Strzok-Page Texts: Form 302 Edition

So you comped liberals and blackpilled losers want to see a smoking gun? I found the smoking gun.

Like all good criminal conspiracies, it didn't happen in a single text message written by an idiot, it happened over months, they didn't outright say THIS HOW WE GON BREAK DAT LAW YOLO, and it was paramount in their minds.

Y'all are gonna want to learn what a Form 302 is.

Other urls found in this thread:

See the FBI doesn't do transcript of interviews. The agents conducting them just write notes.

And remember, this wasn't a conspiracy of the whole FBI and DoJ. These texts a rife with references to people disagreeing with Strzok and Page from the FBI. There are competing factions here, some are clean, some sound dirty in different ways.

See, it's a crime to lie to the FBI. But the FBI bases whether you lied by what's written on the 302. That's why some people call it the Perjury Trap form.

Who conducts that interview has a huge effect. The DoJ was not immediately willing to roll over on such an important event in the case and just let the FBI do it's job here.

Hillary wasn't the only one who had to be interviewed. While DoJ was working on immunity deals, various members of the Clinton cabal would have to get interviews. The FBI couldn't just decline to interview key witnesses, you know. Wouldn't look right.

The FBI did plenty of due diligence on the Mid Year Exam on that end. Those are the kinds of things that lots of agents would hear about and know about. Secrets that couldn't be kept and people without insider knowledge could point to as proof of good faith.

But only people doing the Mid Year Exam get to know what happens at those interviews. And the witness doesn't have to volunteer information. What questions the agents ask can have serious consequences on what gets subsequently investigated and whether there is any follow up at all.

I know what you're thinking.

Oh but LARPing user, Strzok wasn't the only agent there. At least two other agents conducted the interview. Strzok couldn't just manipulate the 302s all by himself!

McCabe was supposedly directly supervising all of this. There are tons of messages implying he's talking to Andy about everything going on.

But then why isn't the rest of the FBI supposed to know who the lead on the Mid Year Exam is?

Page was supposed to be the liaison for the DoJ, but actually she's making sure it goes how her dear sweet Petey needs it go.

Page was supposed to be the liaison for the DoJ, but actually she's making sure it goes how Petey needs it go.

Here it is. The smoking gun.

Just a few days before the interview that would make their entire plan pay off. This is the closest thing to an unredacted admission of guilt you're going to find in the public release until this bullshit goes to trial. The 302s need a fine edit. The interview needs to be tweaked just right. Petey needs to make sure he didn't fuck up anywhere, because all their work on the Mid Year Exam culminated when he issued the 302 for the Hillary Clinton interview on Saturday night, July 3, 2016.

She dindu nuffin. Strzok was going to be able credit himself for the rest of his life for giving the first female President of the United States a smooth ride to her election.

All of this really has absolutely nothing to do with Mueller or the Trump investigation. There is stuff about that in the later e-mails. But here's one that makes it pretty clear why the top brass of the FBI would obstruct justice.



Bump for interest
>Democrats after all the resignations this week alone

Have a bonus pic.

Dis gon git gud

Seems they wanted Rubio over Cruz, didn't Rubio come to the defense of that Dem senator over communicating with Steele in the uk with Russian lobbyist and oligarch? Rubio seems like he's in the pocket of the deep state

How did this get no press today at the briefing but an incident that happened 15 years ago got pounced on like flys on shit
Is anyone else getting a connection error when replying to the replies instead of replying to the whole post?


Worthless lumpies hahaha ha that's awesome

What happened 15 years ago? I worked all day, I haven't seen the news.

Also checking for connection error

This is one of the most damning.

Yup. Claims it's fine because of "impact"

Why are they talking about Russia hacking 21 states' electoral rolls? DHS confirmed that in September 2017, the updated coverage today doesn't have any new information. But I saw coverage of the story on NPR, CNN, MSNBC, and my local CBS affiliate. Fox mentioned it briefly, too. It's a five month old story that received a lot of coverage at the time. One does wonder why.

>What happened 15 years ago? I worked all day, I haven't seen the news
Some assistant staffer in the WH, was accused of punching his girlfriend, and giving her a black eye.
He denies it, but resigned anyway.
Now, it's the lead story on every fucking news network.
>A literal who
>accused of something 15 years ago

I don't think so. The context there is how many DoJ employees and FBI employees are put on the Mid Year Exam. There was apparently a lot of arguing between the two agencies over it.

the distraction media at work

have a bump

Can't have it both ways. Can't alleged Trump with Russia with zero proof yet have tons of proof of people on the other side getting info on Trump with Russians during and after the elections.

Mueller has two choices, arrest them or himself.

Yeah it's distraction tactic, why now? The news made it out like the indecent happened yesterday.

They are so pathetic.

I am tempted to turn on Rachel Maddow just to see how that cunt is trying to spin all of this, or if she even mentions it at all. I really can't stand looking at her face though.

Gods work user. Thank you.


It's slightly easier just listening to the audio. I like to pretend the awkward pauses when she's just staring at the country happen because her laugh track is broken.

Bump the Deep state

That's not my take on it.

Saying the DOJ will remind them how they did it 2016, sorta screams something else.
Like, "hey, we need you to go soft on this guy for us, like you did in 2016".
A subtle threat. And Stzoke knew how it would end up.
Maybe I'm wrong tho.

>why now?
We know why now.
> Tucker
All are pounding on this. They gotta keep the spin going, and keep the distractions up. Plus, we don't want the CNN watchers to think about anything other than "Trump is evil".

bumping with a now-deleted Forbes article on the specific timeline of treason at the FBI and DOJ

That's possible, but I don't think so from the context.

does the FBI hire anyone normal?

these people sound like self-obsessed god-complex morons. they're about half a step away from your average high schooler.


That's what it sounds like to me

not a threat so much as, "please continue being corrupt for us on these other matters"

He knows what he's doing is wrong and that it's inviting abuse further on down the line. It's just excusable right now because it's HER TURN, and DONALD DRUMPF!!

This is a sign the country is going schizophrenic. Even with Trump we're heading towards civil war because neither side is able to see eye to eye anymore, and the ultimate blame for it all goes back to whoever the fuck it is that's socially engineering this situation via media and advertising.

The real menace is the group running the media - it's soft influence/brainwashing that's able to turn patriots into traitors at any and all levels of the government.

Extremely petty, and giving a high priority to office politics.
Literally having lunch with (x), is a power play in their mind.
You can see Stzoke pet Pages ego all the time..And she pets his. Yet they have this smug superiority..

They're classic fucking liberal narcissists living a reality void life.

Snap one

>and the ultimate blame for it all goes back to whoever the fuck it is that's socially engineering this situation via media and advertising.

Oil and water don't mix. Even if you order it to, or pass laws telling it to. It won't mix even if you show films about mixing, or post on FB about it.
Forcing schools to mix races, forcing fags on everyone...etc etc.

Sometimes, people are oil and water. They won't see eye to eye. They can't.
I'll never be able to understand the mindset of a fucking progressive lib....ever.

>not a threat so much as, "please continue being corrupt for us on these other matters"
>He knows what he's doing is wrong and that it's inviting abuse further on down the line.

That's my take. You said it better than I did.

>They're classic fucking liberal narcissists living a reality void life.


I’m glad to see this thread back up. Some retards were shilling against Gowdy earlier, which just tells how DESPERATE AND SCARED some people are.

This pic is from where Strozk was bashing Gowdy and sending panicked texts to his girlfriend. This was during a hearing regarding the handling of the Hillary E-mail Investigation, when Gowdy demanded to know why the 302s were not released to Congress. Here is the full video of the hearing - Go to the 42 minute mark to hear Gowdy asking all of the right questions and making him sweat.

The 5 vs 7 and 4 vs 7 thing is about the leadership levels.
Floors 4, 5, and 6 are lower level leadership, the 7th floor is the big wigs, i.e. shadow government.

They are making reference to disagreements between Mccabe and the higher-ups.

Excellent work. We need someone or group to sift through these texts and line up their leaks to press with texts..The Devlin guy from Washington Post is mentioned and I’m sure the texts are an outline for an entire year of Fake News stories

Again, I will point out the title of the Isikoff story and what Isikoff said about it this past weekend:

"US Officials Probe Connection Between Trump Advisor And The Kremlin"

The title indicates that Isikoff had a source from within the Obama DoJ, and Isikoff confirmed that this past weekend after the Nunes Memo was published. Anyone with an IQ of 3 digits can then determine that you can't use the story as corroboration for the Steele Dossier for that reason alone.

I will just guess this- Steele never denied he gave the story to Isikoff, but the fact that he did was simply ignored for the exigent purposes of having any corroboration at all.

O'nigger is going to jail boys

THIS. It is the same recycled story with no new information, from “sources within” or “a person familiar with the thinking of [insert name].” Our media coverage has been complete BULLSHIT. When the first memo dropped, all CNN would talk about was, “Hurrrr, Draumph’s lawyers might be telling him not to talk to Mueller. Today we have back-to-back panels of people saying they believe Draumph iz a liar and haz sumthing 2 hide, OR we think he stoopid and his aturneys r protec him.” Oh, and of COURSE smug grins about the Stock Market and speculation that it is somehow Trump’s fault.

How are these people not in prison yet?
What the fuck America

>Some retards were shilling against Gowdy earlier,
You realize that about 40 times I've heard Gowdy on Fox telling people "Well, look, I have FULL faith in Muller and Rosenkike to conduct an unbiased....blah blah blah"


"Well, I fully trust the FBI, they're to TOP law enforcement agency on the planet!"

Then Cnn can run him speaking to show that Muller had such bi-partisan support.

Gowdy KNOWS those fucks he was questioning are corrupt as why go out then and support them?

One's VIRTUE SIGNALING. And I fucking hate virtue signaling faggots.

You might call it virtue signaling. I think of it more as poker face. If he splurged out about certain people high up in the FBI right at the start, would we even be having this discussion now? He probably would have been found dead, “mugged” with his wallet in his pocket, no?


also, get me in the screencap yo. dis beeg newz n shieet

I don't know if he would have or not.
I do know that stating publicly over and over and over how professional and honest these fucking scums are, isn't appealing to me.
In fact, it makes me not really trust him.
But maybe you're right, maybe he's just a scared little dude? I don't know. I love some of his questionings, no doubt. I can't support him supporting Muller and Rosenkike and the FBI in general.


There is something going on behind the scenes. I don't know what, but I have theories.

Trump could fire Mueller and Rodentstein at any time, but he doesn't. Why?

I believe Comey flipped. It is the only path he would take if he has any brains at all.
If he didn't flip, he will die in prison or by lethal injection.
If he did flip, he would be killed by the Clintons.
What do?
You make a deal with Trump to expose everything, but it has to be done in a way in which no one would know he flipped. Witness protection isn't much good when you are recognized by the entire civilized world.

Mueller, too. In exchange for immunity, he does his investigation and clears Trump of any wrongdoing. He might actually be helping drain the swamp as well. All Trump had to do is mention U1 scandal and Mueller would fall in line.

I don't know about Rat Rodentstein though. He was being blackmailed, but that isn't a valid excuse to commit treason.

Not gonna pretend I can understand all this shit right now, but bless you anons who are sniffing through all this. I just wonder what this is all going to lead to, we have tons of dirt already but when will it have an effect on anything? Not blackpilling here, just want to see someone finally get cornered in a way that cannot be spun or ignored by the media.

I wish I had the answers but I dont. Only questions and a few theories.

>WTF would Flynn (an expert with 30 years of spook exp), call 9 times to Russia in one day, and then deny it? That's beyond a noob mistake.
>Why hasn't Trump fired Rosenstein and or Muller?
>Why hasn't Trump fired Sleepy Sessions?
>Why hasn't Wray fired some of the FBI scum?

I don't think Comey or Muller have flipped. Neither would want to give up their 'dc status'. Ever. Death would be a better choice to them.
And Mueller if flipped, would be WORTHLESS as a prosecutor. That makes no sense. He's deep swamp, and he's there to force trump into line, and cover up wrong doings of the DOJ/FBI/Obama.

But, I've got no answers for sure. Only guesses.

It establishes casus belli for action.

>There is something going on behind the scenes
Now this.....I 100% agree with.
But I'm impatient. I want answers. So I come here to see other theories. lol

>casus belli

WTF? Did you just hex me you bastard?

bump for fucking real damning evidence

this is it

>bump for fucking real damning evidence

Everyone keeps talking about Treason and sedition and other big charges.
I'm a huge fan of small charges.
>33k emails? Charge her with 33k counts of wrongful handling of gov records....something that has a max of 90 days in jail.

>Lost your 302's? Charge them with obstruction, for each changed record.

Don't try for the difficult to prove treason, that would leave a jury confused.
Just stack up the little right after the next. It will add up quick enough.

>But I'm impatient. I want answers. So I come here to see other theories.
Me too, user. Me too.

Sad thing is, if Comey and/or Mueller DID flip, we may never even find out.

Keep your eye on the big picture though. Short of nuclear annihilation, there is no force in the world that can stop this now.

thats what is happening
you can't just outright accuse a high level public official of these things without building a case anyway

>there is no force in the world that can stop this now
I agree with that as well. Whatever the outcome, it's going to happen, it can't be stopped.

Q predicted this


So the Al Capone tax evasion gambit, eh? I like it

>Short of nuclear annihilation, there is no force in the world that can stop this now.

Don't give Killary any ideas.

Link fucker, I forgot to save it last night. And it's only 340 pages. Progress report? Still unfinished?

>she and pete
Lol that redaction.

wait, im retarded.

Dubious - discuss.
Then why do they talk about it being 2 - 2 or 3 -3?

Ty kind sir. And of 502 pages, I got down from 502-about 400 last night. The first 160 I believe, aren't txt's.

uh bump?

You know what this?

>Conspiring - make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.

God bless you, OP! This is excellent work and indeed very damning. So what will the fate of Peter and Lisa aka team Pisa be now that they've exposed their asses?

I think that is something else entirely. I haven't figured out what they mean by 2+2 or 3+3, but they make references throughout the texts of the different floors as power levels. They seem to be very big on the hierarchy aspect of the FBI.

7th floor - Top Brass
6th floor - Comey
5th floor - Mccabe, Rybicki, etc.
4th floor - Special Agent in Charge ('sac' lol)?

I could be wrong, but I've read through the first year and a half, and given the context and prior texts, I believe it refers to internal disagreements.

>Realize he was wrong when he gets older

Who are they talking about here?

Which floor are /our/guys on?

All this is fascinating but is there a meme name for it yet so it can be weaponized? Something like #fbigate or #textingwhogate

The memes must flow on this.

They are locked in the basement

Risk of double jeopardy means they have to be patient?

The 7th Floor group was an informal group of Department of State (at least primarily) officials who apparently met to discuss internal Obama Administration policy. They were also referenced to in some of the documents related to the Mid Year Exam that where released in 2016 courtesy of Reps Chaffetz and Gowdy.

There was a conspiracy theory that they were some kind of shadow government, which led to the Wikipedia page about them being deleted. It received a little press coverage at the time and there's a conspiracy theory wiki that still has a page up on it.

How many of these texts have you read? I know it's a lot. Comey, McCabe, and Rybicki are frequently mentioned by name. The 2 -2 and 3 -3 thing appears to be describing two FBI agents and two DoJ employees being assigned to the Mid Year Exam or three from each instead. One of the later texts says the number that was eventually agreed to, don't remember off the top of my head but I want to say it was 4 - 7. It definitely wasn't a matching number and one side only got four, not sure from context.
Silly user, /ourguy/s are all in the NSA under Admiral Rogers.

I agree. I think he’s just a blue pilled boomer that believes in the system too much. Some have implied he’s a deep state plant, but I don’t buy that.

>I do know that stating publicly over and over and over how professional and honest these fucking scums are, isn't appealing to me.

That's why I don't have much faith in rowdy Gowdy. Every once in a while he talks like he's /ourguy/, but most of the time it's neoconesque pay no attention to the torturer behind the black site stuff. Nunes and Chaffetz both seem to think highly of him, though. Maybe he's just smart enough to realize that this could be swept under the rug, but wouldn't stay hidden forever. He's not running for reelection.

Page 46, message 1, Strzok to Page:
>This is clear and utter bias by the media specifically the NYTIMS, WAPO, and CNN who if you look at all of them have large donors for Clinton.

Hey, thanks Strzok for telling us what we already know and have pr00fs of. Now, what is the FBI going to do about it, I mean since they have FBI agents admitting it and all. I mean he just literally admitted the Media is out to sway the population to an election based on $$$ from a candidate. Isn't this illegal???
>CNN WaPo & NYT now on suicide watch
CNN WaPo & NYT now on suicide watch
>CNN WaPo & NYT now on suicide watch
CNN WaPo & NYT now on suicide watch
>CNN WaPo & NYT now on suicide watch
CNN WaPo & NYT now on suicide watch
>CNN WaPo & NYT now on suicide watch
CNN WaPo & NYT now on suicide watch
>CNN WaPo & NYT now on suicide watch
CNN WaPo & NYT now on suicide watch
>CNN WaPo & NYT now on suicide watch
CNN WaPo & NYT now on suicide watch

Or that is the FBI's CoIntel way of telling Trump that if he keeps on pushing this with tweets, they are going to continue to take out his people, one person at a time until he doesn't have a cabinet left.

Message 2:
>The fact siting source the used is owned by a newspaper which publicly endorsed Clinton

Good to know the so called 'media fact checkers' were also known by the FBI to also be in the Clinton's pocket

Does anybody know in 'fed-speak' what their 88's are or refer too?

Fucking knew it