Thinking about moving to either Montana, Idaho, or Alaska in the next three to five years. Which one would work best for someone with a tech background? Maine and New Hampshire are also options.
Thinking about moving to either Montana, Idaho, or Alaska in the next three to five years...
Microsoft has a software development office in Fargo. North Dakota isn't as good as the states you listed but still better than somewhere like Rhode Island or California.
Got a thing for places that are cold and remote?
Alaska was like 66% white back in 2010 so take that into account.
I'm planning on moving to Maine.
North Dakota seems like a cool place. Everyone I've ever met from there has been pretty respectable. It's just so flat out there.
I appreciate the cold and solitude. I'd like to get closer to my Christian roots and have some distance between myself and the typical American city. Western society has become corrupt as fuck and most people exist in a self-induced hell.
Maine is up there on my list, but I can't help but feel like the East Coast is beyond redemption.
Fucking gross. Appalachia is as far south as I would consider moving.
Ehh if you look into the projections it's supposed to remain white for a long time.
montana desu
what's wrong with central florida user(especially west-central florida). it's comfy as fuck
Went to College in Missoula, Montana my first two years in college, for tech there's a large Oracle building in a near by town can't remember exactly where, although it's a college town it is no liberal at all, majority of the students are still conservative. beautiful town and landscape, lots of white families. However: they actually have a down syndrome problem, where some of the original ~100 founders of the city carried the genes for down syndrome, so now they have a mildly higher rate than the average city. Learned about that in bio 101 there. Also, like a lot of rural America there seems to be a minor drug problem where young people end up homeless due to substance abuse. I remember seeing a fairly high amount of homeless people for a city of only 100,000.
Overall, I'd say Montana is a pretty good place to live, the non down syndrome, non drug addicts are all very friendly white families. it was strange for me to pass by an elementary school and see 100% white kids. look into Bosemen or Billings Montana as well.
>or Alaska
Don't come here. We don't have any whites or stuff like that.
Florida fag here don't move to Florida. People in my school literally speak more Spanish than English.There are no cute white girls they are either fat or thots white everyone else is either brown or a spic. When I can I plan on moving to Maine or NH
It's hot as hell and I'd prefer something a bit more remote. I want a simpler life away from the horrors of living in cities/suburbs.
Also it's constantly 80 fucking degrees here.
Didn't Anchorage start having a Diversity(tm) problem with some beautiful intelligent inner city youths?
I want to move to Montana or Alaska and start a business luring tourists to bear traps and keep the loot. Will someone loan me about tree fiddy?
i like that
Thanks, user. I feel like residents aren't prone to sharing information on places like Montana because they want to preserve it. If we're being honest I totally understand why.
No niggers in Maine. Very few in Vermont. Downside is they are expensive. Montana is unabomber recomended. Idaho has potatoes. Alaska is cold. Flip a coin user.
It's really easy to live in Idaho. Gorgeous lakes and mountains that they don't want anyone to know about
Bozeman MT is where the Oracle office is. Have been many times and it's harder to leave everytime.
Fair enough user. good luck
that's mostly due to the natives that live out in the various villages around the state. Palmer and Wasilla are pretty good
Mainer here. It's a boring place. Colorado would be cool.
You'd want Idaho if you have a tech background. There is a lot of tech jobs here surprisingly, especially in Boise.
come to idaho my man, out economy is booming and the place has an all around comfy vibe. i suggest eagle or boise.
CA user here looking to make the move.
How's your supercharger network like?
Which place is most lgbt friendly and has the best chance of us to not be around firearms?
You'd feel at home in Austin, Texas.
Colorado is now an extension of commiefornia.
Is the tech areas filled with libshits? I heard there are more and more Californians moving there.
Move to New Zealand, renounce your American citizenship and never come back.
Keep your cancer in CA. You will be around firearms everywhere you go. There is literally no escaping the well armed white man in these lands. You will live in fear.
That place is its own special little shithole.
Dont bring your shit here, Literally everyone in the states mentioned, hates california, and californians. Fuck off with your bullshit
minorities knew EXACTLY what they were doing by cooling it in texas cali an florida
Tech background from the three Montana is your best bet, but you might be able to find some sweet niche opportunities in Alaska.
Sorry, man. Montana is full. Idaho is pretty okay, I guess.
>posts a pic of stereotypical californians
>it's actually leafs
>CA user here
>supercharger network
>lgbt friendly
>not be around firearms
Go to CA. You'll feel right at home there.
Alaska is a 56% state like Texas.
Consider Utah. Mountainous but without the trees, it's great.
Idaho user here. Idaho is full too.
100% Alaska. We are entering the Grand Solar Minimum and they will be the only place where temperatyres don't crash. Youtube Adapt2030 has videos on it.
I have a friend in Utah. From what I hear, Utah is full. OP should try to bring the race war to purge his current state instead of moving into someone else's state.
yeah thats why i stay in socal
Shit I'm going to the interior of Alaska for a few years. I love the outdoors in the lower 48, but fuck I'm from the south. How do I deal with the winter and not die?
How can a homeless person survive the winter in Montana?
new hampshire would probably be the best for tech but it's a shithole now
Know if there is anything in the panhandle? All I've found involving tech in that area are the Solar Roadway morons, which isn't a very good sign.
you can't it's too cold
I took the train from colorado to california once in october, there was a homeless guy moving for the winter, said he'd been doing it for years