>Who's louder?
>Who's lazier?
>Who would you rather have out of Western civ given the choice?
>Who is all around worst?
Spics vs Nigs
>Who's louder?
>Who's lazier?
>Who would you rather have out of Western civ given the choice?
>Who is all around worst?
Niggers hands down. Way louder with they're shit rap and constant domestic disputes. Oh don't forget the literal herd of niglets they spawn that scream at the top of their lungs because they're constantly beating the shit out of each other. Niggers are the worst.
When you mean spics? Do you mean mestizos? Castizos? Criollos? fucking spanish people?
In terms of population, obviously we should kick the Mexicans out. Their numbers are growing. Blacks have been pretty stable population wise
also btw, why are Mexicans sees as lazy when they work their asses off like slaves? If jim wants $20 to get the job done, Jose will do it for $10.
niggers by far.
also,like said, spic is not a race, we're all mutts, usually the wither the better.
He probably means Mestizo trash. As repulsive and obnoxious Mestizos are they still aren't as bad as niggers.
I agree, I've never understood that association either, when Mexicans seem like they work too fucking hard
basically Orks(spics) vs Tyranids(niggers)
Spanish speakers who never shut the fuck up about the old country, and can't walk 5 feet without making a noise.
Lets see?/?
Nig Noggin A Big 100 Million
Stealing And Kneeling
Devising A Lucky Feeling
Bringing Down The Ceiling
7-11 Where We Be Wheelin And Dealin
whites are the worst
being a mestizo is usually pretty rare.
going by the casta system it is half spanish half indio, and that pairing now at days is almost impossible since nobody wants ugly ass indios except other ugly ass indios.
Mexican culture has problems but overall pretty hard working, and earnest people. Kinda of like white americans in alot of ways lol
Hispanics. The declining white population has been supplemented by these shitskins. Niggers have stayed at a constant 13%.
Lay Z and Jemonade Rocks The Base
Steals Bern's Fire And Shits Out Waste
Lip Flop Never Sounded So Tight
Was They Dubbs O Wuz They Israelites?
I live in Los Angeles so I'd say I have a good amount of experience with both groups
>Who would you rather have out of Western Civ given the choice?
Spics: Reason, THEY are the ones that are browning America, Blacks are still less than 15% of the population, the fastest growing population are Spics, although Nigs are louder, Spics turn city streets into dumping grounds full of drunks and drug addicts, I'd rather get rid of them who take up over 30% of our population and deal with a few nigs contained in major cities than have this massive population.
>Who is all around the worst?
In a local perspective: Nigs
National Perspective: Spics.
feel free to leave
then what are all these short fat smooshed nosed trolls i see everywhere?
Nobody knows man, they're so much of a mutt that they stop looking like humans all together.
brown blobs breeding with more brown blobs create la creatura, el feo, etc.
they created a new race probably, los ogros texanos only breed with more brown shits so they keep getting darker and uglier.
Inb4 Anons start misinterpreting Latin Americans as European Spaniards/Portuguese (the amount of "pure European" Latin Americans is extremely small.
>Those south of the border should be deported..... from this world.
>Who's louder?
blacks by a factor of 10
>Who's lazier?
Mexicans are stereotypically hard-working
>Who would you rather have out of Western civ given the choice?
blacks 100%
>Who is all around worst?
blacks are legitimately bad to be around. Mexicans are ok. I want muh white ethnostate, but I don't mind 'spics.
the worst job I ever had was working customer service at a call center and talking mostly to poor people: blacks and Mexicans. the Mexicans are generally nice and polite. but having to talk to black people all day legit made me want to kill myself. that job would have been ok except for them. just awful people; they all think they're "woke" and come up with these bizarre conspiracy theories about how the company I worked for was trying to steal their money, and they'd demand gibs and free shit constantly and just act like the rudest assholes imaginable constantly. And they all share the same 4 mushmouth voices with the exact same accent no matter where in the country they're calling from: old man/old woman/young man/young woman. I talked to tens of thousands of black people and came out of it hating them so fucking much.
t. only experience with mexicans is smelly chicano trash at the dmv like pic related.
actual mexicans are starting to look more american, at least in the northwest.
niggers are the worst in every way, spics can fully be bleached in 2-3 generations many are already 56% europeans
you stold my GET! I hope your gay ass
demographic subversion agenda was worth it!
fucking Zionists!
Niggers. Even when they're mutts Niggers are always worse. Spic mutts are more civilized and docile.
Nignogs. I dont know any spic irl, but i see a lot redpilled sulamerican bros out here
You were not worthy of that get. Also I'm not a zionist or a demographic subverter you fucking mongoloid.
Work I.T. and talk to blacks ALL DAY that have 'puter' problems, and they ALL have the same god damn fucking ebonics accent that is soul crushing to listen to day in and day out.
you could not have been MORE spot on with the:
> they all think they're "woke" and come up with these bizarre conspiracy theories
they virtually all think that every single thing that happens or goes wrong was individually targeted directly at them and only them. They will insinuate that the management, manager, co-workers, "the environment" is out to get them, always has been and always will be. They are the single stupidest people to listen to of all time. They have awful attitudes and keep their finger hovering over the 'complaint' departments number all times of the day. Talking to the women will make you want to scream. Outrageously rude, bitchy and inappropriate in word and tone. if they werent black and society werent in a state of TERROR about they and their complaints, they could ALL be fired to the last one, and the industry would get instantly better. Its mind boggling they are given actual responsibilities. TRULY.
Niggers 100%
You’re way more likely to get mugged by a nigger than a spic. Spics at least have a sense of pride, honor and family - kinda like the chinks and whites. Would still rather live with chinks over any other race
Except Jose will do a shit job and steal your tv next week.
i prefer spics, ut im spanard and i can to relate to their culture while i see niger as a beasts, however i understand ppl not used to their culture see them way worse as i do
>actual mexicans are starting to look more american, at least in the northwest.
Just lol, no, no they aren't. They look like illegals who've crossed the border and dropped an anchor baby. Most of the time I see them standing out in front of the Home Depot looking for illegal work, or at the Social Security building I pass every day going to work. There's always a line of Mexicans waiting for it to open in the morning when I pass it.
spics have more numbers.
they need to go
actually you pretty much described /pol Kek
Niggers are worst, but spics make up by numbers. There's just too fucking many of them and growing. Both groups need to go to the gas chamber.
>spics are hard working i promise!!
>I see them standing out in front of the Home Depot
those aren't mexicans, they are chicano fucks.
traitors, cowards, weak people for abandoning their country to "live the american dream" aka living on welfare.
i'm talking about permanent residents of Sonora and Baja California. kids these days look more white, maybe because being dark skinned or having nigger features is now considered ugly as shit.
spics are being bred out by atractive white mexicans.
I'll never understand the people who say spics are hard workers in blue collar jobs, they're always the laziest fuckers on the job and that's if they even decide to show up that day.
My vote would have to go to niggers. If all whites suddenly moved away from the planet the niggers would kill each other to the point of extinction. I whole heartily expect every single one of them to act out in random outbursts of anger and violence because they havent evolved enough to develop self control.
I would trust my life to the craziest white guy before I trust an average nigger.
working in kitchens my whole life, they are the fucking laziest people ever. people think theyre the best cooks ever bc theyre in every kitchen but in reality they cant compete with a white man in the kitchen
As long as niggs keep aborting and they stay around 13% they can stay
SPICS get deported
Kek I look at all these race mixed mexicans who are half white and have a good laugh. Fucking subhumans don't have pure Spanish heritage and 40 acres in Mexico waiting for them. It must suck for them wouldn't you agree Carlos?
Niggers are the worst. Not even a contest
This, if I had a chance to get rid of 13% of the population or around 30% I'd take the 30%
nigs of course
the thing with spics is that many of them are actually pretty light skinned and some of them even look white... i'd certainly prefer if spics went home but they're not as bad as niggers. also most spics i know wish they were white.
I would take the entire country of mexico if we could ship all the niggers there and build a wall
Friendly reminder it's always going to be a nig trying to shift blame onto someone else with these threads.
No one likes niggers, not even niggers.
I worked at a local factory in my hometown when I was younger, we'd go through a dozen different Mexicans a week, no joke. They would hire them and then at some point in the week they'd just quit showing up to work. The ones that did stay still had a shoddy record and ethic, they basically showed up whenever they felt like it.
half white? they'd look as spic as spic gets, you're thinking of castizos+, aka white-ish mexicans.
but yeah, the damage is done by my ancestors for racemixing with indio niggers. no bleaching or whitening can erase that.
99% of mexicans have black hair,olive/brown skin and brown eyes.. it's extremely easy to spot a mexican, specially if u live around whites (northern euros/brits/etc)
Don't worry bro, the next inquisition of Mexico will not be by killing it will be the reorganization of genetics. Purge that German and indian filth from your body. Come home Spanish brother,
¿OK entonce quien es mas mejor mexicanos o dominicanos?
¿O te pensar que domincanos no eres negros?
Overall spics are far worse
i sometimes confuse italians with mexicans.
yeah, we're not aryan at all but at least we aren't subhuman teir like niggers or abos.
we need to import lots and lots of whites, hopefully the ones left in south africa, they could classify as refugees.
Only have experience with chileans as opposed to mexicans, but they are almost as bad as nigs. One could argue worse because they are political where as nigs just reach for gibs.
They are also always 100% communist for some reason, it is as if it is engraved in their DNA.
Mexicans are dangerous as they are starting to gain the ability to corral and manipulate niggers for their own ends
I think personally we need to conquer back land from the Indians as harsh as it sounds. They have claimed cites of Mexico, and completely subverted them to their culture. Maybe give them El Salvador kek, but we cannot risk more Mestizos. Some race mixing laws could be in place, and the purging of the corruption of the government is well needed.
Sucks man, but you should know there is always room for self improvement and you can be worth while human regardless of race. Note can.
>In terms of population, obviously we should kick the Mexicans out. Their numbers are growing. Blacks have been pretty stable population wise
>I'd rather live next to a nigger
Have your Black Panther tickets yet Tyrone?
Individually niggers are far worse, but spics are more of a threat to our nation.
the reason to jump the border is because that $10 is about 3-4 times what they make in Mexico or Guatemala. If you could make 3-4 times what you make at home you would do it too, and don't tell me they work like slaves. A lot of people work hard. A painter is a painter. It's not only beaners doing it but that's the myth the left has pushed on people.
Agree... Hispanics are smart as whites and have an adrenaline rush like indians. The bad ones can be very dangerous.
Pues depende, de todo hay en todos lados, he conocido dominicanos que actuaban como negros otros que actuaban como mafias y otros que eran mas decentes, mejicanos la verdad que solo he conocido de clase alta que tenian mucha pasta que cualquiera los podría confundir por españoles menos por el acento. Asi que no conzco a los mejicanos que suelen emigrar a estados unidos, por cierto tu segunda pregunta no tiene mucho sentido.
Spics literally come into our country illegally to WORK for less than everyone else. Then they take that money back to Mexico to feed their families. How on earth can you compare them to niggers?
imo we should split the country in two, it's more manageable that way and less of a problem to take our land from the indios.
we just need to toss the establishment off helicopters and establish our rule of Aridoamerica.
>8/10 bad shit
>9/10 bad shit
There is no winning unless we nuke them all.
>being a mestizo is usually pretty rare
t. Retard
Automation will soon replace them. There will be no reason for them to be here anymore.
Look at both of the Mexican and Nigger underworlds
Mexicans are organized, they build complex billion dollar organizations that reach several continents. Some even transport drugs through submarines.
While niggers band together based on colors and in loose local bands of thugs.
I live in California and blacks are by far worse. Hispanics and whites get along for the most part, and blacks hate both groups.
read the fucking post
no one is truly half white half indian.
mestizo lost it's original meaning and now it's just used to describe spics that look like spics.
El egundo pregunta para mi es la pregunta actual. Te dices que "I see niggers as a beasts" ¿pero para ustedes que es niggers? ¿Una raza o una cultura?
¿Hay dominicanos in Espana? ¿Que es la raza de ellos ahi?
If we'd have outlawed slavery back when the Brits did, niggers would be a curiosity instead of a scourge. Niggers that made it over to the US would be like Pudoos — worth making fun of, but in the end far better than 99% of their brethren back home and so they're not so bad to have around.
FUCK. If only we could have prevented slavery. Niggers would have their own containment continent where they would be free to spread AIDS and fail, and the bulk of the Nigger Problem would be confined to EU and the arabs (who know how to deal with them, DESU).
TL;DR: I'll take a million years with spics over 1 year with niggers, any day of the week.
Spics have a good family centered outlook.
Age iffy, uh
Vicky gave me stiffy uh
gave her dicky, uh
now I'm facing 50, uh
orks are cool thou
Is something like this:
My family dinner (grand parents, uncles, cousins etc.)
>8Light skinn (spanish kind)
>7 Meztizos
>5 Blondes (swedish kind)
>3 redheads
>1 dark skin
Dominicanos como todos los sudamericanos son hispanos o latinos aqui. y en España el pais de procedencia importa bastante poco pues todos parecen iguales para nosotros. (Lo mismo que en españa todos los asiaticos son chinos). Los negros son de africa, la mayoria ni te habla en español, siempre sucio con un monton de bolsas creando problemas halla donde van, youtube.com
*chainsaw sounds*
outta my home, cartel fuckboi
That's not funny... you will pee on your pants if you face them.
¿Ellos son negros pero los otros son asi noe es negro? Bueno. Muco gracia. Esto es la problema. Es porque una persona quein hablar espanol in america no pueden acceptar como blanco en america.
Nogs gone hands down. Get to know some whitewashed spics they hate the ones that only speak spanish.
esos parecen tambien bastante negros, yo la verdad que nunca he visto a gente asi en España
Spics are worse at least ten fold, lots of good black people out there and the good ones hate the bad ones. No good spics out there, just levels of bad and worse and the bad ones will ALWAYS have the backs of the worse ones.
Many black are still legitimately fucked up from an unbroken chain of Niggerness from slavery. Spics are just bad because they like being bad people, they are worse and don't even have an excuse for it, they are the devil.
Niggers need to be suppressed, spics need to be kicked out.
Niggers are worse, about 2x as worse...
I'd rather have them both than dumb soyboy trumpets.
Hard working.
Everyone must be posting from Vermont because for every Mexican man working there are three drinking and four women and 28 kids collecting well fare without paying taxes. You'll all be very suprised when a large percentage of your population is Mexican and you realize how horrible they are. Oh yeah and can't wait for your kids to go to school with Mexicans, hope you have good health insurance.
automation? nigger it's not worth investing the amount of money it would take for a machine to do the job, there are jobs like cleaning that a maching could not fucking do other then very basic cleaning it would take billions to create a robot that could clean and still a human could clean better...so no americans you are going to become mexico 2.0 good job on that...this is what happens when you hate whites and have only 5 percent of your immigrants be from europe...you get blacked!!!
it is mexicans my relatives in the usa hire them to work for them in construction they are good workers and my relatives say they need even more of them, unfortunately my relatives work in michigan and they prefer warmer climates...
yes but spics are about 3x their numbers and growing rapidly, the ones that aren't Americanized trash refuse to speak English.
Shut up you live in a 100% white country, how would you know anything about black people
Si te decir esto no es negro, y te llaman estos latinos o espanoles, porque en nuevo york estos se llaman Spanish, esto es el motivo que nadie que hablan espanol poder pasar como blanco.