
>TFW you have access to millions of people's data, likes, dislikes, dreams, fears.....
>Still need to hire a pollster to gauge public opinion of you
>Use old expensive pollsters after Trump has made them obsolete KEK (Obama people)

Maybe if Mark wasn't busy trying to steer the herd and influence how people think on his social network he could get a good reading on what the general public actually thinks.
This just PROVES that this KIKE doesn't even believe his own social network is a good gauge of reality. He knows it's one giant psyop.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'd love it if a burger *cough* dealt with the ZUCC in a definitive manor

>and his wife
How demeaning. No wonder she didn't take his name.


It's about influence and having Obama people on his payroll, not about the job the guy could do for him.

Politicians are like that, they have dozen of no show jobs to insure their allegiance.

He's not worth that... It's just hilarious. I just don't understand who told him public office or work was a good idea.
Just stay in tech Mark...
The human side of me feels bad for him when he tries to interact with people.. It's awkward.

Of course. There's always more to these "relationships"..
A trade was made.

This guy is not even the radar in terms of presidential potential. The guy is a fucking weird autist with a dirty history at least to the average normie a sketchy one. Sure right now if you brought this idea forward to the average person on the street and they knew his name they might go "I don't know, maybe". The minute you put this kike under a magnifying glass you can see a swarm of fleas and other critters crawling all over his dirty psyche.

Wouldn't make it past the first round without serious bribes despite the ultra low bar for democrats.

I hope I'm not being like John Oliver right now but.....
I would love to see Mark and Oprah run---- and get obliterated

Don't give the dumb nigger any ideas. But, also, Kek.

These two are way to self centered to run together.

Hahaha yeah the video where he tries to be fisherman for a day is super cringe. He literally shows his psychopath.

>Business mogul has ties to political party!
>[insert outraged response here]

Nothing new, Zuckerburg and Facebook are known Democrat resources. Not trying to debate but this is just politics, I'm not commenting on whether it's right or wrong.

Right, I didn't mean for it to sound like that ..Either way though, separate or together . Fuck'em

>He doesn't realize that he did it to be deceptive
He does know what everyone thinks. He doesn't want people to believe he would use that information to help himself run for office
Hires expensive pollster so people think he needs one.
Downplays the fact that he knows everything about everyone.

Hohohoho oh nononononono PFHAAAHAHAHAHAHA!

I'm gonna need a sauce.

I can believe that.

let's make it happen boyos


Although people said that about Trump every time he ran since the 2000s

be more realistic if it was reaching for a penny.



even kids make fun of him for being a reptilian. he doesn't have a chance.

Top kek

if numericals, Sup Forums takes down facebook this year.

Zuck’s Still pissed I deleted my account in 2014 and hs a grudge.

Sorry friendo, maybe next time.

one off... that's a sick falcon...


he's not hiring him for the pollster shit, it's about making the connections


Can we go back to when napster was cool. I'm sick of faceberg



This kid wants to be president so bad. He wants there to be a (((universal basic income))).

It never ends. I just want it to end. I just wish one day the servers would crash and we can never used it again.


>implying you can kill a robot lizard alien




Upper bojaby

My sides KEK

Anyone got the newspaper from when crazy dude unloaded a .45 into a pastor? The pastor left the hospital just a couple days later, I think and was pretty much fine.

How does he deal with catpcha?