Russians have leaked the 2nd episode.
Made In Abyss
David Hall
Mason Stewart
Kayden Fisher
>Bondrewd in the OP
Robert Gonzalez
>Episode 2 - Lyza's letter
>Episode 3 - Start their journey
>Episode 4 - Bird
>Episode 5 - Ozen part 1
>Episode 6 - Ozen part 2
>Episode 7 - Tama-chan
>Episode 8 - Nanachi
>Episode 9 - Mitty
>Episode 10 - Bon
>Episode 11 - Bon Bobon
>Episode 12 - Bon Bobonbon
>Episode 13 - Bon Bobonbonbon
Parker Ross
Brayden Lewis
>Russians have leaked
Please tell me it's not dubbed.
Levi Perry
It's cyka blyat dubbed
Henry Barnes
How the fuck do they even have that, shit hasn't even aired yet.
Jose Rodriguez
>that ED
Made in Abyss is a CUTE and comfy show!