Ticky tocky

Tickity fuckity SOON

Fuckity tickity

whats the goal here?

Rand Paul is a libertarian.
His goal is to get spending under control.

And so it is

I stand with randlet

>whats the goal here?

Quite seriously, no memes: Rand Paul is either just signalling his libertarian supporters with a meaningless gesture and will cave in time, or he's actively trying to get a favour from behind the scenes, and that too will probably make or break before the bluff is called.

There is absolutely no way a shutdown is allowed to happen for any sustained or significant point of time, it's no coincidence the last one happened over a weekend and emergency funding went back on again directly afterward.

The bullshittery in even pretending the debt won't be raised and spending increased is just a fucking kabuki theatre that hides their wheeling and dealing behind the scenes.

The goal is to not be a cuck.

paul/kek 2024

53 minutes remain

Here's a bunch of news clippings of this weeks happenings since the kike shills are flooding the board

>Spending under control

Meanwhile we have rising costs in healthcare, needing more border security, and a host of other stuff that needs money. Unless they do something like make a value added tax of like +20% on everything. Which no one wants.

Lol russian should do this to cnn. It would be so easy

This is the year the ZOG gets exposed. What a time to be alive

>implying 90% of government spending isn't waste

>we have rising costs in healthcare
There is 0 reason for a government to spend any money on healthcare. If people die because a government is not spending money on healthcare, that's called natural selection.


It's arguably Congress most important function to provide us Americans with a budget that does not leave a deficit. Who the fuck would hire a manager if they told you "naw man, what you're giving me to work with isn't enough. If this gonna work, I'm gonna have to not do the important shit round here and just fuck around and, ya dig?"


I hope he buries that faggot who blindsided him.


Based Randlet, criticizes spending and doesn't afraid of anything.