of /our guys/ helping shift the overton window, this is the perfect opportunity for us to get involved.

Getting him elected and beating a Jewish Dem would be fucking hilarious and necessary.

>Your naughty
>You'll go down in flames

What's with the moral finger wagging and the "you're a loser" attitude. If you think Nazis are a threat you just don't have them on. If you think Nazis are a threat and are better then you, you're going to pout and say "what a loser" like the girl who got her pigtail pulled at recess.

I do not get this interview at all.

He looks pretty Aryan to me.

The kikes tried to ridicule him.
And it is backfiring badly.
Now we are going to meme Grand Daddy into office.


>yells at guest and calls him names for five minutes

what was the point

We need to Meme this guy into office.


>how are you going to serve 7000 Jews in your area

The tip of the spear

free zyclon b no doubt

pic related coming to chicongo

Makes him look pretty legit desu

If something like the Jews existed in India they would be shamed every day on television, it's so bizzare as an outsider our news channels have proper woke people 24/7

>Two party, jew party, queer party system!

Fucking based.

oldschool white nationalists are so unproductive

as funny as this was to watch and as based as this man is, this isnt the way forward



Yep, as another user said, your nose and ears keep growing throughout your life. It is a suspicious nose for sure,but not enough to discredit him outright when is saying the truth.

>TFW there's something to live for in Illinois again.

He's not going to win.

what's the way forward?

provable facts, statistics, dog whistles, maintained composure, cultural critique, humour, memes and a normie friendly attitude

you're not gonna win getting on cnn and making yourself look like every stereotype under the sun

Does anyone have the link to the other nazi that marches to antifa headquarters and calls them communist faggots? I wanna have a couple of chuckles in this astroturf thread


Holy shit this guy has my vote!

whats this guys website?
[email protected]

They almost make it sound like kikes dont vote on GOP for less taxes lool.

which is exactly why they gave him a platform.

I honestly think that the holocaust lie is less then a decade from being completely debunked in the historian circles. It'll take a bit longer for the false memory to be flushed from the public consciousness, but it'll happen.

At this point, the 'revisionist' arguments are simply too good. And even really well-informed holocaust believers are forced to dig into obscure documents to try and defend themselves. When they do this, they're tacitly admitting that the 'ironclad' proof is not so ironclad, you know?

They want the average person to think that there were mountains of bodies, bone, ash, etc. They want us to believe that irrefutable physical evidence was uncovered. Yet they cannot point to it. They can't hold it up and say 'see?'. Instead they're digging through ancient documents that have dodgy origins, and sometimes they're even forced to mistranslate those documents to make them sound convincing.

Meanwhile mainstream historians are all siding on the 'Functional' description of the holohoax. Essentially admitting that it wasn't planned or organized from the top. This is legitimately the official historical perspective now. It's only a matter of time before the whole story crumbles,

Fuck's sake, I saved a thumbnail. Sorry.


Let us call it for its real name:


It's fucking Illinois, just take a trip up there and do it.

You can't even talk about the real story behind the Holocaust in the country the Holocaust didn't happen.

Just imagine if he and Nehlen both won. The Jew meltdown would be the biggest one since 1933 when Judea declared war on Germany

holy shit I love this guy

i heard through the grapevine that q predicted this

>He brought documents about the Holohoax
Holy shit his power level is over 6 gorillion

>I wasn't a draft dodger like these communist Jews marching in the streets

kinda looks like an angry jewish boomer doctor. regarding what he said about commie jews in the streets tho, where's the lie?

I'm not surprised. They spent the last few decades being bashed over the head with a lie. Now that people are pointing out flaws in the lie, they're too guilt-ridden to allow themselves to investigate. It's nationwide gaslighting.

Imagine your rommate tells you you left the sink running and it flooded the house. You do have a history of being forgetful, so maybe you did do it. You don't remember, but your roommate seems pretty convinced. He's pissed. He wants you to cover all his electronics. He has you foot the bill for the new carpeting, the water damage, the mold crew. He bills you for his expensive pair of shoes that got ruined. And to top it off, he won't let you forget it. You've done everything you can to make it right, but he's still pissed. He guilts you into paying his rent for a few months. He brings it up at parties, he tells your girlfriends about it, etc.

Then one day, you realize, "holy shit, I don't think I ever actually did that". But he's memed it into reality in a way. Being the dude who left the sink running has become a sublimated part of your very identity. But slowly you're snapping out of it. And when you do.... that roommate's gonna fucking pay.

None at all

This will never stop being funny, I could see it being the basis of a summer comedy.

obvious LARP